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Ed Sheeran I Love You tekst piosenki i tłumaczenie. Posłuchaj MP3 i obejrzyj teledysk z Youtube oraz sprawdź chwyty.

Tekst piosenki

I'm standing on a mountain

Waiting for you to come

You were sitting counting

The days that I had gone

The note I wrote

I wrapped up in a cigarette

Burned away the memories

I tried to forget

But not yet

Wishing my life away

But these three words

I have to say to you

My baby blue

You know it's true

I love you

I love you

How can I tell you?

I don't know what to say

This chance that I won't miss

But I miss you anyway

I feel your pain

It's turning me insane

Thrown away

I had to take the last train home

But then you came

Wishing my life away

But these three words

I have to say to you

My baby blue

You know it's true

I love you

Wishing my life away

These three words

I have to say to you

My baby blue

You know it's true

You know it's true

I love you

I love you

I love you 

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I Don't Want Your Money (feat. H.E.R.)

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In Memory

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Move On

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Let it out

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I Will Always Love You

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In My Life (The Beatles - Cover)

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Little Lady

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Insomniac's Lullaby

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I'm Glad I'm Not You

It’s been a while since we were here Been too long my fear is Holding back the memories of your eyes Scattered notes and broken glass you had left me...

Love yourself

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King Of The Kings

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Last Ones Standing (Example Cover)

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Last Night

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Master Blaster

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Make It Rain

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Masters of War

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Miss You

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I'm a Mess

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I See Fire

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London Bridge

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New York

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New Man

I heard he spent five hundred pounds on jeans Goes to the gym at least six times a week Wears boat shoes with no socks on his feet And I heard he’s...

No Luck

I’m screaming out upon my face Followed footsteps catch my pace Broken windows fall in place Now shattered lovers find their place We’d flirt And you...

Little Bird

If we take this bird in, with its broken leg, We could nurse it, she said, Come inside for a little lie down with me, And if you fall asleep, it wo...

Nothing On You (feat. Paulo Londra & Dave)

[Verse 1: Ed Sheeran] I feel it, can you feel it tonight? I feel the fire between you and I I mean it, why don't you turn off the light So I don't...

No Love For The Lonely (ft. Ariana Grande)

[Intro: Ed Sheeran & Ariana Grande] No lo-lo-love for the lonely, no lo-lo-love for the lonely No lo-lo-love for the lonely, no lo-lo-love for t...

Old school love ft. Lupe Fiasco

[Intro: Ed Sheeran] Give me that old school love right now You know when I hold you, you won’t be alone As long as I'm here, as long as you love me...

Oh No

Think it's written on a notebook somewhere Can you feel is as you breathe the night air Yeaaaah I can't remember what you said to me But I know i...


I met you when I was a teen But then you were one as well And I could play the guitar Just like ringing the bell Sometimes I wonder In any other...

One night

Lying in a bedroom Lighting up a Benson Face hair is growing So I cut with a vengeance Hey, did I mention As she makes an entrance Said I had a...

Open Your Ears

Can’t get you off my mind Look at me and you will find Time after time it seems I’ll say what I don’t mean In your world we were the same In mine now...


You know I got to get away To find some peace and sanity I’ve been playing hide-and-seek too long Shaking, making, everybody waking Setting the hi-fi...

One Life

[Verse 1] It's such a beautiful night, to make a change in our lives East Anglian sky, empty bottle of wine I got you by my side, talking about lov...

Cross Me (feat. Chance the Rapper & PnB Rock)

[Intro: PnB Rock] Anything she needs, she can call me Don't worry 'bout her, that's my seed, dawg, that's all me Just know, if you cross her, then...


Tell me that you'd turn down the man Who asks for your hand Cos you're waiting for me And I know, you're gonna be away a while But I've got no pla...

People Get Ready

People get ready There's a train a commin' U don't need no baggage U just get on board All U need is faith To hear the diesels hummin' U don't n...

Perfect Symphony (with Andrea Bocelli)

I found a love for me Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet Oh, I never knew you were the som...

Perfect Duet (feat. Beyoncé)

[Verse 1: Ed Sheeran] I found a love For me Oh darling, just dive right in And follow my lead Well, I found a girl Beautiful and sweet Oh, I ne...

Photograph (Felix Jaehn Remix)

Loving can hurt Loving can hurt sometimes But it's the only thing That I know When it gets hard You know it can get hard sometimes It is the on...

Don't (Remix) ft. Rick Ross

[Verse 1: Rick Ross] Hit the corner, burnin' rubber like a stunt driver Burning marijuana, bitch, I'm a bit liver Gotta keep a bitch in check, micr...


[Verse 1] Oh, maybe I came on too strong Maybe I waited too long Maybe I played my cards wrong Oh, just a little bit wrong Baby I apologize for i...


I found a love for me Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead I found a girl, beautiful and sweet I never knew you were The someone waiting...

Drown Me Out

I’m in so deep Omar Epps can relate to my situation on a real, Pain ain’t the emotion I wanna feel but I’m thriving off it so it's only right, I like...


You're not her Though I try to see you differently I tow the line You see I'm searching for what used to be, mine I saw your eyes And then I saw...

Supermarket Flowers

[Verse 1] I took the supermarket flowers from the windowsill I threw the day old tea from the cup Packed up the photo album Matthew had made Memor...


Ring the alarm, and I'm trowin' elbows Ring the alarm, and I'm trowin' elbows Ring the alarm, and I'm trowin' elbows Ring the alarm... Oooh, I'm...

Don't Think Twice It's Alright

Well it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe Even if you don't know by now And it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe It'll never do somehow...

Swim Good (Frank Ocean cover)

That's a pretty big trunk on my Lincoln Town Car, ain't it? Big enough to take these broken hearts and put 'em in it Now I'm driving 'round on the b...


Your love is the strongest thing i know i reckon its been doing weights eating raw eggs and cereal and running ten miles a day and your love as i'm dr...

Drunk In Love

I've been drinking, I've been drinking I get filthy when that liquor get into me I've been thinking, I've been thinking Why can't I keep my fingers...

Eraser (Extended F64 Version)

I was born inside a small town, I've lost that state of mind Learned to sing inside the Lord's house, but stopped at the age of nine I forget when I...


It’s too cold in this downtown apartment, no furniture, so we sit on the carpet. Heating is gone so you fill the bath with boiling water from the kett...

English Rose

Across the sea, by the Tennessee skyline, they told me I’d find my hopes and my dreams. But I long to be in the bed of my true love, back where I...


I met this girl late last year She said "Don't you worry if I disappear" I told her I'm not really looking for another mistake I called an old frie...


I was born inside a small town, I lost that state of mind Learned to sing inside the Lord's house, but stopped at the age of nine I forget when I ge...

Take It Back

I'm not a rapper; I'm a singer with a flow I've got a habbit for spitting quicker lyrics you know, You find me ripping the written out of the page...


I wanna be drunk when I wake up, On the right side of the wrong bed, And never an excuse I made up, Tell you the truth I hate What didn't kill me,...

Everything You Are

I didn’t mean to break your heart I was just lonely And everybody falls apart sometimes I know you found another one Won’t you just hold me tonigh...


Stevie was a boy Who turned into a man He never had no master plan But I knew that he could Find right from wrong Sing me a different song He told me...


Loving can hurt Loving can hurt sometimes But it’s the only thing That I know When it gets hard You know it can gets hard sometimes It is the o...

Take Me Back To London (feat. Stormzy)

[Intro: Ed Sheeran] Jet plane headed up to the sky Spread wings in the clouds, getting high We ain't hit a rave in a while So take me back to Lond...

Goodbye to you

Hey, can you hear me I just wanted to let you know hmm I hope you can hear what I write to you how could I say goodbye to you when I'm a life...

Feels (feat. Young Thug & J Hus)

[Intro: Young Thug] Ba-da-boom, ba-da-bee Yeah, you knocked me right off of my feet [Chorus: Ed Sheeran] Baby, I got the feels, yeah Say that I'...

Even My Dad Does Sometimes

It's alright to cry Even my dad does sometimes So don't wipe your eyes Tears can remind you're alive It's alright to die Cos deaths the only thin...


You and I Two of a mind This love’s One of a kind You and I We’re drifting Over the edge And I will fall for you And I will fall for you If I fall for...

Fall Down

In hotel rooms far away from home I miss you, more than you will know Shine a light Just one side To think again That your mine It's high time I'm far...


I fell in love next to you Burning fires in this room It just fits Light and smooth Like my feet in my shoes Little one, lie with me Sew y...

Fire alarms

The rain wont stop falling It's harder than before This car keeps on stalling Pedal to the floor What I need to know Is if you love me and...


Hmm let me go, To see my family. Please Father let me go, As my mother sleeps. I don't know about days gone, But round here nobody lives tw...

Gold Rush

Smoke alarm went off at 9 I woke up, wiped the sleep out of my eyes She left a note "I'll be back in 5" Well, I'm still waiting for that moment to...

Take Me To Church (Hozier Cover)

My lover's got humour She's the giggle at a funeral Knows everybody's disapproval I should've worshipped her sooner If the Heavens ever did speak...

These Dreams

I keep my hopes and dreams inside of you amongst the other things My mother seems to never see the bruises that I'm covering, Never been known by m...

Trap Queen

1738 I'm like "hey, what's up, hello" Seen yo pretty ass soon as you came in that door I just wanna chill, got a sack for us to roll Married to th...

The Man

No, I don't wanna hate you Just wish you'd never gone for the man And waited two weeks at least Before you let him take you I stayed true I kind...

Everything Has Changed

[Taylor Swift] All I knew is the morning when I woke is I know something now, Know something now I didn’t before, And all I’ve seen since 18 hours ago...

Take You Home

I stole a car last night, Don't know where we're gonna go, But go ahead and drive, I will take you home Honey it's cold outside, (Mmm) And your...

The City

[Verse 1] This city never sleeps I hear the people walk by when it’s late Sirens bleed through my windowsill I can’t close my eyes Don’t control...


We're not, no we're not friends Nor have we ever been We just try to keep those secrets in a lie, And if they find out, will it all go wrong? And...

Thinking Out Loud (Campfire Version)

When your legs don't work like they used to before And I can't sweep you off of your feet Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love? Will...

Galway Girl

[Chorus] She played the fiddle in an Irish band But she fell in love with an English man Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand Sa...

Give me love

Give me love like her 'Cause lately I've been waking up alone Paint splattered tear drops on my shirt Told you I'd let them go And that I'll fig...

The Terrible Song

Grab your Prius just drive me I get a rush from the ivy And I'm taking downtown and drive We can go have a drink with PSY Op Gangnam Style Oppan...


This is start of something beautiful This is start of something new You are the one who'd make me loose it all You are the start of something new, ooh...

The Parting Glass

Of all the money that e'er I had, I spent it in good company And of all the harm that e'er I've done, alas it was to none but me And all I've done for...


You and I and nobody else Feeling feelings I never felt The way you got me under your spell Don't you keep it all to yourself So won't you take it, I...

The Sea

Pass me a drink You say it’s gonna take a while Your consciousness sinks Tears from a crocodile You’re wasting your time Giving me the speech You try...

Tenerife Sea

You look so wonderful in your dress I love your hair like that The way it falls on the side of your neck Down your shoulders and back We are surro...

Traktor (Wretch 32 cover)

The miracle I look me in my eyes, no way I Float like a ribbon in the sky, no play Eh yo, smooth or rugged and I'm a usain runnin Cuz I love to ge...

The West Coast Of Clare

Sorrow and sadness, bitterness, grief Memories I have of you Won't leave me in peace My mind was running back To the west coast of Clare Thinking of y...

Two Blokes And A Double Bass

Sing the song Celestial Man Shake the thing your mother gave ya! Tear your lungs out, scream your heart Be on your worst behaviour I’d wager that you’...

The A Team

White lips, pale face Breathing in snowflakes Burnt lungs, sour taste Light's gone, day's end Struggling to pay rent Long nights, strange men A...

Two Different Worlds

I live in two different worlds Like lots of other boys and girls One's at home with my family and the other's school Where I learn all that I can b...

Typical Average

Strings on my guitar are rusty Even my best friends don't trust me Everybody thinks I must be crazy 'Cos, I'm your typical average teen If you kno...


Made of clay Shoot me down I’ll ricochet to the ground Words of paint Draw me out And fill me in with your mouth And hold your tongue And I kno...

Hands of Gold

He rode through the streets of the city Down from his hill on high O'er the wynds and the steps and the cobble He rode to a woman's sigh For she w...


I've heard there was a secret chord That David played, and it pleased the Lord You don't really care for music, do you? It goes like this : the fourth...


I found your hair band on my bedroom floor The only evidence that you've been here before And I don't get waves of missing you anymore They're more...

Grade 8

My mind is a warrior, My heart is a foreigner, My eyes are the colour of red like a sunset, Never keep it bottled up, Left to the hands of the...

Touch and Go

Oh oh oh Oh oh oh Oh oh oh Oh oh oh Waking up, midnight November And just still in my bed It's kinda rough, cause since I met ya There's thing...

Thinking Out Loud

When your legs don't work like they used to before And I can't sweep you off of your feet Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love? Will...

Remember The Name (feat. Eminem & 50 Cent)

[Verse 1: Ed Sheeran] Yeah, I was born a misfit Grew up 10 miles from the town of Ipswich Wanted to make it big, I wished it to existence I never...

Same Love ft. Macklemore

When I was in the 3rd grade I thought that I was gay Cause I could draw, my uncle was And I kept my room straight I told my mom, tears rushing dow...


Face me, are you tired of living? Replace, she was so unforgiving And I’m so frustrated, so dilated And she’s telling me I’ve wasted my time And I’m r...

Put It All On Me (feat. Ella Mai)

[Ed Sheeran] Ooh, I can't wait to get home I don't know why, but I'm feelin' low Happened again and I want you to know Having my woman there is go...


I’ve never seen a diamond in the flesh I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies And I’m not proud of my address, In a torn-up town, no postcode e...


[Verse 1: JME] Hi, my name is JME There was a time when radio played me Cause my music came from my heart It was real to me, but now it's a par I...

Quiet Ballad Of Ed

In shadow there lies hope Cut tension with a knife I find it hard to cope Stop playing with my life You analyse my fears Analyse my dreams Choke on bu...


I'm just a bachelor I'm looking for a partner Someone who knows how to ride Without even falling off Gotta be compatible Takes me to my limits...


Sara, what you do to me is enlighten my mind Oh wow, I said Sara, what you do to me is make my soul unwind Hey now ‘Cos your hair is blonde, your eye...

Say it (Tory Lanez cover)

Just keeping it honest You wouldn’t want a young man if I wasn’t whipping this foreign That’s why I came back top down You gon have to do more tha...

Save Myself

I gave all my oxygen to people that could breath I gave away my money and now we don’t even speak I drove miles and miles but would you do the same...


I paid all my dues And she wanted to know That I'd never leave her Now I'm ready to go As strange as it seems She's endless to me She's ju...


On Saturday I know that you’re coming up to see me When I go away things will change And you’ll never know it was easy It won’t help pretending tha...

She Looks So Perfect (5 Seconds Of Summer cover)

Hey! Hey! Hey! Simmer down, simmer down They say we’re too young now to amount to anything else But look around We work too damn hard for this ju...


I can taste salt water And if I blink again You'll be sinking in So we'll learn to swim in the oceans you made I'll hold ya and you'll think of hi...

Shape of You (Remix) ft. Stormzy

[Verse 1: Ed Sheeran] The club isn't the best place to find a lover So the bar is where I go Me and my friends at the table doing shots Drinking f...


You’ve got scars On your body and your soul Bruises on your back, now Broken heart, nowhere to go Living in a high-rise flat Torn apart So k...


I’ve know it for a long time Daddy wakes up to a drink at nine Disappearing all night I don’t wanna know where he’s been lying I know what I wanna...


Filled up with doubt I have to move home But I want to stay with you For all of the summer I have my plan That you won’t remember If you want to...


Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na Starving till I tasted you Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na Starving till I tasted you Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na...


Just give me a pen and I’ll write my worries Now and again I’ll try and not see that you don’t care Taking the time to taste and savour Life’s bitter...

Stay With Me

Guess it's true I'm not good At a one night stand But I still need love Cos I'm just a man These nights never seem to go to plan I don't want y...

South of the Border (feat. Camila Cabello & Cardi B)

[Verse 1: Ed Sheeran] She got the mmm, brown eyes, caramel thighs Long hair, no wedding ring, hey I saw you lookin' from across the way And now I...


Take me with you I do declare I love you dearly through here and there What can I do to make you share? What can I do to make you care? The world is...


She’s reinventing loving me When we’re resembling cutlery on the sofa It must have been about 5.01 Like my blue ripped jeans And my eyes are close...

Someone Like You (Adele Cover)

I heard That you're settled down That you found a girl And you're married now I heard That your dreams came true Guess she gave you things I didn't g...

Skinny love

Come on, skinny love, just last the year Pour a little salt, we were never here My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my Staring at the sink of blood and crushe...

Small Bump

You’re just a small bump unborn in four months you’re brought to life You might be left with my hair but you’ll have your mother’s eyes I’ll hold you...

Shape of You

The club isn't the best place to find a lover So the bar is where I go Me and my friends at the table doing shots Drinking fast and then we talk sl...


It’s late in the evening Glass on the side I’ve Been sat with you For most of the night Ignoring everybody here We wish they would disappear So...


One, two Stop the clocks, it's amazing You should see the way the light dances off your head A million colours of hazel, golden and red Saturday...