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Chthonic piosenki

Utwory wykonawcy:

49 Theurgy Chains

He made it through the Festering Iceberg Now he shakes for something else Unrelieved burden, unrelieved anger, unrelieved hermetic theurgy chains Unrelieved trauma, unrelieved terror, unrelieved hermetic theurgy chains He broke right through the courts of hell...

A Crimson Sky's Command

"A Crimson Sky's Command" - English translation From all sides bring the attack Cut down shadows, don't turn back (attack!) From the land and from the sky Their funeral hymn our death cry (death cry!) Dark king of prey Black crow's eyes sway Prophet's...

Across the Sea

走過身邊無數個死難 踩著頭顱繼續 擁抱黑暗 回首望去這座貪濁之城 後無退路 只有 迎向大海 前途密佈荊棘 生命無義 引領我落入無底的淵井 海風敲擊內心 吹拂牽縈 喚我走進大海的神秘 船啟航 入汪洋 一步步 遠離家鄉 寄希望 在海上 願此行 不再回航 (想起這一...

Banished Into Death

Clans destroyed, and broken, Motherland ravaged Survivors hunted to the last Painful history recast Exiled misery War-lust unquenced, spew forth much ire Victorious army gloats and plunders Tragic history recurs Fractured Homeland Battle hath consumed the war...

Between Silence And Death

閃爍的烏影 愈來愈緊 不時相隨 湠開的跤步聲 愈來愈近 漸漸包圍 愈來愈近 看分明 聽斟酌 草木皆兵 提元氣 保清醒 無暝無日 破山林 過暗路 走相逐 覕相揣 毋通喘 袂當退 免躊躇 莫頓蹬 破山林 過暗路 走相逐 覕相揣 崁規頭閣掩規面 我心火著滿身狂 敢袂當揣 無聲的所...

Bloody Cloud

一把銳利的長槍狂衝 穿出雲宵再狠狠地  刺入地窖 封塵億萬  解不開的巨鍊  頓失無蹤 煞時地窖伸出一隻手 氣勢磅  充滿冤仇 無視敵軍蜂擁  殺入蒼 將無辜的雲朵染成鮮紅 北斗神亮天召死星 南斗神令五車星聚 風  狂風暴雨耗弱筋脾 雲  烏雲雷電嚇阻魂魄...

Bloody Gaya Fulfilled

Festive day, celebrated by high-ranks Unaware of danger approaching Autumn winds starts Icy omen Seediq wrath gros, unjust oppression Clan brothers meet, plotting rebellion Colony flag flies Mocking beacon Sons of the Rmdax tasing Silenced voices, inner clamor...

Bloody Waves Of Sorrow

Waxing, waning The moons transform with the greatest of ease Now there is nothing left but misery They sealed their destiny Demon bulls, toxic hornets Hungry wolves and filthy rats Hell's creatures thronged to Hong-do They joined the final combat Break out,...

Blooming Blades

Bloody mirror of retribution, evil spirits bound Countless souls in the underworld there's no way out They Trade their sins for the frigid wind and a carving sound Blades call for native enmity Burning Liberty refined Blades call for native enmity Building et...

Breath Of Ocean

陰鬱夜暗 徘徊淒冷海岸 走尋渺茫夢中ㄟ人 他ㄟ面目按怎哈你沈重 輕聲喚阮ㄟ名 幻變之間來到無邊大海 雲霧中人影隱隱流著目屎 風沙陣陣吹起聲聲無奈 "看無我族ㄟ將來" 快步行入雲霧牽伊ㄟ手 彎頭凝視目神無限憂愁 蒼白ㄟ面色乾瘦ㄟ身軀 "等待時機不甘回首" "茫茫大...

Broken Jade

Steel, ocean winds Fly to their kin Smoke clouds the sky Burns my black eyes They come for me driven by unseen force Through the thick smoke on a fateful course Unseen am I, unmatched is my iron will The smoke of gunfire growing even thicker still Th...

Deep Rising

世茫茫 荒山遍野將生將死無所在 北雁南渡為尋樂園 亂世夢中人隨沙岸去不還 別鄉力尋雲清水澹 風雨人生淒寒步伐日蹣跚 落葉他鄉 奉天命  渡海亡命生根落葉他鄉樹 天涯海角為尋生機 泛泛荒野盡闢懇稻水田漠 萬物生長滋潤生命 南草碧絲東桑綠枝競湠根 雲霽日出 山動...

Defenders Of Bú-Tik Palace

Walls collapsing all around Heads high face our own demise Bolts of lightning strike the ground Demons of the mind excise Gunfire sounds the first attack Brothers in arms to the end Putrid bodies on their backs Sacred symbols will defend Who now stands before...

Exultant Suicide

Poso Kofuni's woods witness Countless ca'davers in tragic WuShe autumn Toppling in-to River Acheron Float away from rived memories Death comes! Battle rages on No doubts in warriors' heart The end immaterial, All hearts set on honor once more Poso Kofuni's woo...

Floated Unconsciously In The Acheron

Breeze blew, Dust Spread Shady mist flew sky was covered in gray acheron flow through, deep as abyss in the inferno, only silence remained as thunder struck, the sky broke suddenly millions of dead souls fell into acheron and made big waves struggled hardly a...

Guard The Isle Eternally

"進! 眾漢神將 誓要掀起驚惶 亡矣 蒼宇間 翻騰皆歸吾神皇" by漢神 翻騰皆歸吾神皇!! 漢神將 集佈重圍 鬼谷子 雷電崩飛 烏雲湧 神騎天旋 原神靈 死守駐衛 "爾漢犬 佔吾土殺掠 數百載 任雞鳴狗竊 吾等甦醒復位於瞬間 怎坐視母島再易漢弦"  by原神 光影 劃過髮際 ...

Hearts Condemned

Supreme power leads the way Ghost King holds the Book of Life and Death Supreme power leads the way With his pen in hand, he takes away their breath Evil tyrant smiles covered by the dust Blazing cannons light the sky Bloodthirsty legions unholy lust By chill...

Holy War

轉瞬間 風起雲湧 天地變色 肅氣瀰漫 草木皆兵 雜軍紛亂 雷霆萬鈞 殺氣散 回顧這風雨不斷的一生 多少回憶不能捨 挺身捨命拋家棄子 投入動亂未悔恨 美麗家園早已不在美麗 手足同胞遭奴役 入侵者掠奪族人權益 反動蟄伏在人心 百萬敵軍進駐家城 但願此戰讓後生無悔...

Indigenous Laceration

Winter years, four centuries Ceaseless foreign invasion Sukuladan, ever still mighty Rivers weep unceasingly Alien rule exacts hefty Tribute, scar-pits Motherlands Lineages of honor-marked faces Fade like wilting cherry blossoms recite Fog wounds, surrounds se...


rode with gloomy wind and magical clouds soldiers equipped with devine weapons marched to waste land. the headquater of sina ordered four armies the leaders put armies into battle array all minds were the same one light to win the final war everyone got excit...