The Arbiter

Utwory wykonawcy:

A New Heaven

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first ones had passed away And there was no longer any sea I saw the Holy City coming down out of heaven from God Prepared as a bride dressed for her husband And I heard a loud voice From the throne s...

Double Mind

Keep yourself from being Polluted by this world Believe and don’t doubt Because the one who doubts is Like a wave of the sea Blown and tossed by the wind Wash your hands, you sinners And purify your hearts Humble yourselves before the Lord...

Every Good Path

Out in the open wisdom calls aloud She raises her voice in the public square How long will you who are simple Stick to your simple ways? How long will you who are fools How long will you hate knowledge? On top of the wall she cries out At the c...

Here I Am

These are the words of him Who holds the seven stars in his right hand And walks among the seven Golden lampstands These are the words of him Who is the First and the Last Who died and came to life again Who has the sharp, double-edged sword...

Inner Man

You’re dead to the world Do not conform To its ways anymore Put off your old self Do not dig up What has been buried Walk in the power Of resurrection Walk in the new life Do not lose heart Be the light In the dark We are wasting awa...

The Number of a Man

The dragon stood on the shore of the sea And I saw a beast coming out of the water It had ten horns and seven heads With ten crowns on its horns On each head A blasphemous name People worshiped the dragon And they also worshiped the beast If...