
Utwory wykonawcy:

Day of the Murderers

We were born to win Inspired by the magic power Baptized with flames We will freed with our suffering and fear Cold blood! A threat of the oncoming rout The world between life and death Cleansed from memories, emotions and personality Bereft of hope We will...

Dziś podpalimy cały świat

Nadzeszła godzina piekielnej zemsty Za dwa tysiące lat zniewolenia Za krew przelaną w imię fałszywego boga Który zginął na palu jak pospolity przestępca Dziś podpalimy cały świat Nie będzie litości dla zdrajców Nie drgnie nam ręka, gdy będziemy pociągać za sp...

Gwałciciel Aniołów

Gdy na czarnym niebie zniknęły wszystkie gwiazdy Błysnął krwawy księżyc On będzie świadkiem w te podłą noc Sodomia i zbezczeszczenie Przeznaczenie się dopełniło Posłańcy jahwe zostaną dzisiaj zgwałceni! Z głębi otchłani dochodzą hymny Na cześć demona zemsty...

His Blind Existence

You chose a path of treason and money You are there, where phoniness and hypocrisy Are the values You dared to sell your mother for your own benefit You even dared to sell your jahwe You are nobody! You won't flee the hand, which has always stalked Your lousy...

In the November Night

A cold breath of dead trees I stood in a woodland desolation Where the blaze of the moon Pierces through the bare crowns of the trees Desperate screams o black dumbfounded crowns have ceased On a November night I’m coming back to the forgotten past...

Kill Yourself

Your life is shallow Like the stare, which you profane this land with Kill yourself! 'cos your thoughts taint The freshness of the air I breathe Kill yourself! 'cos your breath is like a venom Poisoning the blood in my veins Kill yourself! 'cos your words c...


Złowieszczy mrok i oddech śmierci Ostrze brzytwy lśni w blasku księżyca Mrożący krew w żyłach skowyt Cios i charczenie zarzynanej ofiary - ścierwa Rytuał krwi w leśnej mgle Nienawiści akt Zbrodni triumf Krew na śniegu Ślepia Bestii w ludzkim ciele świecą pomi...

On the Fucking Shroud of Madness

Limb, abhorrent creatures Lopsided offspring of the wretched Pathetic reflection of the beautiful dreams Life among the creatures Mortal soul closed in a weak body Mortal coating unabling to live forever Thoughtless obedience Fulfillment in feeling pain and h...

Poprzez bramy ofiar

My body bathed in blood The shots go towards them The acrid smoke of dead bodies hovers everywhere There is no mercy even for the victims! I hurdle corpses, there’s so many of them here The enemies and the relatives die one after one It’s hell on earth...

Symbol of Decay

Your tried to enslave me Although you knew nothing about me The darkness that sticks in me You wanted to wrap your filthy claws Around my neck Just like you did to the survivers Decimated by the faith in you I want to drown you in the abyss Crush your throne...

The Forerunner of New Chaos

In a place where there is no god of semits Our victorious ideas are blooming The cross of the brave spangled banners are all around Hands risen towards the sun The holy race - war In the Honour of our White race Hatred to the enemies, native pride Aryan blood...

The Journey into Interior of My Soul

Today the sky broke into parts Clouds flow down to my feet Pain hurts my soul A sword goes to my body My heart can not break – why? But my body is dying There are no feelings in it They are buried deep inside Inside my tomb, my body There is no lif...

The Sign of Lie

Fucking churches Fucking jews Fucking clergy Fucking z.o.g. Fucking mob Fucking jesus christ Go through the life with lifted head Spit on the cross – the sign of stupidity Kill your sorrow with bitter drink And spit on the cross – the sign of lie K...

Through the Gates of Victims

My body bathed in blood The shots go towards them The acrid smoke of dead bodies hovers everywhere There is no mercy even for the victims! I hurdle corpses, there’s so many of them here The enemies and the relatives die one after one It’s hell on earth...

Unnamed Horizon

Through dense smoke Hovering with the strenght of the wind I glance at the shadow, were my memory Finds a distant vision, a blurred picture of the world, Where the mankind lost their capability And came the time when a stormy Proclaimed his coming Like a bloo...

Żniwo Krwi

Upiorna noc bezkresnej ciemności Przeszywający chłód pełni księżyca To mroczny czas w tym krwawym lesie Wśród mgieł i bagien rodzi się ten, który Dzisiaj dokona swej zemsty Jego imię przeklęte na wieki Budzi paniczny strach wśród jego ofiar On, wszechmocny i...