
Utwory wykonawcy:

Abomination Reborn

An open book a will of life A Gathering of sorts, strings pull the chord Contusions unfold beneath the dermal layers Silence uplifts the structure Nailed and fixed, An ornament to the cause A slave to his will, Reconstructed to uphold I will be reborn, Lives r...

Anomalistic Offerings

Evil dwells within the inner sanctum of the mind. Each person has a piece of the puzzle locked inside. It only takes the right key to open the subconscious. Once inside, it feeds like a leech sucking the blood of an organism. Until the whole body is infected w...

As Grace Descends

Man fell from his grace And strayed from the path His anger now intolerable Insidious Behold the pale white horses Hooded messenger of death Is now set forth His dismal gaze Cripples souls Renounce the seven deadly sins The air unfit to breathe T...

Beginning Of Sorrow

The beginning of sorrow has come. You cannot build but can destroy with what is left on earth. Damage, now permanent, is yet enhanced day by day by unstoppable greed. You are never truly happy unless one suffers more than yourself. The choice is none, you will...

Bind, Torture, Kill

Torture provokes to divorce sanity Horror mummifies victims who plead Suicide tempts the mind of the mortal, sickened with grief Godless fate, perception of the lie, debilitate the weak Upon the altar of sacrificial bliss I'm damned to be disposed in perpetua...

Blood Oath

From my soul I dispose the weak Enslave, all kings left dethroned I pronounce My oath in Blood Withdrawn from my veins I spill An Existence defined By the paths I saturate Laws you impose Get overruled Irrelevant ways of the fools sentenced before, higher co...


Impatiently waiting To seize the moment Blood churns Rotten stench Enhanced by your senses Stone cold Perceived by those who choose what's right Misled through life Empty lies and broken promises - Constitute reactions Out cast Thrown away by others Misrepres...

Breeding The Spawn

Eulogy inscribed in the scrolls of humanity. Ancient scriptures of predicted demise. A world encased in the womb of it's ignorance. Extinction will be swift, relentless butchery. The structure collapses, spewing forth mutation. Plague bathes the earth from in...

Brood Of Hatred

Shapeless beings of unknown origin. Scanning the cosmic blackened abyss. Planting the seed of their horror and hatred. Mankind was created to be violent and sick. Feasting on the screams of the pain we inflict. Led down the path of our own extermination. Th...

Catatonia (Grind Mix)

Force fed immobilization Man made liquid controlling my limbs I want to die, no reason for living Dealing with complications life brings A corpse with no thoughts No feelings or perceptions of life The pleasures of death I foresee Nightmares and day mares comb...

Caught Between Two Worlds

Transcend the continuous The unspeakable Continuum of suffering There is no end, the future eternal What should be over, is dragged out for eternity Confined to a loop which has no end Our flesh, the physical, will dissolve And the essence is all that...

Clarity Through Deprivation

Having traveled the darkest path Disregarding the life I was given Intentional plunder, the degradation My self hatred becomes isolated I've succumbed to the darkness Feel the warmth devour my soul Inescapable fate Approaching transcendence I see clari...

Come Hell or High Priest

Enemies from the Womb Hypocrites will consume Tales they claim Shall guide our lost souls. Sodemized by your priest Consoled through punished Slaves before your lord Effigys Slowly burn Disdained, views you preach Threaten mankind Restrain the God fearing Sic...

Creed of the Infidel

Plead for your soul, my world is law Uprise the tyrannous Wars diguise and justify damnable needs Re-haunting souls in graveyards of atrocities Crippled in my mind... desecrate and alter the state of my faith Conscience that's over-ruled, destroy and tarnish...

Cycles Of Suffering

Soon we are all to die Your hopes and fears irrelevant Projections of life and death Become complete reality All things will crumble All will disband All alone in this world Souls with nowhere to rest We offer disillusions as relief While caught we struggle...


For many years I put my trust in you Perceiving the vows I took that were true Only to learn all had been lost to you To search for meanings not truly there Answers to questions only bring despair Distractions down the path of our lives Unforgiving Was ther...

Demise Of The Clone

Damn the forgotten seeds inbred as a slave to habitual needs Souls consumed. Denied a response from a lifeless tomb Precious births Destruct to a plauge that infects the earth now regret the spawn unnurtured and feared to be dead by dawn Curse the consumed,...

Depths Of Depravity

Why do you torment me? You make me hate my existence. You will soon surpass your own fucking life. Now the time has come for you to see your death. I cut your flesh. I receive much pleasure. As you start to bleed. I no longer control my urges. The feeling is...

Despise The Sun

Pain - Infliction - Loathing ways Excursions into harsh reality Scorn - Diaspora - I'm now forced to be this way Torrents of delusion - Placid winds erase Torn away from the truth of my inner self Life replaced, despise the sun that breeds disgrace Wretched v...

Devoid Of Truth

Your life has been planned since the day you were born Affliction undefinable, condemned to suffer with the norm Burden of despair - Traits of self denial Raised and misled by life's light I refuse let shine for me Corrupted misconceptions of how life should...

Dismal Dream

Violently ripped from the arms of my bliss An end to what is, life's dismissed My screams, my pain, I am no longer sane How can this be the end of my reign? What have I done to deserve all of this? In the blink of an eye all things have changed And how will I...

Effigy Of The Forgotten

Torn away from my state of being Chosen to be forgotten Unspeakable pain as I leave this solid structure As the earth becomes smaller, I reach a new plan One so distant from where I was conceived A heaping mass of fear is what we hold dear For our loved...

Eminent Wrath

A tale of a world left behind, written to preach to the weak. Hundreds of thousands wait to bear witness to this horrid conclusion The end is near they claim, rumors of fear consume The arrival of the final decline of the world To witness the rise and fall...

Entrails of You

The many pleasures of the fleash consummate my self indulgences A being so beautiful as you tingles the senses and pushes one to defilement Like the lamb to the slaughter what terrible things I would do to you, You are so beautiful; I bathe myself in the entr...

Epitaph Of The Credulous

The servant of the higher power is summoned by the emptiness of the lost souls. With wings extended, it sweeps across the land looking for it's helpless victims. The young and old are it's prey; the ones not strong enough to survive. With blood dripping from i...

Funeral Inception

Endemicy - Enthrall the underworld Pervade the bodies once their souls have gone astray Gravitation - Await the birth of death Despair is nurtured in the womb of annihilation Your god is the epitome of my doings Unaware and unable he is forsaken Nullify - Ab...

Habitual Infamy

Pray in homage under shadows of ancestry Conceptual lords above bathing in your inquiry Memorizing thoughts through hallucinations of despair Imminence burns within, plunge yourself to disrespect Battred visions, desolation drips into your eyes A feeling of op...

Ignorent Deprivation

Tattooed from the camps that mark your existance on a planet deranged from the minds of the Reds. Inferior race awaiting the moment when you are dismissed from your service in life. Captive in torment, the merciless slaughter of souls misfortuned at birth. Tak...

Images of Purgatory

Darkness falls covering the day Ghoulish figures move between the shadows Unexplained voices come from nowhere Caught between here and there Left over fragments repeat A life once lost played over and over Solo: Hobbs/Marchais Disturbing images unfold Tortur...

Immortally Condemned

To walk amongst the dead plauged by an undeniable thirst for blood. Stained by an immortal suffering given to you. Acceptance from your kind is only a temporal solution to your misery. Transcending time haunts your very existence visions of events are forever...

Infecting The Crypts

Exhume the wretched body from its timeless slumber Thrashing the tomb to reveal what's inside A maggot-infected corpse stares dismal Inhabited by worms chewing holes through your carcass These ancient lands beckoned the burial of humans The unfertile soil inf...


The blessing's curse, inversion of the truth Imperious institutions Enlightening, or distressing the threshold? Prevalent degradation Instinctive conciseness, demanding values of uncertainty Immutable truths Iconoclastic renunciation of the false less ness Rea...

Involuntary Slaughter

Nocturnal demon of hate Searching for his next prey Predator with no remorse Cannibalistic killing machine Attacking with demise, something to realize Stripped of your life, you'll see, that it's too late To save your fate, trembling of what's to come He'll t...

Jesus Wept

Your entire life, your religion is embedded in your mind Words spoken from a book, tell you never to change After death you are taught, your soul will cleansed But even reduced to ashes, the misery still prevails The day has finally come for you to be put...

Liege Of Inveracity

Forced into your mind, passed down through the centuries Cultures will collide, holy wars for what? Holy book of god, holy book of lies Chanting scriptures in vain Hoping to allow to rest Hopeful peaceful life Compassion all but gone Effigy of what's to come...

Marital Decimation

I sit as tomorrow I die and today I will unburden my soul These events have tortured me, and destroyed me I can still hear her faint screams engulfed in the atmosphere around me The stench of ammonia still encircles the room where her disemboweled corpse lies...

Mass Obliteration

Warfare, a promise to eliminate mankind The planet as we know it, taken by demented minds Warheads produced to exterminate the earth This sacrifice will lead us to our death, no rebirth No one has the power to declare this world to die Voting and electing the...

Mental Hemorrhage

Disconnected from virtuous opinions A shift of reality transposed and redefined Remedial decisions become complex. Voices come from all angles sifting through disorder to schieve stability. So many ways to chose. Vile atrocities fill one corner. Righteousness...


Everything you thought or were led to believe was a misconception This unsafe approach at life has killed all hope within. Worthless attempts of achieving happiness Disgusted, mistrusted, betrayed and persuaded Reveling such feelings, mistakes of disgrace Th...

My Demise

The thought and the chance. To lose or perhaps to gain A new found worth or disgust. None the wiser could know Why is it my burden or blessing to be the one to go through this loss To lose or gain a chance at living, why must I be this barer of such burdens?...

Of the Dark Light

The answer to all questions Was once whispered It echoes perpetually Throughout the halls of time Forcing man to perceive destiny The essential frequency of life's essence Was once pure and untainted But man will and must drift Into the numb and dissid...

Ornaments Of Decrepancy

Murderous thoughts determined to push me to a permanent state of insanity. An insanity concealed but very much present, waiting to be released upon all. Those who deserve, and those innocently taken are now victims of a disease with no prejudice. No one is pro...

Pierced From Within

Penetrate the minds of those misfortuned at birth. Murder is etched in the deepest chasms of the soul. Salvation stripped from the origin of existence. Obstinacy abandons, as you yield your world to me. Decree of my darkest dreams. Memories of my future. Welc...

Pinnacle Of Bedlam

Low and behold aeons lives vilified Enraptured fearing, bleeding, eternal reprise Succumb to the chaos, subliminal ties Infecting lost prophecies, awaken ancient binds Enslaved from the birth, humanity quells Unnerving feelings culled,and dissatisfied Prepare...

Pray for Forgiveness

To pray for forgiveness what have I done? No one seems to care Ask for guidance but it falls on deaf ears If there is one who will hear me How does he not answer look to the sky Sins rain down from above Once again I ask of thee to forgive me A mishandling of...

Prelude to Repulsion

Pressure on the inner walls of my brain grows heavier. I must alleviate the pain I feel, for soon many will die as they come before me with effortless attempts. The search for divine power beckons me and the only way to achieve is to destroy. Victims of a torn...

Provoking the Disturbed

Scarred Souls, Remain raw Unveiling my world as blood soaked Mankind. Expire paralyzed Broken by the doctrines imposed Civilized breed A myth portrayed To pacify and enslave Starve the basicneeds Of born kings Classified as insane. Lies are thye mask of the c...

Purgatorial Punishment

Final Judgement, your judgement Purgatorial Punishment Suffer the karmic consequence Exalted one, devours the deceased World of purgation Mirror of Karma-the naked soul Denied pleas-souls beg The impartial form, conjures unbound power A passage to testify S...

Rapture Of Revocation

Death lies within thyself Eager to release itself Imbued with a life All it's own Reckless signs of exclusion Renounce one's thought Of suicidal contempt Despondent and unrelentless Desire to achive Sacrificial solace Pitiful existence lends A feeling of enr...


A forgotten absolution remains within the shadows Reborn and replenished to reflect sights unseen The sins of the fallen will be exceeded by the sins of all To cross through the kingdom of fire and blood Possession of fate and destiny misplaced Betrayal and ab...


Visions of murder take place in my mind I strip the souls from the worthless Euphoric pleasure saturates, but this is real These memories of conflict and struggle Why do I feel these feelings of regret and pity? But what has happened? There's blood on my hand...


Cremate the human race The population has been reduced A world condemned to horrid death And the blood of others heeds their savior An artificial homocide The strong and feeble, all will die Nothing left to say Warmongers have to pay Re-cremation! Bodies ris...

Return to the Abyss

Not all of us were born as equals predetermined to rise or to fall the strain cannot be ever altered through dreams it can be deciphered enraptured to return to the abyss bow to the infinite beyond a life that was lived out there is nothing that you can...

Seeds Of The Suffering

Lies, deceitful words of impatience Futile words of evasion The gods that have once spoken to me Have abandoned me to my pre-destined state A state in which there are no words, is no language Only the language of the endless suffering Suffering that brings m...

Some Things Should Be Left Alone

Dampness becomes this night Half moon illuminates the scene A gathering of unsuspecting souls Are about to embark on a journey From which they will not return Telling tales an ominous figure Is seen in the distance Curious souls will Always have a nee...

Souls To Deny

Souls, souls to deny Oppressed to a promised place To desire a place for you to die, unbeknownst to you thoroughly denied. Expectations of a fruitful way to live, ungodly not to be achieved by you. Evil lies, death denied cursed to walk this pitiful existence...

Subconsciously Enslaved

Impure thoughts provoke my mind, undeniable deeds I implore Sickness helps fill the void, I feel I must react Is it me am I alone Is it me am I alone Why do I think this way have I been pushed to far Nothing makes sense to me really what does it all mean Is...

Sullen Days

The broken ways, as I walk through the emptiness Lost souls as empty as mine... barren and desolate, foreseeing the irony Abolish the self, merge into a singular space... Confront the self, subduing the whim's inside No feelings to exude and portray the sullen...

Surgery Of Impalement

To dissect the mind impaled of visions a delusional state from which one neglects Incise the flesh with delicate precision as to not disrupt such artistry To dominate a feild of iniquity undeserving of many. One must realize a painful demise deeds of tranquil...

Suspended in Tribulation

Reality suspends my present life. Curious thoughts, I confront my mortality. Uncertain to the laws of the unknown. I have no fear in facing trials of the mind one by one. Sifting through ossuaries of creation. Looking for a worth, is existence pointless? Perce...

Synthetically Revived

Chemicals revive my life, reanimated, brought back again. My diametrical state has assured me eternal life. Serum no longer fluid. Respritoral terminus. Artificial resurrection. Dosage inefficiency. Potency too weak to perfect. Cartilage reaching gelency. Mi...

The End of Ends

The end of ends, to solve the problem The cause of death, the sum of our stricken lies Natural selection, a dying dog will die The old stray of the pack we weep in pity To see the utter truth, believe in infamy Destroy and conquer and lacerate humanity Benea...

The Invoking

The world in which we live has been plagued by the essance of the beast. Murdering had become a daily ritual. The able - bodied minds of the world try to solve the problems. With their pathetic solutions. As long as the underworld has the upperhand, nothing wi...

The Violation

Channeling forces we don't understand Into energy currents eternal Whisper the passage once spoken To enter the void before it collapses Silence the patterns that echo Yet still the voices can be heard In this place beyond time Astral projection The di...

The Warmth Within the Dark

Embrace the darkest of your fears And seek the warmth within the dark The fear and pain you live with Will keep you from transcending Everything you were taught To believe in this life, was a lie It's all to keep you from knowing The terrifying truth i...

Thrones Of Blood

The thought of killing entered my mind some time ago. What possesses an individual to kill. I have often pondered the thought. Time and time again. Now it's clear to me. They want me to be part of this world they have created. I say fuck you. Don't tell me ho...

To Weep Once More

Sorrow fills my weeping eyes Plauge and famine revived Reaping the benefits of life's tomb Insolent your fate To weep once more To seal our fate, look at what we've done to this holy place Fought through the centuries of time Religious undertones befall the e...

Tomes Of Acrimony

Etched within the centuries, bequeathed upon the generations Litanies guide the baneful, serve the scourge of enmity Inheritants taught nothing less than absolute superiority Resurrecting what time has seen, pontificating savagery Echoes of ignorance Scrolls...

Torn Into Enthrallment

Brain patterns altered since birth. To serve the higher cause. Pawns of twisted vision. Manipulate to do thy bidding. It is easy for them. To control us this way. To think is obsolete. Therefore no way to question their rule. A mindless, lifeless zombie. To...

Translucent Patterns of Delirium

Why am I here? What did you say? Stop talking to me Once I was told therefore I am not My father once told me to shut up, shut up Is this where I came from? Do I know you? Is this real or not? Where do I belong? As I was correcting my head I feel ill Hurts t...


A lifetime of misdeeds, has lead you to me. You've made your last mistake. This time you won't get away. I'll see to it that these are your last breaths, And strip the life with my bare hands, You never saw me coming, now I've got you. It's gone on to long, t...

Your Last Breaths

From the time you understood anything You're misled to believe a false truth If you lived on in one's glory All that could befoul would be diverted This couldn't be further from the truth You control nothing And there's nothing you can do Your path has...