Mod Sun Did I Ever Wake Up (Pt. 2) tekst piosenki i tłumaczenie. Posłuchaj MP3 i obejrzyj teledysk z Youtube oraz sprawdź chwyty.

Tekst piosenki

Learning how to think

I've always gravitated to the word "enlightened"

It seems to be a destination in everyone's GPS,

But what does it really mean?

I believe the word is solely defined by whom you ask

By definition of "enlightened" is an individual

Who can control his or her thoughts

I'm going to share with you a method

I designed years ago on my path to enlightenment

You'll learn how I became

The ring leader of the circus in my mind

But before we get into that,

I must be blatantly clear

I was not always living

In a state of constant positivity

In fact, for 18 years of my life,

I was an extremely stubborn person known

For having one hell of a bad temper

As a child, I spent a lot of time on my own

The first portion of my life,I grew up

In the rural countryside of Corcoran, Minnesota

I really can't imagine a more rounded

Place to be raised in than Minnesota

Growing up there, I got a taste of every season

At 6:30am on a cold winter morning,

The last thing anyone wants to do

Is go stand at the bus stop,

But we had to, and furthermore,

We had to learn how to enjoy it

We lived on a 3 acre farm house

With no neighbours in sight

The only people I knew that existed

Were my mom, dad and sister

My mother was a wholesome lady,

Born and raised in the midwest

My father, a motorcycle riding rebel without a cause

The thought of the two of them being together

Was something like a blizzard in July

They were young and in love,

But my father turned out to be more unfaithful

Than a gas tank on "E", and one day, he ran out

Not just from his wife, but from his children as well

They got divorced, and from this point on,

A woman would teach me how to be a man

During the ages 5 to 10,

I did a lot of moving around

With my mom and sister

I didn't know it then, but we were jumping

From city to city simply to survive

At the time of the divorce,

My mom was working in the warehouse

In my dad's trucking company

When the marriage ended,

so did her pay-checks

Not only that, but my father was doing anything

He could think of to avoid paying child support

She now had 2 kids, no money,

No job, no house and no partner

Mom was standing toe to toe with

The biggest challenge of her life

And refused to blink

I'll never forget receiving care packages

From my grandparents and eating

Oranges for breakfast, lunch and dinner

This all just added fuel to the fire,

She became for determined

Than ever to provide for her family

And change our current circumstances

The only thing to follow a problem is a solution

Eventually mom landed a great job and

We relocated to Bloomington, Minnesota

This environment was very different than

What I had been used to

It's a very populated suburb

That sits just south of Minneapolis

It was built off interactions and relationships

With others, which I had absolutely no skills at

Assuming it would be easy for me

To make friends, mom recommended

I sign up for some sports at school

So I began playing hockey, lacrosse, baseball and golf

Instantly I found myself surrounded by peers

But instead of making friends

I made them my competition

At this point, growing up

Without a father figure

In my life began to affect me

During practices and games, I'd look around

And see my teammates fathers cheering them on

And in some cases even coaching the team

I started to realize my family situation

Wasn't exactly "normal" or similar to most of theirs

Since I spent so much time by myself,

I never learned how to take a loss

I had to be the best and needed

To impress and outshine others

I was very hard on myself and in turn,

Would allow these emotions to boil up

Until I lashed out in fits of anger

Episodes like this would follow me for many years

At one point in school,

My math teacher even recommended

To my mom that I get tested for bipolar disorder

I wasn't in control of my emotions,

They were being controlled by my thoughts

I was very confused and determined to fix this,

So I took matters into my own hands

Here's what I came up with:

Inside my head sits a dresser, you know,

The kind of dresser you keep you clothes in,

With top, middle and bottom drawers

Anytime a negative or undesired

Thought enters my head, I immediately place

It in the bottom drawer and slam it shut

Then, I open my top drawer

And allow the thought erasing to begin

Thats where I keep all the things

That can instantaneously make me happy

It's like how a certain smell can trigger a memory,

Or how a song can magically

Bring you back to a place and time

We all have memories

With past feeling that make us happy

The goal is to place these memories in your top drawer

The moment I open up my top drawer,

Vibrant colours explode into the air

Illuminating music notes, birds, paintings,

Palm trees, oceans and many other beautiful sites

I've captured while travelling the world

Within 1 second, you could completely erase

Any negative thoughts by simply thinking

About things that make you happy

The ability to let go of memories is

One of the most powerful tools we possess

I can honestly forget

About the initial negative thought immediately,

And you can too

Over the years, plenty people

Have told me they think

I have a bad memory

But these people don't understand is that

I have a selective memory

I choose what I want to remember

If I decide to remember something,

I'll be able to tell you everything

About that memory until my dying day

Chapter 4: I'm Selfish

I really like me

To say that you're dreaming right now

Would essentially mean

No one else exists without your effort

It's saying that you're solely responsible

For creating everything in your life that,

Without you, the world would not exist

That's exactly how you're supposed to feel

I'm at the top of my list and

I'm not afraid to admit it

I'm not the least bit ashamed

And you shouldn't be either

The word "selfish" has been abused

And misused since its origin

For some reason,

We've attached a negative connotation

To this misunderstood word

I'm here to restore it's dignity

By no means am I saying you shouldn't

Help out others in need, because in my opinion

There's nothing more gratifying

Than being told "thank you"

What I'm saying is, until you've helped yourself,

You're not helping anyone else

This is your life,

And it's time to start focussing on you

The first song of mine that really caught people's

Attention was called "No Girlfriend"

From the outside, looking in, it sounds

Like a typical rap song about being promiscuous

With a bunch of girls and not being

Faithful with one in particular

Let's take a closer look

I've always had an addictive personality

To things I feel strongly about

Whatever caught my attention at the time,

I would submerge myself in it

When I first saw Travis Barker play drums,

I picked up drum sticks and studied every Blink-182 song

When I first saw Danny Way air out of a half-pipe,

I skated everyday until my shoes had no soles

When I first heard Eyedea freestyle, I started to rhyme

The same went for when I had feelings for someone

The person wouldn't leave my mind for a second

And if I didn't know what they were doing at all times,

It would drive me mad

Then came "No Girlfriend"

I used to record in my moms garage in Bloomington

One night, just as I was about to shut down the computer,

I was hit hard with a moment of clarity

I suddenly realized how significant it was

To have yourself on point before

You offer half of your time to someone else

From here on out I wanted to spent 100%

Of my time focussed on me

I'm a very career driven individual

When I understood this, everything began to click

I would become successful in every aspect of

What I was pursuing before entering another relationship

I'm not saying you should push

Oeople away and become a loner

What I'm saying is, you have the choice

To spend the maximum amount

Of time focussed on you goals

It's you call, but the choice you make

Will be the deciding factor in

How long it takes for you to get what you want

The more time you spend thinking about

What you want, the faster you will get it

I was so inspired by this wake up call

That I had to immediately start writing

The second I put my pen to that page

It didn't stop moving until the song was completed

The first sentence on that page was

"No girlfriend until I make a million"

The reference to making a million

Doesn't have anything to do with money

Rather, it symbolizes a form of success

In the general public's eyes.

Within one our, the song was written

And recorded inside moms garage

It's my right to become successful

And take advantage of the years I've been given

Every dream you want to pursue is waiting

For you to introduce yourself

Now is the time to say "Hello".

The time to hesitate has passed

I've always found it interesting that

You could walk into any establishment

And see one thing about the employees: ages

Old and young people all work under the same roof

You could go into any fast food restaurant

And notice just as many people

Under 40 as you do over 40

The older people are able to maintain a living

And pay whatever bills they may have off

The same jobs you can get as a 16 year old

Spend your years chasing true ambitions

You're never too old, and it's never to late

To dive head first into the dream 

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No Girlfriend

I got a chick who saved my pic as her screen saver Let me do my thang say “it cool jus holla at her later” Say she thinkin bout me when she rollin up...

Look Up

Every good story needs an intro So where does this one start? No veils, no curtains, no doors, no walls Between what pours out Of my hand on to...

Mod Sun Freestyle | LA Leakers Freestyle #020

I know you heard a lot of motherfuckers rap on this beat But you ain't ever heard a motherfucker do it like me I walk up into the room they know I'm...

Mr. Woodstock Freestyle

Its hippy hop, Mr. Forever woodstock, still no girlfriend. All that, yeah, all that. So, so fluently describe the un-explainable Extend my arms to r...

No Girlfriend (Hippy Version)

I got a chick who saved my pic as her screen saver Let me do my thang say “it cool jus holla at her later” Say she thinkin bout me when she rollin u...


Why would you go and do that? Why would you go and do that? Why would you go and do that? Why would you go and do that? Why would you go and do that?...

You Are (ft. Mansionz)

You are the only one that gets inside my head You are the only one that I want inside my bed And when my phone ring, You the only one that I answ...

Mentality 2 Reality (feat. B Rolla)

I live like happiness is currency therefore I'm rich Got a bank account of good times & smiles in abundance I’m obviously a pisces the way I got f...

My Favorite Shirt Is My Skin

Yeah My favorite shirt is my skin My favorite shirt is my skin Pretty on the outside and within Pretty on the outside and within (pretty--pretty on t...


I think everyone is beautiful just keepin it real. My favourite shirt is my skin My favourite shirt is my skin, I'm in love with myself Everytime...


I think it's time you act like you know Everybody talkin' 'bout us; we about to blow I can get you pounds for the low Or I can hit you can pickin'...

Raw Cypher Freestyle (ft. Dizzy Wright, Like & Sir Michael Rocks)

Yeah Shouts to RAW Papers I'm rollin' up as we speak Hold up nigga, what's your angle Nah man, we don't fuck with lame-o's My niggas old school l...

My Hippy (feat. Dizzy Wright)

I struggle to form a sentence As the words "I'm good!" dripped out of my mouth Barely making it past my teeth Had I known this was my last statemen...

Rappin' A$$ Rappers (ft. Meta & G-Eazy)

Meta got mad bars, I got mad weed G got mad bitches and they come easily And this is errday, we do it frequently See erryone I meet is fucking stok...


These are the days, of wonder and miracle Half stoned half drunk, I really can't feel it though Started confused and ended up spiritual Now everyt...

Need That

You don't need that, you don't need that Everything you need is free, believe that You're alive What more could you ask for? You don't need that,...

Never Quit (Ft: Travis Barker)

I'll never quit (never quit!) I'll never quit smoking I'll never quit (never quit!) I'll never quit smoking I'll never quit (never quit!) I'll ne...


They say right before you die A move flashes before your eyes This movie should be played loud Ay, start the fucking show You know, they say ri...

Pass It My Way

Now I read somewhere that I spent 10 of the last 12 months on the road Playing shows, I imagine doing Your fair share of celebrating What kinda char...

Not That Bad (feat. Jody Highroller)

The night is is is The night is, I get sad. I start thinking 'bout mom and dad I start dreaming 'bout things I never had Times can hold up but its...

Thought You Should Know

What up I'll be honest this second take That's cocky that's cocky Greetings what up if its your first time I'm hippy hop positive like a plus si...

Not That Bad (ft. RiFF RAFF)

The night ends, ends, ends The night ends, I get sad I start thinkin' bout mom & dad I start dreamin' bout things they never had Times get ha...


And we got so much sun to soak up I’m just happy that i woke up I dream about it, & than it show up A kid forever I ain't never gonna grow up Bout...


Um yeah 5:25 am on a Tuesday morning man quote Time to write the realest shit you ever wrote So open up and speak the realest shit you ever spoke S...


When everything seems lonely And I'm feeling out of place I go to my favorite restaurant And let a newspaper hide my face And I run away Yeah,...

Picture The Sunrise

Welcome to my life, picture the sunrise, oh that's what it feel like It's makin' me realize everything's alright, oh that's what it feel like Wake...

Same Way Pt. 2

As I dance As I dance As I dance As I dance I'm not afraid to say that I think I'm a hero I vow to make the world a better place before my child...

Picture The Sunrise (ft. Kevin Skaff)

~~~♫♫♫ ~~~ Welcome to my life, picture the sunrise Ooh, that's what it feel like It's making me realize, everything's alright Ooh, that's what it...