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John Hill Hewitt piosenki

Utwory wykonawcy:

The Alpine Horn

1. Hear ye the Alpine horn, Sweetly it sounds While breaks the rosy morn, And the roe bounds. Gaily its music On the air thrills, It speaks in the valley The voice of the hills. Ai ye ho! 2. Up to the mountain brow, Down in the vale, O'er beds of trackless...

The American Boy

1. Father, look up and see that flag, How gracefully it flies; Its pretty stripes they seem to be A rainbow in the skies. "It is your country's flag, my son, And proudly drinks the light, O'er ocean's wave in foreign climes, A symbol of our might." 2. Father...

The Attache

1. Oh! where is my lover? tell me, I pray? Has any one seen him passing this way? He's tall and he's slender, and dresses quite neat, High crown on his head and high heels on his feet. Can no one inform me if such they have seen? With strip'd velvet waistcoat...

The Bard's Last Song

Harp of my youthful days! Forever we part, Long have I swept thy strings -- The cords of my heart; Old age now chills me veins, And snow caps my brow, Gone is the fire of youth, My hand trembles now. Vainly I try to sing The songs of the past; Tears fill my f...

The Betrothed

1. The Baron had a daughter fair But sixteen summers has she seen. Her heart was light, no grief was there, And lov'd by all was she I ween; But Love hath wiles for Beauty's smiles, As Alpine hunter young and bold, Oft sought her bow'r at evening hour, And man...

The Bridesmaid

1. The last -- the last faint sound I hear, Of groom and bride departing, With lady bright and cavalier, And helms in sunlight darting. Along I sit and think of one, The nobliest knight of all, Who left his faithful love alone To bow to honor's call. He said h...

The Bugle Horn

1. What wild sound is filling the narrow glen, And stealing o'er the lawn? 'Tis the shout of Saluda's merry men, With their cheering bugle horn. The bugle horn! The bugle horn! The anxious and keen-scented hound, Now wildly responds to the sound, The moss cove...

The Cavalier Rode on His Coal Black Steed

1. The Cavalier rode on his coal black steed, Nor forests, nor [siredoms?] could his course impede; Three long years had pass'd since the blissful hour, He kiss'd a fair hand in yon lordly bow'r. The war-din was o'er the trumpet was mute, And no sound could he...

The Cot in the Valley

1. Oh, when I shall see again, The proud Juniata, Where bright billows kiss the shore, Where dwells Sally Carter? The Cot where her father liv'd, Deep, deep in the valley, The roses and jasmine That were guarded by Sally. REFRAIN Sweet home of my heart! Dear...

The Dreams of Early Youth Have Fled

1. The dreams of early youth have fled The joy-pulse of my heart is dead; E'en Hope, which once my spirit fed, Now droops and fades away. Or, let me seek the silent dell, And to the lonely brooklet tell My story of our last farewell, My lost, lost Ellen...

The Dying Girl

1. They say I'm falling fast, mother, indeed I feel it [as?]; For all seems overcast, mother, And my cheeks have press'd to glow; Just place your hand near to my heart, How wild it pulses beat! They'll soon be still, I know they will, And thru my sleep how swe...

The Dying Trumpeter

1. The din of the battle was o'er, And the moon shed her silvery ray, When alone on the Bravo's dark shore, A poor wounded trumpeter lay; He gazed on the flag of his pride, As its stars rivall'd those in the skies; "Still waves it in triumph!" he cried, While...

The Fine Old Southern Lady

1. I love that fine old Southern lady, Whose mansion's near the still Pedee; She reigns a queen o'er all around her, And prides her on her ancestry. The poor ne'er leave her door negected, Good cheer she has for those who call; By all admired; by all respected...

The Flag of Cuba

1. See the golden star above us. Printed on the scarlet fold, Wrought by those who always love us, Flag of Cuba! fring'd with gold Come to battle, Southern legions! Come for Freedom's mane, O come! Till your tread shall shake the regions, Where we offer you a...

The Jackdaws

1. As an old jackdaw and a young jackdaw, Were walking out together; As birds will do, you very well knew, That are of the very same feather. Says the young jackdaw to the old jackdaw, "I won't walk another stride, For I see a cow in yonder meadow, So let us g...

The Jenny Lind Song

1. The rage is now for Jenny Lind, And all must hear her warbling clear, No matter how we raise the wind, Her notes are sweet and dear. All Europe says she’s quite au fait At changing notes her own for ours; And when you hear her seraph lay, You think of love...

The Kentucky Gentleman

1. They're sung of English gentlemen, Who liv'd in olden times, When titles [losed?] and made of arms, Had multitudes of crimes, My theme shall be a gentleman, The father of the West ... A man of intellect and soul, With a kind heart in his breast. REFRAIN Th...

The Knight from Palestine

1. Blow warder blow thy brazen horn, The champion of the cross is near; His gallant charger tramps the lawn, And brightly shines his massy spear. He safe returns from Palestine His sword is red, bruis’d is his shield; No more shall he in shackles pine, No mor...

The Knight of the Raven Black Plume

1. A lady sat mute in her bow'r, While her page from the turret on high, Look'd out at the lone midnight hour, To see if her lover was nigh. "Ho! ho!" said the page, as he toss'd His scarf 'mid the moon's mellow light, "A horseman the meadow has cross'd, And h...

The Lake Spirit's Song

1. Come to the lake of the Dismal Swamp, I wait in my light canoe, The pale moonbeams dim my fire-fly lamp, And my drink is the midnight dew. The ghost of the warrior chief I see, And he calls me his maiden bride; And I hear the moan of the cypress tree, Where...