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You're within reach but out of here. Your breath and warmth are always near - But lost to me. I´m bound by laws and chained in time. Im filth and lie and flesh of mine - (But) your traces in me. That grain of light You sent to here Goes unattainab...


The moon's greygolden meshes make All nights a veil, The shorelamps in the sleeping lake Laburnum tendrils trail. The sly reeds whisper to the night A name - his name - And all my soul is a delight, A swoon of shame. 

Ariels Song

Full fathom five thy father lies, Of his bones are coral made... Those are pearls that were his eyes. Nothing of him that doth fade, But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange ... Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell. Ding-Dong. Hark! n...


Unbolt the wind to me! Brag I with audacious pride. But that first gust of him Makes me stumble and shrink. My barque is covered up With leaves and windfall-pears. His heaven azures me And his earth is cushioning. The warming of his wine And the sig...


Caged in old woods,whose reverend echoes wake When the hern screams along the distant lake, Her little heart oft flutters to be free, Oft sighs to turn the unrelenting key. In vain the nurse that rusted relic wears, Nor moved by gold - nor to be moved by...

Chanson d'Automne

Les sanglots longs Des violons De l'automne Blessent mon coeur D'une langueur Monotone. Tout suffocant Et Blême, quand Sonne l'heure Je me souviens Des jours anciens Et je pleure... Et je m'en vais Auvent meuvais Qui m'emporte deça, dela, Par...


I vex my heart with fancies dim: He still outstript me in the race; It was but unity of place That made me dream I ranked with him. And so May place retain us still, And he the much-beloved again, A lord of large experience, train To riper growth the m...

I Wish You Could Smile

When I see you... I smile. I still care for you. I cry. When I think things go my way... I have what I thought I wanted; yet I'm still sad for you. Once you told me times would change... threw me to the brittle air; but I still care for you. I wish...

In Memoriam

Be near me when my light is low. When the blood creeps and the nerves prick And tongle, and the heart is sick, And all the wheels of beeing slow. Be near me when the sensous frame Is racked with pangs that conquer trust, And time a maniac, scattering du...

Infant Joy

I have no name I am but two days old,- What shall I call thee? I happy am Joy is my name,- Sweet joy befall thee! Pretty joy! Sweet joy but two days old. Sweet joy I call thee: Thou dost smile I sing the while Sweet joy befall thee. 


Ignis, quo crucior Immo quo glorior Ignis est invisibilis. 


[1.] Keshite Yasura gukotononai omae Shikashi Soledemonao kagilinonai Tshitsujoo Nashiteilu Sokoshilenu Fukasao himeteilu Omae [2.] Hateshinai Umiyo umiyo Hateshinaku Hiloku sokoshilenu Hateshinai Umiyo Umiyo 

Nubibus Atris

Si mare volvens turbidus Auster misceat aestum, vitrea dudum parque serenis unda diebus mox resoluto sordida caeno visibus obstat. Nubibus atris condita nullum fundere possunt sidera lumen. 


Sic aetatis ver humanae iuventus primo mane reflorescit paululum mane tatem hoc excludit vitae vesper, dum concludit vitale crepusculum 

Puisque Tout Passe

Puisque tout passe, faisons la mélodie passagère; celle qui nous désaltère aura de nous, aura raison. Chantons qui nous quitte avec amour et art; soyons plus vite que le rapide départ. 


nam quibus non sim vitiis obnoxius qui pravis semper deservivi moribus 

So Many Clouds

So many clouds I've seen So many birds I've seen They never will come back. So many words wev'e said So many books we read It never will come back. How many years we'll live How many things we'll give What happens if we go? 

Soft Snow

I walked abroad in a snowy day I ask'd the soft snow with me to play... She play'd and she melted in all her prime, And the winter call'd it a dreadfull crime. 


Bene est viro qui miseretur et commodat- qui disponit res suas cum justitia. In aeternum non vacilabit. Distribuit, donat pauperibus, munificentia ejus manebit semper, cornu ejus extolletur cum gloria. 


Time runs out. I left behind My breath came up to here. Till now I hesitated. Tired eyes - I scan the old horizon. My path cant end this way. But dyes rapidly fading. Find to calm, My heart without. But Im to weak to try. That lie was my undoing....