
Utwory wykonawcy:

Abandon All Hope

Roguish sneer South of the dead cold starling eyes Awaits funeral piles But sweet little match-seller rides devil right now Funny allegories The simple way to see for blind Let the devil rape an angel The words lie among lies As the swarm of moths L...

Albino Flogged in Black

'o you sweet, little six six sixteen I'm the saviour of your sisterhood stretched thing, held in leash for daddy clench the thong now honey clench it good shadow blue, the shadow of the ox whip whistling through the dark and kiss my poor child slashed si...


NAPIERDALAĆ!!! Skurwysynów!!!!! Potomek Oceanu Ognia ON! Lawa złowieszczeń i bezeceństw Eksplozja Miłości Jego Jedyne! Profanum godności!!!! Nie zatrzyma nikt grzesznego huraganu, starszego niż świat - Genetycznej nienawiści Nie zatrzyma nikt...

Anti God, Anti Human

Shall I take pity on the sea of brightness Cover of obscurity gnaws My force And bring stench of disdain stench of contempt Deadly thorn of suicidal rituals! Scuked up at the breast of your whores! Dance in Your rottenness! Whisper mutilates! Successo...

Anti-God, Anti-Human

Shall I take pity on the sea of brightness Cover of obscurity gnaws My force And bring stench of disdain stench of contempt Deadly thorn of suicidal rituals! Scuked up at the breast of your whores! Dance in Your rottenness! Whisper mutilates! Successo...


no fucking pen no fucking paper and no words are needed if I'm holding the axe in my hand crush their fingers at their desks cut their tongues while they speak fill up inkwells with their blood paint their scripts over with shit 

Blood and Dust

blood and dust 'til the very end we ought to fight blood and dust ingredients of delicious pie blood and dust it must be killed what's impossible to fuck blood and dust fuck off and die 

Burst Command til War

War Nuclear warheads are ready to fight Total destruction, the only might We are all suicide without brain And people are running and dying in pain Burst command 'til war The overkill is near Nobody feel the heavy fear Thousand megatons dynamite Wa...


Kręgosłup moralny Kościec życia Tak łatwo dokonać przeszczepu w słowach Lecz każde drzewo Swoim korzeniem Czerpie moc przetrwania Więc zamknąć ryje knury ohydne Do obór swych złotych wypierdalać Śpiewał już Czort O sadach śmiertelnego piękna I r...

Diamonds of the Last Water

let us shine brilliant light cleanse your eyes in strength of fourty four billions suns catch these suns blackened suddenly blind in darkness the fallus tears you apart you don't need the death in order to die crawl in the mud of pointless doctrin...

Execrable Lord Pretender

Who needs your promised land Conception of crippled worms Execrable lord-pretender I take life by the handful I will commit My flesh to the earth Don't You dare to glance at them Feed Yourself with meat of Your sheep Hands off Our kids! They'll decide...

Holymother Fucker

This is the night of great blasphemy Satanik Metal and infernal flames Pure extasy of disaster Killing and raping sounds of Death Madness with Satan! Screaming and headbanging! Filthy Ritual! Severe abomination! ! am disgusting Holymother fucker Bla...

Hymn of Destruction

I’m pleased with your misery I hate the singing aves well, no place to fly they have children dead in your hopeless arms whores dancing at the edges of volcanos rape themselves with symbols of every faith non-existing god is mixing clay of world...

Into the Mouth of Madness

Now gaze into their eyes See their terror as they fall into the mouth of madness This petty reality you perceive Nothing is what it used to be Beings - wise yet so gullible Preachers of the gift of life Hear the laughter of the ruthless whispering Whe...

Kot Wolanda

plwam kaprys mam miejcie co żreć a może nie poproszę głowę trwam w okrutnej bucie i jak każdy wasz sen ja nie istnieję trwam w okrutnej bucie i jak każdy wasz sen do zguby prowadzę narody bo przyjdzie kot popije wódki w szachy zagra i n...

Los Asesinos del Sur

something always lays south of dawn and dusk! even farther from the south than the pole brigands came assuming names born elsewhere hanged faces building altars ordered south of cross crescent, star beware who are follow los asesinos del sur...

March Again

No hope - turn off the life No line - nor any Rubicon There is nothing but nothingness Copulate - Calculate - Pray and prey - Die! No soul - nothing to steal No blood - nothing to spill The march of empty shells just started again But we still march...

March of Armageddon Warriors

Nothing before Us only We and Ancient Gods! Satan is the Law! Light of Our minds! It is resurection time- march of Armageddon warriors! Ancient rites comes! It is fucking war! in the name of our lives! So- Jehova, Allah, bastard Jesus- Die!Die! Armagedd...

Martwo urodzony - rozdział trzeci

Wiedza o zmarłych jest we mnie od poczęcia wszechwiedza gwiazd oślepia od narodzin Uroboros leniwie zaciska swą pętlę Z każdym zmierzchem coraz mocniej A co świt – na łyk powietrza pozwala By nocą znów przydusić ciężarem kosmosu Chwała i cześć ryt...


Penetration of Your mind You must live and You must die You will never be a free You are human you are weak! Let Us dance forbidden dance! Let Us take the bloody bath! We will hang you on the cross make You martyr if you want! Let us stop this wretched...

Modlitwa poganina

Ogrzej mi serce w noc ponurą Płomieniem swoim, Miłościwa Rozkoszy, naszych dusz torturo, Exaudi supplicem, o Diva! Bogini wszędzie rozproszona, Ogniu w naszego lochu pleśni, Dusza zbolała i strapiona Zaklina cię w spiżowej pieśni: "Mój duch, podobn...


Podstępna Maszkara Piekielna Wampirzyca Strażnicy głębin mroku Prastarego Źródła bestie Strzegą niestrudzenie Tajemnicę narodzin Świata Prawdziwych Bóstw schronienie Każdą nocą zamiast snu zanurzam się bezwładnie W Łono Matki - Tiamat 


TAK SIĘ KURWA GRA DEATH METAL!!! Skandynawio wykuta - w skale i granicie Soniczną zagładą Ty wspierałaś nas W walce z chrześcijaństwem Bełkotem trzech pięcioksięgu wiar! DEATH METAL! BLACK METAL! Pluliśmy na konwenanse Grzecznościowy chłam Cóż Ja...

Overture .966

you are whimpering being born, you are whimpering dying. the land where we stand has been sold, we’ll destroy your world and sing the hymn of destruction. 

Pactum Inferni

Peccussimus foedus cum morte et Cum inferno fecimus pactum! Pactum!!! Inferni!!! This is Our!! Declaration!! of total war!! We deify Satan and His throne!!! Fuck off!! from our way!! We are children of fucking Hell!!! Our blood!! our lives!! All for M...

Quickly You Rot

Faith means fear Fear means war In the decoy of fear you rot Quickly you rot In the shame of love PANMOTHER - WHEREVER - WHENEVER - YOU ROT Quickly you rot In the shape of hope PANMOTHER - WHEREVER - WHENEVER - YOU ROT In the shade of faith you rot...

Son of the holy Motherfucker

the son of the holy motherfucker one step ahead and thousands back your children impaled women eaten cattle raped and the elders left walking watching balding flood of his semen in your villages it burnt your shrines to the ground howling cra...

Stillborn II (Singularities of the Ordinary Vulgar Boor)

eats from the floor sleeps in the uniform laughs at the mourning alone in the morning once molds a god beloved and shining while in the distance safe while not fucking blows up the comfortable numb drinks 'til no one stand to take his offend to li...

Thousand-faced Bitch

Glorify Me as I spit on bounds of Your reason Throw Your womb brimming over with death open In sadistic lust exhibit your emptiness Throw Your womb brimming over with death open! In sadistic lust exhibit your emptiness! Violate!!! Cripple in a wheelcha...


Jak aniołowie o oku płowym Przychodzić będę do twej alkowy I bez szelestu sunąć ku tobie, Gdy będzie cicho, ciemno jak w grobie. I będę dawać ci, moja drżąca, Uściski zimne jak blask miesiąca, Pieszczoty będę dawać widmowe Węża, co czołga się ponad row...

Whore of the Whores

your god moves very nimbly for being a self-propelled flitch as we chase him to stab his arse with one-third part of the world dead numbered rats bitten deep into clitoris of whore of the whores persecution mania of prophet which can’t find a place t...

Wrath, Death and Destruction

Every time I see You talking monkeys I vomit! And think about blood (and) Wrath! Death! Destruction! Don't try understand. You'll be dead! It's only My fancy- At all So kneel down pray and cry! maybe Your god will be mercyful As long as I feel hate th...