
Utwory wykonawcy:

4th Arra Of Dagon

Painted and inscribed on flat stones Abhorrent to the deep ones Abhorrent to their great father Is the symbol to guard against Dagon Created by the elder things Long ages past To guard against Dagon and his spawn No deep one will cross a threshold That has t...

Age Of Famine

There is no place in the upper kingdom not blighted with plague and famine The bones of corpses stripped of flesh litter our towns The desert reclaims the land Corrupt winds of pestilence and contagion Sicken the air with piteous lamentations of despair...

Annihilation Of The Wicked

he Dominion of Seker. Barren Desert of Eternal Night. Shunned by Ra. Behind the Gate Aha-Neteru. The Wastelands of Seker. Eldest Lord of Impenetrable Blackness. Death God of Memphis. He of the Darkness and Decay of the Tomb. He of Rosetau. The Mouth of the Pas...

As He Creates So He Destroys

At the seething and fiery center He sits upon his ebon throne Within his halls of darkness Which no man has seen and survived the vision Both blind and bereft of mind He pipes unceasingly on his reed flute And the notes that rise and fall in measured patterns...

Barra Edinazzu

Gallu Barra Namtar Barra Ashak Barra Gigim Barra Alal Barra Telal Barra Masquim Barra Utukku Barra Idpa Barra Lalartu Barra Lalassu Barra Akhkharu Barra Urukku Barra Kielgalal Barra Lilitu Barra Utuq Xul Edinazzu Alla Xul Edinazzu Gigim Xul Edinazzu Mulla Xu...

Beneath Eternal Oceans Of Sand

In the cosmos There is balm as well as bitterness And that balm is Nepenthe. Yet underneath endless oceans of sand I have not forgotten Those who had betrayed me. Silent and unmovable, I am not sorry For I had hated the light. Now I ride with the un...

Black Seeds Of Vengeance

The scourge of Amalek is upon you, The seed of Amu hath oppressed you They hath urinated upon you and made you eat feces They know not Ra They are the enemies of Asar, they hath defiled your tombs Violated your women and made victims of your little ones They h...

Call to Destruction

Call to destruction! Call to destruction of the symbols of paganism Grand monuments of idolatry We must tear down these blasphemous edifices of Heathenism We must annihilate all that is pre-Islamic We must complete what the Sahabi Amr Bin Al As could not...

Cast Down The Heretic

Blasphemer, Heretic, Defiler of the Sacred Ones. Thou art Deprived of Your Limbs. Thy Nose Shall be Split. Thou art Cast Down and Overthrown. Ra-Harmakhis Destroyeth Thee. He Damneth Thee and Driveth Hooks into Thy Body. Isis Sayeth in Mighty Voice, "The Numbe...

Chapter For Transforming Into A Snake

I am a Long Lived Snake, I Pass the Night and Am Reborn Every Day I am the Snale which is in the Limits of the Earth I Pass the Night and am Reborn, Renewed and Rejuvenated Every Day I am a Crocodile immersed in Dread I am the Crocodile who Takes by Robbery I...

Chapter Of Obeisance Before Giving Breath To The Inert One In The Presence...

"Chapter of Obeisance Before Giving Breath to the Inert One in the Presence of the Crescent Shaped Horns" Khensu Neter Hetef. Who Possesseth Absolute Domninion over the Evil Spirits that Infest the Earth and Sky. He of the Silence of the Moon. Giver of Oracle...

Churning The Maelstrom

Am the Uncreated God Before Me The Dwellers in Chaos are Dogs Their Masters Merely Wolves I Gather The Power From Every Place From Every Person Faster Than Light Itself Hail To He Who Is In The Duat Who Is Strong Even Before The Servants of Serpents He Gathers...

Defiling The Gates Of Ishtar

Impure am I, impure I spill my seed upon barren earth And spit in the faces of the Goddess, unclean am I Unclean I copulate with the hands of the God And defile the Gates of Ishtar Unblessed am I, unrepentant Defiant Buh Luh Uh Si il Inanna As Gi Su Ak Gis Tes...

Die Rache Krieg Lied der Assyriche

Ia Namtaru Ia Lammia Ia Asaku Ia Pazuzu Ia Zixul zi Azkak Ia Gula zi Pazu Alal uggae Utukku Xul Ia Ia Pazuzu Ia Ningursu Ia Ia Umduggu Shemti Shebui Nehenkau Addu Nergal Arrallu Nergal dread God of War and Plague Avenge the shades of our Fallen ones Blacken...

Divine Intent

Rise in Slpender Arms upheld unto the Sky Blindly I Follow Soon All will be Revealed Searing Transcendant Visions of Divine Intent Worshiping Obediant I Await the Burning In Supplication I turn my eyes toward the Sun It Burns I turn my eyes toward the Sun I...

Eat Of The Dead

The highest fulfillment of man Is to become food for the crawling things That burrow and slither in human flesh Unceasing in mindless hunger Remorseless undefiled by reason The worms of the tomb they are pure Their purity elevates them Above the putrefying pr...

Enduring The Eternal Molestation Of Flame

Let not my Corpse Rot in the Necropolis Let not my crimes be raised against me Whilein the Earth Make my flesh and bones safe from Maggots And Any False God who Trepasses my Tomb You whose heart has been Seized from thy breast Save me from the Ravages of Deac...

Even The Gods Must Die

Invoked in stone Of epic proportion Was his temple of pillars Magnificent colossal Humbling all who entered its sacred halls Yet now fallen to decay and ruin Its past grandeur Obscured by the cruelties of time The priests of the temple Dead all dead And fallen...

Evil To Cast Out Evil

Speak not of the gods to me They listen not to the suffering Speak not to me Of divine mercy When my eyes See only pestilence Famine and death Speak not to me of the profane When the truth of our existence Is called blasphemy And the smoke of plague...

Execration Text

Mut the dangerous dead Trouble me no longer I inscribe thy name I threaten thee with the second death I kill thy name And thus I kill thee again In the afterlife Bau terror of the living Angry spirits of the condemned dead I write thy name I burn thy name in...


Whisper silence in my Ear Uncover the truth of Insignificance Paint the anguish of the Private Soul Reveal pathetic Tragedy As sleep I dream of Death Seething with Rage Exquisite Rage Amplify the Vision Does it Matter Does it Matter Paradise Lost Dreaming...

Hittite Dung Incantation

You come to me Because you believe I can cast off demons To ward off the evil eye To nullify some sick sorcery that is upon you I mix the dung of a dog Foul canine excrement With barley flour Smear it on your shoulders Cast it from you And feed it un...

I Whisper In The Ear of the Dead

Whisper in the Ear of the UnBlessed Dead And My Words of Power are Heard in the Underworld The Dead They are Compelled to Obey Me Even Unto the Worlds Below Yea I Whisper in the Ear of the UnBlessed Dead An they Heed my Necromantic Demands For I have Bound The...

Immortality Through Art / Godless

[Immortality Through Art - Instrumental] [Godless] Atheos anarchas No belief in any deity No lies or false idols No dogma shall enslave me My words of truth The tongue of fire A cleansing of utter blasphemy No law of man or god No chains of servitude Bind m...

In The Name Of Amun

In the Name of the God Amun I wage war North to Gaza I marched my armies of chariots and infantry Twenty thousand strong to crush as revolt of vassal states Rebellious kings of Kadesh and Megiddo Syrians allied with the Mitanni and Amurru Built their set...

In Their Darkened Shrines I: Hall Of Saurian Entombment

Through Subterranean Labyrinths of Catacombs We Hath Crawled To Gather in this Dimly Lit Hall Of Colossal Proportion Which Few Ever See Along Black Walls Rise Tier after Tier of Carven Painted Sacrophagi Each Standing in a Niche in the Stone The Mounted Tiers...

In Their Darkened Shrines II: Invocation To Seditious Heresy

And Here I Stand I who would be master of the Black Earth Have summoned you here secretly You who are faithful to me To share in the Black Kingdom that shall nr Tonight we shall witness The breaking of the chains which Enslave us And the birth of a Dark Empire...

In Their Darkened Shrines III: Destruction Of The Temple Of The Enemies Of Ra

Foul Enemies of Ra who have Rebelled Malicious Fiends Spawn of Inertness Impotent Rebels Nameless Filth For whom Blazing Pits of Fire have been prepared By the Command of Ra Down Upon your Faces You are overthrown Your Skulls are Crushed in You are Destroyed A...

In Their Darkened Shrines IV: Ruins

I knew they were Accursed so remote were these nameless desert ruins Crumbling and inarticulate the debris of its collapsed walls was Nearly hidden by the sands of the uncounted ages It must have been thus before the first stones of Memphis were laid And the b...

Iskander D'hul Karnon

Iskander Dhul Karnon Idolator pagan Possessor of the honrs of Ammon Conqueror of both the rising and setting of the sun A the ends of the earth Where the sun rises from the treacherous fetid sea Iskander built the gates With blocks of stone and iron Poured ov...


As for mine enemies The sun shall impede the beating of their hearts And blind their eyes Let the shades of my fathers Curse their faces Let the eye of sekhmet Send the violence of the sun Down upon their heads Let searing torrents of fire Descend upon their...


There is no God but God There is no God but God There is no God but the one true God There is no God but the hidden God There is no God There is no God There is no God There is no God Allah Akhbar! In the name of the unmerciful the unbenevolent In the name of...

Kem Khefa Kheshef

Get back crawl away get away from me, thou snake Be drowned in the lake of the abyss At the place where thy father hath commanded That thine slaying shall be carried out Be far removed from the abode of Re Where in you trembled For I am Re at whom men tremble...

Kheftiu Asar Butchiu

Kheftin Asar Butbiu Enemies of Osiris Who Are To Be Burned Let There Be Fetters on Your Arms Let There Be Shackles on Your Necks Let There Be Chains Upon You Ye Shall Be Hacked to Pieces For What Ye Have Done To Osiris You Have Put His Mysteries Behind Your Ba...

Khetti Satha Shemsu

Khetti Satha Shemsu [3 times] Khetti Satha Seneh Khetti Satha Tehen Khetti Satha Tua Khetti Satha Kesu Khetti Satha Sethes Khetti Satha Sekhu Khetti Satha Senes Khetti Satha Suti Khetti Satha Sekhem [3 times] 

Language Of The Shadows

Abandon hope And I shall become free And with freedom acquire emptiness With the mind cleansed and empty There is the void known as despair A gateway upon an emptiness endless and vast In despair the language of the shadows is intelligible In madness all sou...

Lashed To The Slave Stick

Asfetiu. Asfetiu. Fiends, Criminals, Slaves, Blasphemers. The Word of Ra is Against Ye. Ye are Fettered and Bound with Leather Straps. Helpless, Doomed, Wailing in Unendurable Torment. Lashed to the Forked Slave Stick By the Neck. Lashed to the Slave Stick....

Laying Fire Upon Apep

Fire be upon thee Apep Ra maketh thee to burn Thou who art hateful unto him Ra pierceth thy head He cutteth through thy face Ra melteth thine countenance Lo your skull is crushed in his hand Thy bones are smashed in pieces Burn thou fiend Before the fire of t...

Le Chant du Cygne

Forgotten heroes, massacred Carnage scattered Strewn with the wreckage of war Sanguinary, savage melee Slay en masse, orgiastic bloodbath No more battle cries or screams of dying friends No mourners lament or glorious funeral pyres The dogs of war will...

Liber Stealle Rubeae

Apep defieth Asar This book of the most secret cult of the ruby star Given to none save the shameless in deed as in word No man shall understand this writing, too subtle for the sons of man The ruby star has shed its blood upon me That which is to be deni...

Long Shadows of Dread

The world grows dark Dusk turns ominous Penance for evil days long upon us Unforetold dread is on the horizon Warning us of impending doom The world is become a despairing desert The sands of time run short The foundations of the black earth move benea...

Masturbating The War God

Evil sick flames cast uncertain shadowsin the dimly lit Temple of Anhur as we count the dead and vanquished by hacking off their phalluses and piling the severed hands before the living stone image of God. The shamed and humbled women of the subjugated kneel i...


Oasis dark sanctuary Night is born heavy with Shaman dance By the light of the moon Open your eyes to the song of the universe Slowly we drag ourselves out of the primal slime Slowly we arise to become mankind Irrepressable we journey to Mecca The heav...

Multitude Of Foes

Sep Au Hetep Ab Au Mekhar Gau t Metkh Mekhar t Khhert Ua an Aqu Mekri Sau t Athien Hapti Tehem Er Sa Msa I Call Upon Thee My Father Amun for I am in the midst of A Multitude of Foes Abandoned by the Legions of Amun and Ra Engulfed by the Heat of the Fire Blood...

Nas Ankhu Khan She En Asbiu

Nas Aakhu Khan She en Asbiu Ua tehani, Ua temam, Ua khames Re Per Akhu Ua khames em bah khan She en Amu Ua khames em bah khan She en Seshet Temam aakhu Thaui, Temam aakhu Shemsu Satha Saakhu Nebu Tchaut, Saakhu Nebu Khebentiu Snemeh em bah Akhu-Ager Tata ab uk...

Natural Liberation Of Fear Through The Ritual Deception Of Death

I Bow down to the Glorious Transcent One Vajra Kumara Whose Face Frowns with Wrath In Order that My Living Being Be Released from the Extreme Suffering And all The Unremitting And Bitter Sorrows of Death Lifespan Threatened By Imbalanced Elemental Forces And...

Negating The Abominable Coils Of Apep

Waxen one who feedeth by stealth Coiled one who cioeth on the Inert Ones I will not be Inert for thee I will not become infirm for thee Thy poison shall not enter into my members For my body is as the Body of Atum I I am not weak Suffering from thee sh...


I drink the milk of ceres Dread elixir Crude nauseous willful poison Healing wounds unhealed Purge vomit convulse collapse I gain the knowledge Separate mind from body I break open the skull Papaver somniferum Amrosia of the ancients Morpheus god of...

Opening of the Mouth

I split open your Eyes for you I open your mouth for you With the Adze of Iron Which split open the mouths of the Gods The Iron which issueth from Set With the Adze of Iron I did clean your Bones With Iron Hook and Chisel I did scrape your Flesh And separate...

Papyrus Containing the Spell to Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks from He..

Amun Lord of the Gods Thou who art of the Four Rams Heads upon thy Neck Thou standest upon the spine of the Crocodile Fiends To thine sides are the Dog Headed apes The Transformed spirits of the Dawn Drive away from me the Lions of the Wastes The Crocodiles w...

Permitting The Noble Dead To Descend To The Underworld

Hail to ye who art in the sacred desert of the west I know you and I know your names Save me from these snakes which ar in Rosetjau Which live on the flesh of men and gulp down their blood For I know you and I know your names The first one Osiris, lord of all...

Pestilence and Iniquity

Heralds of Pestilence Blackest Plague Rusheth through the Land Burning Evil Winds Carry Sickness Invoking the Bitter Venom of the Gods Loathsome Sickening Stench of the Defiled A Cesspool Breeding the Unclean Hordes of Locusts Fiends of the South Winds Cleans...

Ramses, Bringer of War

Wretched Fallen one of Khatti Rise against the oppressing Sword Encircled Abandoned Alone I Smite the vile Hittite Foe My Father Amon what carest Thee For the Vile and Ignorant of God My Father Amon what carest Thee For these Effeminate ones At millions of wh...

Rape Of The Black Earth

Violent clashes engulf the war torn black earth Political turmoil brings chaos and ruin upon the upper and lower kingdom heretics and Zealots rape the two lands Brazen rampant looting and wanton vandalism a bleak reality Destroying entire epochs of history...

Revel in Their Suffering

Our cruel masters Overlords of the black earth Have fallen unto ill days Abandoned by their gods War has ravaged them Corruption and decadence have divided them all Their pharoahs, their scribes, their priests, their gods Hear not their cries Revel i...

Sacrifice Unto Sebek

Sebek, Sochet, Suchos. Dread Lord of the Marsh. He Who Crawleth Amongst the Sacred Waters. And Devoureth the Flesh of That Which is Sacrificed unto Him. Tua Ashemu. Tua Ashemu. Rekhes Au Sebek. Rekhes Au Sebek. Tua Ashemu. Tua Ashemu. Sebek, Neter, Ashemu. W...


Who Dares Disturb My Blissful Sleep Again in Anger Must I Rise How Long Unknown I Lay Emtombed My World So Long Forgotten Did Disown Me Usurper I was Scorned Ah The Suffering They did Inflict Stained With Cosmic Black Sins The Sun No Longer Sets Me Free 

Serpent Headed Mask

Aa-herit Nebu Huit-Ra We come before Thee wearing serpent headed Masks In sanguinary worship we offer the Tcheser-t Senfiu The sacrificial drink of the Gods of Blood in a goblet carved from a human skull Aa-t-aru Fiendish blood drinking reptile Lord of the An...

Seven Horns of War

I am become The hawk headed lord Arrayed in blinding light Upon a dawn of terror Given unto you The machines of conquest Engines of war Anointed with blood and dung With them shall ye smite thine enemies None shall stand before thee Slay, maim, tra...

Smashing The Antiu

Burning of the Defeated Dragging The fettered Rebels To the Block of Slaughter Decapitated Headless Naked and Bound Captives Adorn my Shield Arms Tied behind their Backs Lying Bound in Agony Fiends Hold them with Ropes Awaiting Beheadment and Mutilation Wit...

Sss Haa Set Yoth

Lurking Among Us Hidden in Obscurity, Descended from the Dawn of the Ages, The Children of Yig And Set, Serpent Volk. Whose Civilaztions were Ancient, Long Dead And Forgotten Before The Eldest Pyramids were Built. Man Was Not the First To Walk Upright Upon the...

Stones of Sorrow

Slaves Whipped to Death In the Hot Sun Drag the Stones of Sorrow Vast Monolithic a Collossus of Stone Greased with the Blood of Abraham Of Human Bondage and Suffering We carve a monument to Megalomania Bleak and Endless is my Sorrow For the chain o...

Supreme Humanism Of Megalomania

I asset my claim of umcompromising empowerment I am like as unto Atum lord of all whose spontaneous self generation Led to the appearance of the earliest gods and thus the material universe there is none higher I appear in glory as that god who eats men and l...

Surrounded by fright

Descendant world in a frenzy of evil Slowly stripped of life Raped of principles with a common reason Justice for which we fight Madmen stagger into power Pulling strings from ivory towers Vampire machines drain and devour As screams strike the hour D...

That Which Is Forbidden

I who would walk across dimensions as yet unknown To whom the laws of space and time Nay even gravity itself Are as futile As the meaningless lives of men and insects Who hath trod upon the imperishable stars Whilst my sleeping form lay helpless yet u...

The Black Flame

Withdraw Thy Phallus Baboui, open the Gates of the Dust For I am Burning in Aataakhu, chains bind me, flames encircle me And burn my flesh open For Me the Gates Shall Open, over the Fire of the Spirit The Breth Drawn by the Gods, arise Apophis Return That I Mi...

The Black Hand Of Set

Eaters of Human Flesh Hath eaten unlawful Flesh Upon our Brethren They have Feasted Seed of our Father We must now Avenge In secret conclave we Gather To rain Destruction on those Whom We have Cursed With vile Black Arts And Tempestuous Rage We vent our Wrat...

The Blessed Dead

Looked Down Upong With Scorn We Work the Fields of the Masters And Share Not the Bounty of the Black Earth Destitute Servile Cast Out Affording No Tomb We Shall Be Buried Unprepared in the Sand We Shall Never Be The Blessed Dead Scorned By Asar Condemned at...

The Burning Pits Of The Duat

I Hath Been Immersed Head Down. In that, Which Floweth In Abundance from the Slaughtered Ones. I Hath Been Made to Eat Feces and Drink Urine. I Lay in Chains before the Undying Flames. I am Helpless in the Presence of He Who is Master of the Pits of Fire. I am...

The Chaining Of The Iniquitous

The Slayers of Geb Reckon up the Immoral After the Weighing of the Words in Amentet Tem saith unto the reapers Keep Ward over the Wicked And Bind ye Fast Those who Are to be Smitten The Neniu Profane Apostates The Depraved who when on Earth Cursed Ra Shamele...

The Essential Salts

The necromancers of Giza A cult of reanimators Concerned with interrogation of the long dead Corpses who may be revived and made to talk And describe the contents of rare books And gold hidden in the earth Although they are often reluctant to reveal their secr...

The Eye Of Ra

In my foolishness I had taken form of a mortal man And entered time to live amongst humanity born of my tears But now they have turned against me and my descendants They overthrow the temples and curse my name No I return to the city of the sun There enthrone...

The Fiends Who Come to Steal the Magick of the Deceased

The great one has fallen on his side Swarmed by the eight crocodiles I know them by their name and lives I save my father from them Crocodiles of the west Who lives on the unwearying stars Detestation of you is in me The nau snake is in my belly Your flame wi...

The Gods Who Light Up The Sky At The Gate Of Sethu

The Great God cometh forth to the Gate The gods who are therein acclaim Him Guarded by sixteen UraeiStandeth the mummified form of Nemi A Knife in his hands Swept by Flames of Fire Come thou who art at the Horizon Who Unveils the secret place And unfolds the...

The Howling of the Jinn

Nafs I Ammara Fana Azif I am the Infidel Fiendish Insects encircle Me Howling Wind Wraiths Surround my disembodied Ka Dulcarnon Hideous Unseen Speaking in Tongues Heard only by the Mad Shrieking Insects Swarm over Me Suffocate Me Suffocate my Soul Majnun I am...

The Imperishable Stars Are Sickened

For aeons has the hubris of man Risen up as a foul stench Offensive in the nostrils of the gods Before the aweful thrones of eternity A ghastly multitude of haggard spectres Countless victims of the vast crimes of humanity Have gathered around the gate...

The Inevitable Degradaation of Flesh

I have come to you that you may Heal my corpse Permit me to go down into the Earth Forever Such as He who will not be Ravaged May I not become Corrupt May my Ka Ascend aloft May it descend only after it has perished Such is he who is Decayed All his bones ar...

The Oxford Handbook of Savage Genocidal Warfare

They have refused to submit Treacherous and rebellious Defiant in the face of certain destruction Conquered cities razed to the ground Captured towns pillaged, populations massacred Savage genocidal warfare Exacted upon the bitter enemies of Asshur The...

Those Whom The Gods Detest

I will not speak the spell for not dying against, nay I will not speak the spell for not dying again I am the murderous Seth My hostility made manifest In the rebellousness that is humanity Entwined in coils of wrath I disrupt the continuity of the sublime A...

To Dream Of Ur

Desolate and Forsaken, Eerily Moaning Dark Winds Murmur Incantations, Dusk Calls Forth Shadows Spirits of the Glorious Dead Lingering, Bound to this Place They Whisper of Untold Sagas, of Long Dead Cities the Seven Shining Cities Sacred to the Aphkhallu of Age...

To Sir With Love

Those schoolgirl days Of telling tales and biting nails are gone But in my mind I know they will live on and on So, how do you thank someone Who's taken you from crayons to perfume? It isn't easy, but I'll try If you wanted the sky I would write across the s...

To Walk Forth From Flames Unscathed

Khenti Amenti Dead God of the Dead Who was old aeons before the lordship of the Dead Was usurped by Osiris Long before the priests of Asar Forbade the cannibalism of the Dead Those who could not afford to be buried Were to be eaten or burnt Or devoured...

Tribunal Of The Dead

I fear I may have Fallen out With the Regime An Enemy of the State My Name is Written Amongst the Disgraced On a Clay Image of a Bound Human Captive I Bring Incense To Appease The Forthy Two Assessors The Tribunal of the Dead I Bring Natron The Imbibing of Wh...

Unas Slayer Of The Gods

Poureth Down Water From the Heavens Tremble the Stars Quake the Bones of Aker Those Beneath Take Flight When They See Unas Rising The Akh of Unas Is Behind Him The Conquerer Are Beneath His Feet His Gods Are In Him His Uraei Are on His Brow The Words of Unas...


O Seti, Great One, My Father. I Hath Finished for Thee Thy Temple at Abydos. And Made Known the Lineage of the Blessed. Those Who Came Before. I Hath Exalted Mine Ancestors. I Hath Honoured with the Blood and Sweat of Many. The Legacy of Thy Conquests. T Hath...

Utterances Of The Crawling Dead

Demon who denies me Who cuts off heads and severs necks Who renders incoherent the words I speak Sealing my mouth against the magic which resides in me You who shall not see me Kneel on your knees Go with thy face behind thee Wander without purpose With your...

Vile Nilotic Rites

He worships dogs and reptiles He blackens his eyes with soot like a prostitute He dances and plays the cymbals in vile nilotic rites I am asked if he has gone mad If he has been bewitched, having coupled with a sorceress For he has become soulless, degen...

Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten

I Hath Dreamed Black and Grim, Desolate Visions Of the Pre-Human Serpent Folk and Communed with Long-dead Reptiles. Silently Watching Through the Ages in Cold, Curious Apathy. The Unending Sorrows and Suffering of an Abysmal Humankind. I Dare Not Again Surren...

We Are Cursed

The wretched and the desperate Scavenge amongst the refuse Piled waist deep in the streets Of our ancient cities The starving compete with rats over every scrap Of ill sustenance to be found Rotting amongst the dead and diseased Maggot infested, disow...

What May Be Safely Written

Great Cthulhu Ever the warrior God Of all the old ones He is the most terrible For it is his delight To slay and lay waste to everything that lies beneath his taloned feet And the very lust to conquer What was once free Drives him onward across the hea...

What Should Not Be Unearthed

Far better to remain forgotten Far better to be thought of never again Far better for it to lie undisturbed It should not have been unearthed It should not have been ever made known It should not have been allowed to ever again see the light of day The...

When My Wrath Is Done

When my Patience is Finished When the Mercy of Khufu is Exhausted When my Subjects have Failed Me And Continued Grace has become Futile Then will wrath seem the better part of Discretion My Slaves Utter Words of Rebellion They Curse my Name They Bend not the...

Where Is the Wrathful Sky

An hour of great contempt is upon us The hour in which even our own lives Have become abhorrent unto us The gods we yet worship Long since dead Mock our servile existence Our future is meaningless Poverty uncleanness And despicable apathy Where is...

Wind Of Horus

Ashu Give us Power To Oppose this Legion of Shrikes They hath Defiled our Monuments and Graves For their Greed of Treasure Ashu Sehu Neferui Skhenn We Are the Breath of Horns Hot as the Desert Wind We are Slayers and Reapers of Men By the Arrow Shot from Lanat...

Worship the Animal

Tribal indeligible ageless We celebrate our carnal nature Bloodsmeared and naked we dance under the horns Idol of instinct, idol of lust Dark lord of claw and fang Unclean we enshrine the beast With sacrificial altars of flesh and bone Worship the an...


Nanna Father of the Zonei Eldest of the Wanderers A Shadow out of Time The Moon is calling Me The Breath of the Old Ones Whispers in my Ear With inhuman Impatience They Beckon to Me I call to the Moon and Sin I now possess the secrets of the Tides of Blood I...