
Utwory wykonawcy:

A Fine Day to Die (Bathory cover)

Orgy of silence Conspiracy of peace Only the sound Of the cold northern breeze Twinsun sink fading Behind the black lake Asleep is the mountains Yet the night is awake Strange is the night Now black stars rise And many moons circle Through silent...


Senseless devotion is for the weak, clinging to the splendour of Christ Hoping for illusions to prevail Bowing to the cross while their brothers fall Golden rules and alien laws crafted for betrayal These words act as a cloak for the foulness of your c...


Contemporary history portrays the Christianisation of the Germanic territories as a beautiful, wonderful thing; however Sagas and chroniclesz prove that the opposite is true.Amandus was a French missionary bishop who came to Flanders to spread “the new faith”....

Awakening of the Emperor

Sleeping heroes are a recurrent theme in European folklore; not only the German Emperor Frederik Barbarossa, but also historical figures and legendary heroes such as Wijukind, Charlemagne, Ariovist, King Arthur, Holger, Danske and the knight of Allaberg are sa...


The Old Norse word “blót” (Old English “Blótan”) originally means “to strengthen” and is now used to refer to heathen sacrifice. The oldest form of this practice consists of laying down offerings near sacred places as bogs, falls, rocks and trees. Sacrifices c...

Dies Natalis Solis Invicti

Begone, darkness of Christ Your image is swept away A new dawn arises Today, the light is reborn The shining one returns out of the kingdom of Hell To bring everlasting light to this world we call ours As darkness crumbles for the light so will the...


Dormant is his energy He is the ghostly hunter who moves in silence and stirs the wild heart to beat with rigour He is the mythic king who finds the Grail Riding on a storm of power His dominion returns ... 

Fafnirs Blut

In der Stunde vor Sonnenaufgang Legte Sigurd sich in eine Grübe Das Schwert Gram neben sich Kurz nach Morgengrauen Stieß Sigurd das Schwert In den Bauch des Ungeheuers fuhr! Drachenblut! Drachenblut! Er schnitt dem Kadaver das Herz aus dem Leib...

For All Those Who Died (Bathory cover)

For all those who cried aloud But whose tears were never heard For questioning one almighty father Of a heavenly distanced world Beloved thee who submit The holy writings assured The golden cross stained with innocent blood But stand yet a thousand hea...

Foreboding Dreams

At night Baldur was troubled by nightmares that foretold his death. Mounted on his eight-legged steed, Wuotan rode to the depths of Hel to consult a seeress from beyond the grace. Ah her burial mount, Wuotan sung magic chants to resurrect her. She, too, predic...


Sigurd made a pledge To kill the dragon Fafnir For this very purpose Regin forges him a sword" "Out of fragments of Sigmunds blade Finally Gram was created Strong enough to cut through an anvil Destined to shed Fafnir’s blood 

Gudrun's Revenge

And so the vengeance of Gudrun was set in motion Two brothers, clad in armour Destined to kill! War-raiment that no steel would bite Blades nor spears would bring forth their end A secret shared by the god of war and death Assuring their place in...


Germania in chains, ravaged by wars Life and death, governed by steel In these times resistance is spawned its grimness corresponding to the land Death prevails on moonless nights When men are turned to wolves With blackened shields and swords Harjaz...

Helreið Brynhildar

How many times have you Wiped blood of heroes from your hands? You brought death in our ranks Picked many comrades from our side Daughter of Budli Born in catastrophe Destroyer of Gjuki's sons Breaker of the oath In the land of Goths You sent Gunnar...

Heracleidae (Seevölkersturm)

And so death was unleashed By the hatred in our hearts By the sharp blades in our fists See them scatter in fear Sand in the wind, human waste! With the roar of a lion and the heart of a mouse Seevölkersturm Today we end this disgrace! And so victory was wo...


The treacherous Loki ambushed by the eagle cowardly saving himself lured Idunn away keeper of the youth of Asgards gods Leading her to Thiazzi the storm giant wild bold wings abducting her grasping the future of the gods once again Loki saved himself...

In Entrails Fortold

Harsh Winter, dry summer Barren fields, arid rivers Dead fatherland... The sun reflects on the steel of the sacrificial knife you'll feel Now you will die for the glory of our gods Now you will die for the future of our folk You are tied down to the st...

Lost Wisdom (Burzum cover)

While we may believe our world - our reality to be that is - is but one manifestation of the essence Other planes lie beyond the reach of normal sense and common roads But they are no less real than what we see or touch or feel Denied by the blind chur...

Niðr ok Norðr

Down is the way to Hel’s realm Always north, through the nine worlds Through valleys deep and dark wade through fog and mist The dark road to Hel Where the dead wander ... The dark road to Hel The path to oblivion Niðr ok norðr liggr helvegr Over the bridge...

Police Informer (The Exploited Cover)

Don´t tell him where you´ve been And don´t tell him who you´ve seen You´ll end up locked away Cos he´ll call the cops Tell them what he seen Police informer Police informer Police informer You´ll end up dead Don´t tell him what you´ve got And don´t...

Prophecies in Flames

Already eight nights this torment has lasted Tied between two fires, without food I am the man who no dog would dare to assail The flames so fierce, scorching my cloak Blessed be Agnar, bringer of the horn No man on this earth Easier gained favour Mu...


A long time ago, the god Heimdall wandered upon the earth using the Rigr. On that occasion, his divine his divine blood enriched the bloodlines of the three classes; Thrall (serfs), Karl (peasants) and Jarl (nobility). To each class he brought appropriate know...

Sacrifice the King

A crowned head, not in battle slain Still was soaking red with blood His throat slit, by the ritual knife To bring good seasons to the land Sacrifice the King His blood for Freyr Til árs ok friðar Sacrifice the King His blood for Þórr Til árs ok friðar The...

Sigurd Sigmundarson

Regin’s foster son Master of the runes Speaker of many tongues; Sigurd Sigmundarson In dire need of a horse He headed for the woods Where a long-bearded man Spoke the wisest words “Þessi hestur er kominn frá Sleipni og skal hann vandlega upp fæða...

Silence Reigned over the Bog

Welcome to the bog, where silence reigns Their existence ends here, it all comes to a halt ... No place for cowards No tolerance for the feeble No respect for the unjust No life for the unworthy Along this deserted trail Bordered by pagan idols They take the...


Sigmund and Signy vowed vengeance Therefore a pure Völsung was needed Exchanging forms with a fair witch She then sought out her brother’s hideout Unknowingly, Sigmund spent the night With a woman who was his sister Nine months later, she gave birth to...

Terror Cimbricus

Driven from the Northlands The tribe of the Cimbri wandered Spurred by their restless nature Their destiny spun by the Norns A pure and noble people Strengthened by hardship Led by the gods to the south Towards the Roman border Give the Romans nothin...

The Architect

Although Christians tried to destroy every aspect of our heathen heritage, the theme of the Germanic myth of Loki and the master builder persisted as a common motif in Germanic folk tales. The giant is most often supplanted by the Christian devil, while Loki i...

The Blade of Odin

Siggeir hette en kung Han herskade över Gautland han var mäktig och hade mycket folk Han begav sig till kung Völsung och friade till Signy Kungen liksom hans söner upptog det väl men Signy själv var mycket ovillig” (There was a king called Siggeir,...

The Fall of Rome

Iron runs like blood through our veins Our will as strong as stone Born to rule these lands Not to serve foreign lords Immune to the venom of your speech Not a part of the worthless mob Unspoiled by outlandish gold Not bound by oaths made by bastards This is...

The Frozen Seas of Atland

There are many theories concerning the location of the mythic continent Atlantis, and the reason why it disappeared. One theory states that a meteor caused the axis and the tectonic plates of the earth to shift. Atlantis ended up in the polar area: the South P...

The Journey to Lyngvi

Driven by thirst for revenge Sigurd and his men set sail They encountered a storm raised by withcraft; The work of the sons of Hunding “Hier op de schepen zijn Sigurd en ik de winden drijven ons voort in de dood de steile brekers besteigeren de boorden...

The Raven Flies North

Over the plains ... Where nothing seems to move Where the earth is full of filth and the river flows to the sea Over the hills ... Nature is awakening The light starts to fade The first gate for the strong And the raven flies north ... Over the fie...

The Second Coming

Lies … Deceit … Fables … Hypocrisy … Beardless men arrived on northern shores They came from the Saxon lands With golden relics in their hands Collecting souls for their god The heralds of a simple faith Believe in Him or burn Convert before it is too late T...

The Second Grief of Hlín

The Yggdrasil shakes The old tree moans Fenrir breaks his chains Fear strikes you all From the realm of Hel Released from his bonds Garm howls loudly The wolf will jump The time has come To meet our fate What of the Ǽsir What of the Alfar? Jötunhe...

The Straw Death

A foolish man believes that he will live forever If he from fighting flees and lives the coward's way When swords and spears remain silent, the serpent's venom still runs strong as they conspire in times of peace the thread of your life brittles Old...

The Sword of Cheru

The Norns decreed that whoever held the Sword of the Theru (Tiwa; Tyr) would come to rule the world, but would also meet his own demise because of the weapon. A number of Teutonic and Roman conquerors are said to have wielded this blade. Even Atilla the Hun wo...


While the barley of Huginn Lies unburried still; Their bones picked clean by ravens The liberator of Germania was betrayed Wuotan gives and Wuotan takes! A fate worse than death was her share Thusnelda, a trophy for Germanicus So Thumelicus was born A slave...


Charlemagne waged a war against the heathen Saxons. Unable to defeat them in combat, he invited the Saxons to discuss a peace treaty. Instead of discussing peace, he ordered 4500 unarmed men to be decapitated. This is the nature of Christianity; treachery and...


According to Tacitus, the Teutons hailed Tuisto as their mythic progenitor. His three grandsons are the direct ancestors of the Ingarvones, the Herminones and the Istaevones. Born from the earth, early in time Father of Mannu ; first of our kind Tuisto …...

Upon the Waves of Ægir

At night I dream of shores unknown beyond these coasts bordered by the North Sea A voice beckons me urging me to explore to discover what lies beyond these vast oceans Even though I fear the mighty Ægir I must set sail to distant lands Upon the wa...


(Loke) Vad är det för fisk som i floden ränner kan sig ej för fara frälsa? Lös du ditt huvud ur Hels våld skaffa mig guldets glans (Andvare) Andvare heter jag Oin hette min fader i mången fors jag har farit En olyckig norna i urtid bestämde att...

Varg í Veum

Hér hefur upp og segir frá þeim manni er Sigi er nefndur og kallaður að héti son Óðins” (Here begins the tale, and tells of a man who was named Sigi, and called of men the son of Odin) That day death was in the air when the hunt came to an end...


I see through the veil of time I see the threads spun by the maidens I see light where others see but darkness I see the future as I’ve lived the past Oh, Bructerian prophetess Foresight is what we seek Visions of times to come Will the gods deal us defeat?...


Much wealth won in war gat Rerir to himself, and wedded a wife withal, such as he deemed meet for him, and long they lived together, but had no child to take the heritage after them; and ill-content they both were with that, and prayed the Gods with he...


Solen Svartnar... 

War into the World

A strange desire burns Deep within our hearts; To rid this world of the weak To eternally silence the frail The end of false mercy Compassion is wiped away Down with the empire of the meek! Wuotan! Cast your spear! Over the Vanir host Wuotan! Cast y...

When Ice Crowns the Earth

Skeggöld, skalmöld, skildir ro klofnir, vindöld, vargöld, áðr veröld steypisk In this harsh and elongated winter The laws of the gods are met with disdain Long gone and forgotten is the golden age, Fatal degeneracy plagues mankind When ice crowns the earth T...

Wuotanes Heer

I feel the shame of him dying in his bed For the glory of Christ refraining from bloodshed Pain did you avoid, but how will you escape death? Redundant human life, praying for the end Can't you feel the anger in your blood? Can't you feel the deceit of G...

Wuotanes Her

I feel the shame of him dying in his bed for the glory of Christ, refraining from bloodshed Pain did you avoid, but how will you escape death? Redundant human life, waiting for the end ... Can’t you feel the anger in your blood? Can’t you see the decei...


In the age before the coming of the Nazarene Different principles ruled the earth Men lived not by the grace of false ideals But by the strength of their arms and the sharpness of their swords It was not the weak, the feeble and the cowardly but the strong an...