
Utwory wykonawcy:

'Tis the Season for Conspicuous Consumption

But the little Lord CEO, no organizing He tolerates, He sics His army of pigs, Night sticks in paw, on the poor working ma, Behave? They show us how, The free beating is His holiday gift, our hard-earned bonus, Don't thank Him later; thank Him now fo...

A Lesson in Mortality

Watch the butter melt. See its jaundiced flesh turn from solid into liquid. Observe as it's gilded armor slowly fades away like the wind. Exposed to the elements, it turns over a new leaf, To show, to expose, that there was nothing there in the first...

A Romance

Sampled dialogue from Arundhati Roy (2010 interview with CNN-IBN) "Non-violence, and particularly, Gandhian non-violence in some ways needs an audience, It’s a theatre that needs an audience, How are the hungry to go on a hunger strike? How are the peo...

A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting on His List

Be good if you wanna be on His List: Invest in the right stock this Christmas. Be good if you wanna be on His List: Put the poor on the chopping block this Christmas. And make sure you buy lots and lots of stupid expensive shit. 

A Storm is Brewing

Disaster’s on it's way, And it doesn’t wait kindly for open doors, Disaster we brought upon ourselves, Thanks to Their lies and stories, Time to think, Time to change our ways, Old habits die hard, Retreat to your selfish fantasies, Continue to remind...

A to-Die-for Deal

We’ve got a to-die-for deal, Made especially for you, It really is quite the deal, Buy now and get not one, but two, You can’t pass it up. Two chains for the price of one, You won’t pass it up, Consider that a threat. If humans are born free...

A Utopia for Ourselves

We exercise our power in their interest, At least that's what we tell them, Our superiority is evident in the way we treat our people, And they're grateful. After all, how does the saying go again? Please remind me, After all, how does the saying goes,...

An Ode to Sisyphus

The Fiscal Cliff is just a myth, And Sisyphus is cracking up as the rock rolls over us, The Fiscal Cliff is just a myth, And we are being pushed over it. 

An Ontology of Convenience

Divide the world in two, It’s much easier to digest that way. Swallow it whole; don’t chew, Or you better spit it out, The world is not for beholding, It is for dissect for projecting. Projecting ideology, projecting illusion, The world is not...

An Open Fire

Away in a manger somewhere, Millions of children are needlessly starving, As we bake our cookies, And stuff our face, And die of heart disease, This is the world we live in, It doesn't have to be such a disgrace, But making it a better place star...

An Unfriendly Reminder

As we celebrate Christmas, Although the snow might fall, The world burns around us, If this reminder "ruins" your Christmas, good. As we celebrate Christmas, Although the snow might fall, The world burns around us, If this reminder "ruins" your C...

And Conquer

It’s much easier to divide people with lines than with guns, It’s much easier to enforce those boundaries with bombs than with love. 

Arbeit Macht Frei

I’m a wage slave, miserably poor, While my government could hardly spend more on weapons to kill the innocent, Thank Big Brother for dealing with them, Indiscriminate punishment tastes so good with a nice side of cash. Broiled cash, Fried cash, Ra...

Ashes of the Old

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, A little kid's crying, 'cus they haven't been fed. The stars in the sky don't give a fuck, They're spheres of plasma. Away in a manger somewhere, Millions of children are needlessly starving, As we bake our coo...


“How do you expect me to make a living?” Slaves to indifferent masters; “Employees,” they call it. We call it. Chattel. Employees of a tainted, dying trade; Sailors on a sinking, putrid ship. Chattel. Foot soldiers in a wicked, crooked war; Porcela...

Business Lesson 101

Too many people are losing their chains, The only thing they have to lose, Too many people are noticing their chains, That seems to happen when they move, So let’s make sure they can’t. We’ll send in the army to keep them still, Destroy their home...

Business Talents

(Kropotkin, The Conquest of Bread (1892), chapter 4, part II) The landlord owes their riches to the poverty of the peasants, And the wealth of the capitalist comes from the same source. Business talents. If they choose a lucrative trade, and have "bu...

Capital Credo

We believe in one "Free" Market, The Manager, the Almighty, Maker of "freedom" and wealth, Of all that is sold and unsold, Make an offering to the Market, The most holy of holies, A gift, a sacrifice to prove your faith, To crush those "entitled"...

Class War

Sometimes, it's eat or be eaten, Even when (especially when) your stomach's empty, Sometimes, it's beat or be beaten, And when you're already battered and bruised, What do you have left to lose? Or just close your eyes, Plug your ears, let vengeanc...

Common Property

(Kropotkin, The Conquest of Bread (1892), chapter 1, part II) Millions of human beings have labored to create this civilization on which we pride ourselves today, Other millions, scattered through the globe, labor to maintain it, Without them nothing wou...

Concluding Rites

Wallet a little light? You must not be praying loud enough, Clothes a little torn? Ask yourself: Do you really wanna be a heathen? Stomach a little empty? Mouth a little dry? Haven't you ever heard of Personal Responsibility? Seated at The Right...

Cut! Cut! Cut!

Gather food and supplies; The Apocalypse is coming, And we must prepare, The monster of the loch, The alien takeover, The attack of Sasquatch, Throw in the Fiscal Cliff, And you have every popular myth. So collect all the lights and mirrors you...

Democracy in a Bombshell

We have created a system, a system of pure liberty, A system that will never fall, Because it is the greatest system of them all, Welcome to the end of history. The rich rule, And the rest get one day to pick their rich ruler, Some call it plutocr...

Demolition Plans

“Please relax, Would you just relax? Learn to relax, Learn to express yourself with the binary, Express yourself in the binary, Please relax, Would you just relax? Learn to relax, Learn to be yourself with the binary, Be yourself in the binary...

Don't Cross the Line

I drew these lines in the sand arbitrarily, Cross them and you’ll soon be begging for mercy. We drew these lines in the sand arbitrarily, centuries ago, Cross them and we’ll lock you up and throw away the key. These sacred lines were drawn in the san...

Dreams in a Vacuum

We must maintain the dream we’ve attained. “Karma”’s only convenient when it’s self-serving, How much are we willing to pay for our comfort? A life of dreams, dreams of comfort. We must maintain the dream we’ve attained, A life of dreams, a dream o...

Due Thanks

Don’t you dare miss it, Don’t you dare forget. Thank you for doing nothing all of the time, Thank you for thinking nothing all of the time, Thank you for feeling nothing all of the time. And being something, none of the time. What’s left to grow in a w...

Extra Varnish Please

Disguise the binary as truth, Truth never tasted so good, Truth never tasted so damn good. Between you and me, I could get used to this, Disguise the binary as truth, Indisputable, irrefutable, Disguise ideology as truth, Uncontestable, unshak...

Forked Tongues

A or B? Answer the question, Which side do you pick? Black or white? Choose one, Day or night? Just don’t pick the wrong one. Taste the binary sifting through your veins, Forget about “uniqueness” or “identity”, The binary is all that remain...

From the Manger to the Grave

As we celebrate Christmas, Although the snow might fall, The world burns around us. Be near me, Lord Politico, I prefer to keep my enemies close, What's the matter? Don't like a bit of death with your stocking? What about the millions of kids out...

Geographic Destiny

The group into which I was arbitrarily born is vastly superior to the one across the arbitrary border, I was born on the right side of the arbitrary line in the sand, They were born on the wrong one. 

Get Engaged

Here come the brides, All dressed in whatever fucking colors they want, As they taunt heteronormativity and smash patriarchy. Here come the grooms, All dressed in whatever fucking colors they like, As they fight in solidarity with the brides, As t...

Higher Horses

Sit quiet on your hands and take the beating, Pray for a better day. Who's really the "Morally Superior" one: The CEO? The "entrepreneur"? The banker? The politician? Or: The person who's tired of picking through our garbage to survive? The...

Hot Air

Listen to my feelings, I'm sharing my emotions, opening myself up, I know you give a fuck, Let me tell you about my broken heart, Let me tell you about my failed romances, I don't even know where to start. I'm so full, tying up my hands, Help me...

I, Stratified

Who are we? We're the status quo, Who are we? We're years and years of tradition codified, Codify, stratify, Let go of "self" and "volition," The Truth is not your decision. Who are we? We're the status quo, Who are we? We're years and years of oppr...

Illusions of Choice

We brew the concoctions, So pick your poison, Toe the line we draw for you, Pick one, They’re both lethal, The only difference is the taste, So pick your poison, And enjoy the wait between, And the haste you take, you make, for yourself, behind...

Imperial Heartbeats

The global chain industry must capitalize, It must control everything around it, lest it stifle potential profit, The global chain industry must accumulate, capital, labor, nature, lives. The global chain industry must expand or die, Resources might b...

In the Service of Power

Who are we? We’re the status quo, Who are we? We’re the System, the line everyone must toe, The dictum that divides the world in two, The “wisdom” that dissects and destroys truth in the service of power. We are not some conspiracy; We are not s...

Introductory Rites

Pray to The Great Gesticulator, or you... Will find yourself, at the bottom of The Ravine, Remember when you were last here. How many matches does it take to burn a Bank? - Just one, How many matches does it take? - Just one to burn His bloody temple,...

Looking Inward

Feel their tears drip on your fingertips, And wipe the blood off your lips, This is the price of privilege. Hear them scream in fright, Lying awake at night, Fearing for their lives, Human sacrifice for the rich. Don’t go to sleep, Don’t you...

Love Is a Bourgeois Construct

I don’t want your stupid chocolates made with processed cocoa, Grown and harvested by wage slaves on monoculture farms in impoverished 21st-century colonies, I don’t want your stupid cards made with processed paper, Grown and harvested by wage slaves in...

Lullaby of the Occupied

Don't go to sleep, Don't you dream, Don't even close your doomed young eyes. 'Cus they are watching, Flying overhead; Bombing over heads, "Protecting freedom." By "freedom" what they really mean is privilege, Everything's justified in the nam...

Middle on the Railroad

You can’t be neutral on a moving train. The world is burning, The System is a moving train, Speeding down an unmarked path to total annihilation. “Neutrality” means complicity, “Apolitical” means facilitating, “Reform” means prolongation, Compli...

Mutual Aid

(Kropotkin, Mutual Aid (1902), Introduction) It is not love and not even sympathy upon which Society is based in [hu]mankind, It is the conscience be it only at the stage of an instinct of human solidarity, It is the unconscious recognition of the force,...

Natural Right

It’s my natural right, Naturally endowed by virtue, Merely of the geographical location in which I was born. Don’t blame me; blame God. This nation, My infallible nation, Made of and drawn in the sand, Is the stuff of miracles. Some say natio...

Never Hurt a Soul

Sit quiet on your hands and take the beating, Sit quiet on your hands and take the beating, Pray for a better day, Praying never hurt a soul. Sit quiet on your hands and take the beating, Sit quiet on your hands and take the beating, Pray for a be...


We'll pass around the collection plate. Empty your pockets, Prove your faith in The Great... Remember what The Prophets stipulate, It's all just part of the act, Distract, gesticulate, Never mean what you say. 


Just party, Party, Party, Party, Party, Party, Party, Party, Party, It's the only philosophy you need, PARTY! 

Peculate Gangnam Style

Gangnam Style! 

Pick Your Poison

Pick your poise, Pick your poison, Make your choice, Don’t pick the wrong one, Pick your poise, Pick your poison, Make your choice, Don’t pick the wrong one or else. Vial A or vial B? The poison you choose (or is chosen for you) dictates your...

Procrustean Metrics

We construct the natural as we see fit, And you either conform or diverge from it. And if you choose the latter, And it is always a choice, For we force our procrustean standards, And cut off the feet of anyone who doesn’t fit in our neat little bin...

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Away in the... Don't waste your money this Christmas on stupid shit made in sweatshops, We buy shit that slaves make, We buy shit that slaves make, Tell me a thing or two, about what “Christmas charity” means to you. It means spending fortunes on ric...

Run Rabbit Run

Run, rabbit, run! Run, rabbit, run! The rabbit's not running from the snow; It's running from itself, from its own mortality. We're all the rabbit, Running through this avalanche called life. 

Skinner Box Mortgage

Productivity has decreased by zero-point-one-four per cent, Adjust productivity to reflect maximum potential, Adjust productivity to reflect maximum potential, Repeat, repeat, Productivity has decreased by zero-point-one-four per cent, Adjust product...

Some Parting Advice

When a boot's on your neck and They refuse to take it off, And They grind it deeper, And They break your trachea, Chopping it off is called self-defense. Our necks are already tired, Our necks already ache, Our necks are already black and blue,...


As the sky turns gray, The last thing we need to do is pray. Prey off their circumstances, Prey off all this madness, Prey off their bad habits, It’ll go the way we want it, It always does. Stop moving forward, Listen to your instinct, What’s best f...

Structural Adjustment

Prepare yourself to fight back against austerity, The Reign of Austerity, Expropriate, organize, It’s about time we realized: Capitalism is a series of fiscal cliffs, And they’re pushing us closer and closer to the edge, Capitalism is a permanent forced...

Suffer Peacefully

(Malcolm X sample: "Be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone. But if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.") When a boot's on your neck, Pushing it off is called self-defense, And look around: You'll see there's no shortage o...

The End of History

Empire and peace cannot coexist, Choose one. We choose empire, We choose empire over peace, Peace is overrated anyway, It’s very difficult to profit off of peace, Peace is a lousy investment, We live in a world with a new kind of peace, The onl...

The Price of Progress

(Ensure that there are), No more barriers to foreign entry, We seek Freedom of Markets over the freedom of human beings, Invest in the Chain Industry. We are the liberators, here to set you free with a pocket book and an army, Just invest in the Chai...

The Sum of Human Riches

(Kropotkin, The Conquest of Bread (1892), chapter 1, part II) Science and industry, Knowledge and application, Discovery and practical realization leading to new discoveries, Cunning of brain and of hand, Toil of mind and muscle all work together,...

The World's a Stage

Get over it, We define who you are, From the day you are born, We call the shots. We classify, We, not you, decide how you will identify for your entire life, We classify, We put you neatly in a box— Our box, We classify, We, not you, decide...

There's Money in Blood

We don’t spend money saving lives at home, We spend money ending lives abroad. I’m looking to do a new investment, I don’t care about the human cost, My only concern is the fiscal cost, For “The world is a business.”, And a business has no room fo...

This Sick Beat™

This sick beat™ This sick beat™ This sick beat™ This sick beat™ This sick beat™ This sick beat ™ This sick Beat™ This sick This Sick This sick This sick This Sick This This sick This sick Beat™ This Sick Beat™ T...

Tighten Your Belt

Cut the Safety Net with your gilded scissors, Watch the less fortunate fall onto the Spikes of Capital, The vampires, vultures and venture capitalists await them impatiently below. We’ll leave the aid to the charities, Only the heart-warming philanthr...

When Push Comes to Shove

When a boot's on your neck, Shoving it off is called self-defense, And look around: You'll see there's no shortage of boots needing shoved. "Turn the other cheek" was directed at the oppressor, not the oppressed. Non-violence is a powerful strategy...

Whose Child

Whose child stays and whose child goes, Is not a matter of fate, It’s a matter of economics, Whose child sings and whose child croaks, Is just punishment for the worst crime of all... Whose child stays and whose child goes, Is not a matter of fate...

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

They must be punished for the worst crime of all: Being born... They must be punished for the worst crime of all: Being born in the wrong... They must be punished for the worst crime of all: Being born in the wrong place... They must be punished fo...

Your Patriotic Duty

Victory — glorious victory, We rule the world, In a glorious victory for no one but ourselves. Look up, Sit down, Follow orders. Do the right thing — your patriotic duty. Serve your country, Our country, Defend your country, Our country, Fight fo...