
Utwory wykonawcy:

As Wolves Amongst Ruins

We are as wolves amongst ruins! Oh, ye sons of Apollo crowned Whose final rays depart Safeguard thy Father's embers In the sanctum of thy heart And stand unbent Unbroken in storms untamed And let the winds Stir your embers to blazing flames! We are a...

Beneath the Sands of Dudael

Long have I suffered within the boundless desert of Solitude Long have I tread upon this crocked path. Trough Shadow and Flame Flame and Shadow. Tribulation upon tribulation. Guided by the serpent beneath my feet and the Black head of Gnosis. To the buri...

Caput Draconis - Black Saturn

Behold, he whose ebon nimbus blots out the face of god He who weaves the Lethean spirit about the dying hearts of man He who art the Black Dawn raised to enfold the earth within starless pitch Concealing the splendors of heaven Arch- glutton who feasts upo...

Caudua Draconis - Azra Lumial

Lumial, Prince of the Earth. Who shall hear thy words? When the earth splits beneath thy shadow and mountains crumble at thy passing... When the lakes, rivers and seas are poisoned by thy tongue... When the dying sun is swallowed within thy terrible maw,...

Dreaming Above the Sepulcher

All hymns are hollow, unheard outside the gate of in-between and unbeknown fall like wounded birds from the heavens back unto the supplicant. Thus I slumber upon the threshold of death and dream the dreams of gods. It is here that I have sung my hymns into the...

Eater of the Black Lead

Inexorable Death! Thine eminence above man is the very countenance of the Devil. I would make an altar of thine aspect. I would speak thy true name with an act of silence. I would come to be before thee by way of stillness and the Serpent eye, that I might kno...

Et Nox Illuminatio Mea in Deliciis Meis

My pleasure is melancholy - God above me - God below me - My heart the fulcrum between I am of you - You are the lord - I am of you - That makes the darkness shine I am of you - Glorious as the sun - I am of you - Our father who art in me You draw me up! -...

Excitium: Litany of the Devouring Earth

Mouth of Semhazia rise up from the earth. Threat of sulfur and fire, I cast myself abject into thy Furnace of Triibulation. Prince of the Earth's Inferno anoint my flesh and b urn this carnal prison of decay. Lay me bare upon the lake of fire and baptize me wi...

Feast of the Manes

Come unto me Seraphim de Sopor Sec ulum I offer my flesh and blood that I may pluck a feather from the wings of the Angel of Death May it be a quill with which I scribe the forms of thy sacred names From the sanguine of my heart and open the gates to the la...

Fount of the Nighted God-Head

Daebaaman! Faceless one adorned with a hundred thousand masks To whom a hundred thousand tongues give a hundred thousand names Ineffable adversarial triune In conjunction at the center of the cross Birthed from a womb with dragon's teeth And raised in de...

Goblet of Sulfur and Poison

I upturn the chalices of flesh upon the serpent laden altars Of Ophion's wrathful aspect and lay vigorously From the gathering vermilion pools, Beneath the blood-born caul, Shrouded within the shades of Nehemoth I bare the funeral lamp down the corridors...

I Am I

I am I Apothosis crowned with a black sun nimbus Of seven Immolating rays Risen from a sea of cacophony and darkness And invested within starless night With the left hand stir the serpent Who slumbers before the throne of Ariemanios Awaken! Seven storm...

I Am the Gateway

At the barren edge of the silence of night 'neath the snare where the snake sheds its skin Where the rivers of our strangest dreams collide I ventured into the wilderness of death's awakening To seek for that which all others abhor On a road that defies...

Inheritor of a Dying World

Inheritor of a dying world Wanderer in the wild darkness Enter now this shadowed path The affliction of Saturnus grips the heart In leaden chains Inherit a world of dust! Here is no solace, no earth-born respite For those who bear the serpent's mark O...

Lantern of Eden's Night

Asael, descend from high Eden! From abyss to the sun Down the bright serpent Towards the dragon of Nun Within the night of black Eden Towards death I would bow Illumed by the flames of a trident To pierce the mark of my brow To become as lampadiphor...

Let Silence Be His Sacred Name

A - Zeroth Born of I Dark Sabaoth In you I die Inverse light Of my soul Black as night Death extolled Phantasmagoric fear ekstasis Though art bornless, faceless, and pleaceless The resounding silence is your name This thy word, thy form and fane...

Lucifer Trismegistus

Woe unto ye who aspire not unto the magistry of Death! Ye are as food for the gods. Behold the Great Opposer, thou who art as Death! Oh that I may become at one with mine „otherness‟ of being. I seek the smagdarine crown jewel of the victorious conqueror of Ed...


O' sacred Death, guide me across the precipice To show me the splendors of the Void, Come unto me O' sacred Death, hypostasized angel of my dreams. In hypnogogic midnight's burial sanctum interned, I lay within the coffin of the flesh. Supine and cremated...

Midnight's Crown

Hail! ye powers of shrouded Night All who wander 'neath the hoary moon. Hail! Breat circle of the never setting stars Revolving the voidful throne of Drakon Hail! Hail! O father resplendent with midnights crown, Puirssant lord of the liminal breath I m...


By day seek the heights of the sun And by midnight its abode in hell, Where we are drunk upon the blood-wine That spills from the grape wine Of old Dionysus well I behold self in the black of the moonless night, Another death, another doom to foretell!...

Mors Philosophorum

Mors Philosophorum - in ritual death well fulfill destiny Our mortal confines are merely vessels spiriting us forth Into Oblivion This is the great knowing This we embrace Oblivion is our god Creator and destroyer of all Darkness shall be our final rest...

Nephal: The Seat of Pan-Daimonium

When thy nations become as the long nighted Gomorrah And the curses and profanations of provenance dims the stars of heaven And the therion skulk within the ruins of the kingdom of Adamus I shall adorn the skin of Belchira and speak with his mouth the terr...


Time turns like great serpent scales Here in the darkness And Sophia coils As lost in deep fever dreams And she sings such strange songs Through the corridors of this temple Where unknown shadows move unseen And here I turn through a thousand coats of...

Of Silence and Exsanguination

Release the blood I fall through the earth and am inhumed within the dark beyond Descending in the throes of the two-fold death unto the corrosive pools of Tartarus below Wherein my being writhes and gasps Before this supreme gate which no consciousness ma...

Of the Key and Crossed Bones

Three are the circles and three are gates Three keys to unlock the leaden manacles of the gates Three are her faces and three are her veils By three secret names I call her at the threefold way Darkness covers the realm of ether As darkness buries the co...

Old Night

Thou hermit of Old Night who wadest into the turbulence of the waters un-drowned, who verily enters into death‟s magisterium without fear, thou whose toil is the ineffable work of the abyss that draws forth the all slaying solve, thou art amongst the deathless...


Psychagogoi Gooi - I am the threne singer - Psychagogoi Gooi - whose song rouses death. Psychagogoi Gooi - All gnosis is learned - Psychagogoi Gooi - by the grave. Psychagogoi Gooi – I am the voice - Psychagogoi Gooi - of the tomb. Psychagogoi Gooi - Lament pr...

Rite of the Slaying Tongue

Om, throttle, throttle, stand, stand, bind, bind, slay, slay, burn, burn, bellow, bellow, blast, blast, Om, throttle, throttle, stand, stand, bind, bind, slay, slay, burn, burn, bellow, bellow, blast, blast Om, throttle, throttle, stand, stand, bind, bind, sla...

Serpent of the Midnight Sun

Sept-Dracronic star raised in culmination above the dying earth, at each point a devil crowned with a hundred blazing suns, like so many flaming spear points born from black oceans of naught. Sidereal phantasmagoric host heralded from the abyss by the resonanc...

Serpent Sun

"For body's sleep became the soul's awakening, and closing of the eyes - true vision" Awake my void-drunk eyes Amidst the tumult of filth and rats Awake amidst the waves of dismal Lethe And behold in truth at last Sunk and sunk and sunk have I Into s...

Supplication Before the Throne of Tehom

Tehomat Coil thy form above me And guild me with seventy horns As I rise from thy black sea temple And pass back through the gates of Death and the Abyss To copulate with the Fates And extinguish the stars with my hands All stars but one With serpent...

The Angel of Smokeless Fire

Oh merciless Titan! I direct my vision upon Thy terrible glare, that our sight may conjoin as one. For I have crawled out from the wombgrave of silent serenity, rested my burning tongue in the cold waters of oblivion and placed a skull atop the staff of my asc...

The Coils of Sevekh

Shilyat, devour me seven times in seven maws and carry my remnants within thy belly through the gates of the Abyss. Rahab, entomb my soul within thee, that it may become a black seed germinating within thy womb, adorning thy flesh and filling with the blood of...

The Dark and the Silence

I see the world through the eyes of an apparition I commune with what lies in the earth I rise as the dark searing flame Beyond the dark and the reaches of the mind Voiceless, yet I speak to thee Bading thee come forth into the cold earth from slumber Fo...

The Gnosis of Inhumation

Death be my hierophant! Lay bare the paths to the precipice. I would endure the torment of black Eden‟s thorn strewn paths of ingress. I would bask in the shadow of the Tree of Death and pluck such terrible fruits from its vines to taste of their soma. I seek...

The Grave-Earth's Son

Listen ye unto the untamable tempest That quiver the gravemount on this eve. The mysterium exhumed at the dismal shriek of Death's untimely exclamation. Where the thorn-blessed flock of Shemyaza led me to the gloom of the Holy murderer's noose as he who i...

The Otherness of Being

"The mind of the Father named all things in threes" "...all things have been generated from One Fire." "Source of Sources, the womb which contains the All." "Above all, let the priest himself who governs the works of fire, be sprinkled with the icy billow o...

The River Lethe

The Raven sears above as the Serpent stirs below And cancerous wombs vomit forth black prodigies before the throne of Saturn Behold, These children born with wounded eyes, severed tongues and the death veil adorned Who slither upon their bellies towards the...

The Utterance of Kasab'el

Grammaton four-fold, writ with star-fire upon three tongues Three tongues sealed within the mouth of god The mouth is the chamber in which is housed flame of Creation What sentinel and binding spell sought to bar thee from this radiance? Through what way a...

The Void

Come forth scathing winds Rid these mortals of their flesh For it is time to glut the hunger Of the unending The ebbing of the blood shall bring the void Death is the threshold to its gates To the dark and cold in the nothing beyond I am the key, messen...

The Witchfires of Tubal-Qayin

"May you be the firebrand of the furnace of the earth..." Come ye Sons of Celestial Fire, Descend as of Olde! To mix your seed with mortal kind and sire unlawful progeny divine. As unto Qayin, at crossed roads three, The bloodline of wisdom, pass unto me....

Things Which Are Naught

In Death's holy silence I call you, God above me, God below me By Neither, Neither, myself unseen, God within and God beyond me Reflected in these mirrors darkly, God above me, God below me By Neti, Neti, a faceless face, God within and God beyond me You...

To Will

Dost thou not know Me?... My name?...My sign? Dost thou not know My provenance and My throne? I am the Twain Horned Prince Sovereign of the Earth Illumed under the cycles of the Morning and the Evening star I am the Pontifex that would span the height...

Upturning the Seventh Chalice

"I" am the seed that must die in the earth. My surname is Drakon and I exhale my spirit two-fold under the sign of the Raven's Skull. Oh, igneous venom, I ingest thee from the fiery chalice of the Coiled One beneath a tumultuous sky of flame shed mercurial tea...

Via Tortuosa

The perfected will of the sojourner of the serpent‟s path is the will of Lucifer crowned, triumphant. It is the fulgurous diamond resplendent above the crowns of gods. Rapt in the burning catharsis of this enigma, feed all fears and desires to the flames of a...

Vir Sapiens Dominabitur Astris

I trace my gate upon the wall of stars and pass into eternity Navigating the aeons astride the dragon of the wind's eye Through the tumultuous seas of space and time byond the great spheres of fire The last outposts and final beacons on the brink of the yaw...

Watchtower of the North: Ascension of the Midnight-Sun

“See, there shines a torch amid the graveyard of heaven's assembly, a spark in the weary pupilla of Oblivion. Awake in the kingdoms of primordial slumber and steadfastly alight in hollowed space. A burning meteor cast into the waters of the underworld, as a...

Watchtower of the West: Gate of the Mighty Dead

“Darkness is a path, a secret swirling river, where the lidded eye opens to ancient dreams. The dusk is a door, a coffin of stone, which I have dressed my soul in moldered flesh to enter. Cloaked in decay, the world falls into the gloom of barren earth and...

Where Fire Never Dreamt of Man

And I dreamt of libricide and fire, a flaming pyramid opening the desert nights Flaring letter's in mad laughter swirling across the sky, like screeching simurghs unchained That stole the keys right out of St. Peter's hand to dare the borders to forgotten la...

Womb of Nyx

I set the flaming eye of Algol upon my brow And ride forth upon sepulchral fog with serpents and shades Under the thousand eyes of Night and her black wings And where I pass birds fall from the sky and soil is salted With arboreal haunts on which every tre...