Wolf Spider

Utwory wykonawcy:

Black 'n' Whites

Walking virtue models It's humanity's end Your irresistable charm Longs for the splendour, fame Power, control With hand suppressed, your lust Aches for a new allure So many of you Rank up with god Father from stars, your servants serve you so poor...

Black And White Pt. 2

Power corrupts, it is strong like a drug Every day you take bigger doses Clergy loves it, knows your weak spots, It is God's right to profit from them - you will pay Your conscience is dirty and sinful again, The priests are nagging and nagging Nothing's...

Blind Faith

With just one word "shit" you're calling the world Your own life you're calling the same You hated your school for its boredom and fear You preferred your friends, a match and beer You're a fan You're a fan The stadium has shaped you, taught you to dri...


It's a good idea to enjoy oneself Wait, who's got dough, I know, let's go It's so boring when there's no money It makes me down and out At last I will eat Stop here, we hit the place Hi buddy? There's business to talk You know what's up, you were a mus...

Drifting In The Sullen Sea

Sullen faces passing me Nothing can make them smile Time has broken the thread of hope They're striving to live their life Examine this sick mechanism Who's who? What's the game? The constant stress is blocking the brain Wiping out your face Look! It...

Enterprising Man

Hi, I'm Spaniard, they call me this name Hotel is my business, all night all day Wanna buy some dope? Pay and it is yours Wait a minute - I will get it in a while You fool, you will soon be sad Bye, bye, he is getting mad What? She is rich, got a house...


Foxes - live with us Mask - a stilled face Artfully deceiving you And you believe in all that rubbish You'll give them what they want Unaware feeding the evil Foxes - live on us On the stupid fools Strives for your special favours Ruins you behind...


Your head is burning, a new potent gift flows in your blood Gift of oblivion, all this world of yours is struck by flood Freedom does not go along with drugs Only morons don't believe it It's deadly shit, lethal crack You'll be dead soon if you need it...


We are so inclined to tell these funny lies, stupid lies Lies exhaust your mind, filling you with fear, turning mad I have killed truths myself Some of them killed me in turn Cheated for my tender heart Nurtured with the kindest evil I am clad in truth...

King of the Animals

There's rush in our forest, heat in every den We will choose the king tomorrow, the best that we can Dreaming's a good idea but it's too trivial so Animals try again to choose the lesser evil How long is it going to take? Who will sometimes give us a bre...

Liberated Woman

You are scribbbling trash, just wasting your time You'd better do some business and make some more dough All those books of yours are only catching dust I'm fed up with you, this day is my last! You're telling me you're honest, full of self-respect Nonse...


Drink - it is a feast day, the old system has just failed Don't think - there is nothing about, so drink at last We'll really make them see who's who Now it's time to claim property, cross out the past Revolution - we want freedom, we want rights Revolut...

My Home

To live at this place you must be abnormal It's land of pathetic fools There's lots of mystics and pathetic clowns My home has no stable rules Dirty kids are playing with bottles From their old man's cheapest booze They must drink with him when he wants...


Tears in my eyes, the pain of past time This place is driving me mad And they laugh, always laugh Get up, you aren't sick at all Don't tell me it hurts I decide who's healthy in this house Stop kidding, get dressed You've been naughty - nothing to eat...


Where am I to go Don't know - anywhere Just forget about it, close the door behind me Maybe it's a bad dream It wrecks me They were so beautiful, I loved them dearly Why did it happen just to them I'd rather die than stay alone I've got a hazy recolle...

Próg świadomości

Nie mogę stąd uciec Nawet wtedy, kiedy bardzo, bardzo tego chcę. Jestem jak ptak w klatce, Który zgubił wszystkie pióra nim pofrunął gdzieś. Miałem takie plany: zmienić świat, Zburzyć stary, zgniły ład, świata ład. Uznano za wariata, zamknięto mnie. Wa...

Sickened Nation

Grow in numbers, I can hardly understand it What a shame, stinking bodies laying close to us Depots dirt is all they have got in their life Stinking numbers, may somebody cure them, it's high time Cure them, it's high time Cure them, it's high time Cure...


You must know that, it's the same fight everyday You must live, selling your youth for dough The place's not lovely yet The world says it is Stupid VIP's Try to meddle with the rules Look! A bird's flying in the sky So free and so proud Try to bear i...

To twój czas

Życie tak przytłacza nas, natura ludzka budzi przerażenie nie daje słabszym żadnych szans. Krach i zniszczenie - oto co czeka cały świat. Odpowiedz mi, czy jesteś z tych, dla których życie ma jakieś znaczenie, czy już nie widzisz sensu w nim? Czy twe...

Waiting For Sence

I don't know what's wrong and what's right But I think I'm not alone Sick education made a fool of me Just like all of us Rock 'n' roll, sex and a great world We were not to learn about Packs of lies and ficticious truths Made a pulp of our minds Tha...


Zaczęło się niewinnie - zabawa, jeden raz Wszystko dla ludzi jest, więc nie ma co się bać Nagle rozpaczy cień rozpostarł skrzydła swe Świadomość chemia zabiera Znów trzeba wziąć, aby nie rozsypać się i już wyboru z tym nie ma Chodź tam, mam już ten Staf...