Mediaeval Baebes

Utwory wykonawcy:

Adam Lay Ibounden

Adam lay ibounden Bounden in a bond Foure thousand winter Thought he not too long And all was for an apple An apple that he tok As clerkes finden Wreten in here book Ne hadde the apple take ben The apple taken ben Ne hadde never our lady A ben hevene queen Bl...

Adult Lullaby

Lollay, lollay, little child Why wepestou so sore Nedes mostou wepe It was iyarked thee yore Ever to lib in sorrow And sich and mourne evere As thine eldren did er this Whil hi alives were Lollay, lollay little child Child, lollay, lullow You have come into A...

Ah Si Mom Moine

Ah! Si mon moine Ah! Si mon moine voulait danser! Ah! Si mon moine voulait danser! Un capuchon je lui donnerais Un capuchon je lui donnerais Refrain Danse, mon moine danse! Tu n'entends pas la danse Tu n'entends pas mon moulin, lon la Tu n'entends pas mon mo...


Reis Glorios, erais lums e clartatz. Deus poderos, sehner si a bos platz, Al meu companh siatz fixels aju da, Qu'eu non lo vi, pois la noitz fon venguda, Et ades sera l'alba! Bel companho, si dormetz o veillatz? Non dormatz plus, suau vos ressidatz, Qu'amenal...

All For Love Of One

I must go walk the wood so wild And wander here and there In dred and deadly fere For where I trusted I am begeld And all for love of one Thus am I banished from my bliss By craft and false pretence As one from joy were fledde As from my leaf day by day I flee...

All Turns To Yesterday

I have wist, sin I couthe meen That children hath by candle light Her shadewe on the wal iseen And ronne therafter all the night Bisy aboute they han ben To catchen it with all here might And whom they catchen it best wolde wene Sannest it shet out of her sig...


I have wist, sin i couthe meen, That children hath by candle light I have wist, sin i couthe meen, That children hath by candle light Her shadewe on the wal iseen, And ronne therafter all the night. Bisy aboute they han they han ben And whom they catchen it...

As I Lay Upon a Night

lullay lullay la lullay my dere moder lullay as i lay upon a night alone in my longing me thought i saw a wonder sight a maiden child rocking the maiden wolde withouten song hir child asleep bringe the childe thoughte she ded him wrong and bad his moder sing...

At A Springe-wel

As a springe-wel under a thorn There was bote of bale, a litel hire a thorn There beside stant a maide, full of love ibounde Whoso wol seche trewe love, in hir it shall be founde 


When the nightegale singes, When the nightingale sings, The wodes waxen grene: And the woods wax green: Lef and grass and blosme springes I expect, the leaves and the blades of grass, In Averil, I wene; And blossoms to spring up, in April; (And) lo...


My lefe is faren in a lond Alas! why is he so? And I am so sore bound I may nat com her to He hath my hert in hold, Where-ever he ride or go, With trew love a thousandfold. My love has left for a faraway land Alas! - why would he do this? and here I am so ti...

Besse Bunting

In Aprell and in May, When hartes be all mery, Besse Bunting, the millaris may, Withe lippes so red as chery, She cast in hir remembrance To passe hir time in daliance And to leve hir thought driery. Right womanly arayd In a peticote of whit, She was nothing d...

Blow Northern Wind

Blow, northerne wind Send thou me my sweting Blow, northerne wind Blow, blow, blow! Ichot a burde in bowre bright That sully semly is on sight Menskful maiden of might Fair and fre to fonde In all this wurhliche won A burde of blod and of bon Never...

Byrd One Brere

Byrd one brere, brid, brid one brere Kynd is come of love, love to crave Blythful biryd, on me thu rewe Or grayth, lef, greith thu me my grave Hic am so blithe, so brighit brid one brere Quan I se that ende in halle Yhe is quit of lime, loveli trewe Th...

C'est la Fin

C'est la fin quoigue l'on die j'amerai Cella guise en null pres C'est la fin, je veux la vie Gise beau si a le vie, belle ami C'est la fin quoigue l'on die j'amerai 

Care Away

All that I may swink or swet, My wife it will both drinke and ete; And I sey ought she wyl me bete- Carfull is my hart therfor! Care away, away, away- Care away for evermore! If I sey ought of her but good, She loke on me as she war wood, And will me clout a...

Cathedral of Song

I sing of a tyme and plas lang gonne I sing of a londe of songen old an new Hwar alle tymes metten with alle plas as one Hwar alle thinges to alle menne myhte oe a day rygne trewe. For I wolde bilden a gret cherche of song Hwar all weys are neyther riht ne wr...

Clasp of a Lion

Bless those wonderful nights, and best of all Saturdays. If you had been there you'd have seen us Locked together under the chaperone's sleepful eyes Like the sun in the arms of the moon, Or a panting gazelle in the clasp of a lion. له در الليالي ما أحيسنها و...

Come My Sweet

Come my swete, come my flour Come my culver, myn owne bour Come my moder, now with me For hevyn quene I make thee My swete sone withal my love I come with thee to thin above Where thou art now let me be For all my love is layde on thee 

Coventry Carol

Lully, lullay, thou little tiny child, Bye, bye, lully,lullay: thou little tiny child, Bye,bye lully, lullay O sisters too, how may we do, For to preserve this day, This poor young ling, for whom we do sing, Bye,bye, lully,lullay? Lully, lullay, thou little...

Cruel Sister

There lived a lady by the North Sea shore Lay the bent to the bonnie broom Two daughters were the babes she bore Fa la la la la la la la la la As one grew bright as is the sun So coal black grew the elder one. A knight came riding to the lady's door He'd tra...

Cry of the Garb

Gáir na Gairbe glaídbinne Glaídes re tosach tuinne; Rátha aidble aíbinne D'íasc oc irshnám 'na bruinne! Cairche cíuil at-chluinimse 'Sin Gairb go nglúaire geimrid; Ra muirn móir con-tuilimse I n-aidche adúair eigrid. Gairit lem mo chomainmne, Fégad lán línas...

Desert Rose

When the desert sand blows softly to the end And the winter nights bring maidens to despair When the sky is black and moon is full and round Then you'll hear her cry and hear her soul abound Desert Rose she'll come to thee Sweeter than the honey bee Lips so...


Dum Diane vitrea sero lampas oritur, et a fratris rosea luce dum succenditur. Morphëus in mentem trahit impellentem ventum lenem segetes maturas, murmura rivorum per harenas puras, circulares ambitus molendinorum, qui furantur somno lumen oculorum. dulcis au...

Dies irae

Dies iræ! dies illa solvet sæclum in favilla, teste David cum Sibylla! Quantus tremor est futurus, quando judex est venturus cuncta stricte discussurus! Tuba mirum spargens sonum per sepulchra regionum coget omnes ante thronum Mors stupebit et natura, cum r...

Dringo Bell

(Hum, ha, dringo bell) (x4) Hogyn cam to bowers dore Hogyn cam to bowers dore Trild upon the pin for love Trild upon the pin for love Hum, ha, dringo bell Up she rose and let him in Up she rose and let him in She had awent she had worshiped she had...

E volentieri

Io mi son giovinetta e volentieri M'allegro e canto en la stagion novella, Merzè d'amore e de'dolci pensieri. Io ve pe'verdi prati riguardando I bianchi fiori e gialli e i vermigli, Le rose in su le spine e i bianchi gigli, E tutti quanti gli vo somiglan...

E volentieri (Reprise)

Io mi son giovinetta e volentieri M'allegro e canto en la stagion novella Merzè d'amore e de' dolci pensieri Io ve pe'verdi prati riguardando I bianchi fiori e gialli e i vermigli Le rose in su le spine e i bianchi gigli E tutti quanti gli vo somiglando Al vi...

Ecce chorus virginum

ecce chorus virginum tempore vernali dum solis incendium radios equali in hac valle florida floreus flagratus inter septa lilia locus purpuratus dum garritus merule dulciter alludit philomena carmine dulcia concludit acies virginea redimita flore quis enarre...

Ecce Mundi Gaudium

Ecce mundi gaudium Ecce salus gentium Virgo parit filium Sine violentia Ave virgo regia Dei plena gracia Natus est de virgine Sine viri semine Qui mundat a crimine Rex qui regit omnia Ave virgo regia Dei plena gracia Angelus pastoribu...

Erthe Upon Erthe

Erthe out of erthe is wonderly wroghte Erthe hase geten one erthe a dignite of noghte Erthe upon erthe hase sett alle his thoghte How that erthe upon erthe may be heghe broghte Erthe upon erthe wolde be a kinge Bot how erthe to erthe shall thinkes he no...

Foweles in the Frith

Foweles in the frith The fisses in the flod And I mon waxe wod Mulch sorwe I walke with For best of bon and blod 


Gaudete! gaudete! Christus est natus Ex Maria Virgine: Gaudete! Tempus adest gratiae, Hoc quod optabamus; Carmina laeticiae Devote redamus. Deus homo factus est, Natura mirante; Mundus renovatus est, A Christo regnante. Ezechiellis porta Clausa pertransitur...

Glass Window

Through the glass window shines the sun Through the glass window shines the sun And I so young Through the glass window shines the sun Through the glass window shines the sun How should I, how should I, how should I love? How should I, how should I, how shoul...

Golden Bells

hear the mellow wedding bells golden bells what a world of happiness their harmony foretells through the balmy air of night how they ring out their delight from the molten golden notes and all in tune what a liquid ditty floats to the turtledove that listens w...

How Death Comes

Wanne mine ehnen misten And mine heren sisses And mine nosen coldet And mine tunge foldet And mine rude slaket And mine lippes blaken And my muth grenet And my spotel rennet And my her risset And my herte grisset And mine hinden bivien And mine fet stivien Al...

I Am Eve

Mé Éva, ben Ádaim uill Mé ro sáraig Ísu thall Mé ro thall nem ar mo chloinn Cóir is mé do-chóid sa crann Mé Éva, ben Ádaim uill Mé ro sáraig Ísu thall Mé ro thall nem ar mo chloinn Cóir is mé do-chóid sa crann Ropa lem rigtheg dom réir Olc in mithoga rom-thá...

I Am Eve (tradução)

Eu sou Eva, grande esposa de Adão Essa sou eu que ultrajou Jesus de velho Essa sou eu que roubou o Paraíso dos meus filhos Essa sou eu que por direito deveria ter ido por sobre a árvore Eu sou Eva, grande esposa de Adão Essa sou eu que ultrajou Jesus de velho...

I Sing of a Maiden

i sing of a maiden that is makeless king of all kings to her son she ches he came all so still where his mother was as dew in april that falleth on the grass he came all so still to his mother’s bower as dew in april that falleth on the flower he came all s...

I'm Eve

Mé Éva, ben Ádaim uill Mé ro sáraig Ísu thall Mé ro thall nem ar mo chloinn Cóir is mé do-chóid sa crann Mé Éva, ben Ádaim uill Mé ro sáraig Ísu thall Mé ro thall nem ar mo chloinn Cóir is mé do-chóid sa crann Ropa lem rigtheg dom réir Olc in mithoga rom-thá...

In dulce jubilo

in dulci jubilo let us our homage show our heart's joy reclineth in praesepio and like a bright star shineth matris in gremio alpha es et o o jesu parvule i yearn for thee alway hear me i beseech thee o puer optime my prayer let it reach thee o princeps glori...

Infida's Song

Sweet Adon, dar'st not glance thine eye N’oserez vous, mon bel ami? Upon thy Venus that must die? Je vous enprie, pity me; N’oserez vous, mon bel, mon bel, N’oserez vous, mon bel ami? And see how sad thy Venus lies, N’oserez vous, mon bel ami? With love in he...


By the moon-queen's mystic light By the hush of holy night By the woodland deep and green By the starlight's silver sheen By the zephyr's whisper'd spell Brooding powers invisible Faerie court and elfin throng Unto whom the groves belong And by laws of ancien...


Io Isabella danzando ne prati Verdi della prima vera Girando e girando, cascando e cascando Nel mondo delle elfi sognando Mi prendono la mano, mi portano lontano Mi prendono la mano, mi portano lontano (eng) I,Isabella, dancing on the spring meadows...

Jennet's Song

Now the light is wearing thin (Bless the day, bless the day) And the night is drawing in (Lay to rest your yesterday) Their voices start to scare me (Demdike and Chattox and Device and Redfearne and Bullock and Hewitt and Nutter and Preston, incarcerated outsi...


Kilmeny, Kilmeny, where have you been? Lang hae we sought baith holt and dean By burn, by ford, by greenwood tree Yet you are halesome and fair to see Kilmeny look'd up wi' lovely grace But nae smile was seen on Kilmeny’s face As still was her look, and...


Kinderly is now my coming into this world with teres and cry litel and povere is my having britel and sone I falle from hit sharpe and strong is my deying I ne woth whinder schal I foul and stinkande is my roting on me, Jhesun you have mercy! 

L'amour de moi

L'amour de moi, s'y est enclose Dedans un jolie jardinet Ou croit la rose et le muguet Y aussi fail le passerose Ce jardin est belle et plaisant Il est garni de toutes fleurs On y prend son ebattement Autant la nuit comme le jour Helas il n'est si do...

La belle dame sans merci

I met a lady in the meads Full beautiful, a faery's child Her hair was long, her foot was light And her eyes were wild I made a garland for her head And bracelets too, and fragrant zone She look'd at me as she did love And made sweet moan I saw pale kings, a...

Lanquan Li Jorn

Lanquan li jorn son lonc en may M'es belhs dous chans d'auzeelhs de lonh Et quan mi suy partitz de lay Remembram d'un' amour de lonh Vau de talon embroncx e clis Si que chans ni flors d'albespis Nom platz plus que l'yverns gelatz Ben tenc lo senhor per veray...

Laude novella

Laude novella sia cantata A l'alto donna encoronata Fresca vergene doncella Priomo fior, rosa novella Tutto'l mondo a te s'apella Nella bonor fosti nata Tu se' verga, tu se'fiore Tu se' luna de splendore Volunta avemo e core De venir a te, ornata...

Lenten Ys Come

Lenten ys come with love to toune, With blossom and with brides roune. That al this blysse bringeth! The Rose raileth hire rode, The leves on the lyhte wode Waxen al with wille The moone mandeth hire lyhte So doth the semly sonne bryte, When briddes singeth...

Lhiannan Shee

O Lhiannan Shee! Ta mee clashtyn kinjagh T'ou geamagh orrym trooid oie as laa Cha noddyms cur graih nish er ben marvaanagh She mish my lomarcan trooid my vea 

Lo, Here My Heart

O! Mankinde Have in thee minde My passion smert And thou shall finde Me full kinde Lo! Here my heart 

Love Me Broughte

Love me broughte And love me wroughte Man, to be thy fere Love me fedde And love me ledde And love me lette here Love me slou And love me drou And love me layde on bere Love is my pes For love I ches Man to buyen dere Ne dred thee nought I have...

Mad Song

So wild winds weep and the night is so cold come-hither sleep let my griefs enfold thee morning peeps over the eastern steeps and the rustling birds of dawn the earth they do scorn to the vault of paved heaven with sorrow fraught my notes are driven they stri...

Maiden in the Mor Lay

Maiden in the mor lay In the mor lay Sevenight fulle Sevenight fulle Maiden in the mor lay In the mor lay Sevenight fulle and a day Welle was hire dring What was hire dring? The chelde water of the The chelde water of the Welle was hire dring What was hire dr...

Märk hur vår skugga

Märk hur vår skugga, märk, Movitz mon frère inom ett mörker sig sluta hur guld och purpur i skoveln, den där, byts till grus och klutar. Vinkar Charon från sin brusande älv, och tre gånger sen dödgrävaren själv, mer du din druva ej kryster. Därföre, Movitz, k...


Behold a wonder here - Love hath receiv'd his sight, Which many hundred years Hath not beheld the light. Such beams infused be By Cynthia in his eyes, At first have made him see And then have made him wise. Love now no more will weep For them that laugh the...

Miri It Is

Miri it is while summer ilast With fugheles son Oc nu neheth windes blast And weder strong Ei, ei! What this night is long And ich with wel michel wrong Soregh and murn and fast 

Musa venit carmine

Musa venit carmine Dulci modulamine: Pariter cantemus Ecce virent omnia Prata, rus et nemus Mane garrit alaudula Lupilulat cornicula Iubente natura Philomena queritur Antiqua de iactura Hirundo iam finsat Cygnus dulce trinsat Memorando fata Cuculat et cuculu...

My Lady Sleeps

Stars of the summer night Far in yon azure deep, Hide, hide your golden light She sleeps my lady sleeps Moon of the summer night Far down yon western steeps Sink, sink in silver light, She sleeps my lady sleeps Wind of the summer night Where yonder woodbine...

Myrie Songen

Myrie songen the monkes bin Ely Whan knut King rewe therby Roweth knightes neer the lond And here we singen this monkes song 

Now Springes the Spray

Now springes the spray All for love I am so seek That slepen I ne may Als I me rode this endre day O' my pleyinge Seih I whar a litel may Began to singe "The clot him clinge! Way as him I' love-longinge Shall libben ay!" Son I herde that mirye note...

Now Welcom Somer

Now welcom sumer, with thy sonne softe That hast this wintres weders over-shaker And driven awey the longe nightes blake! Seynt Valentyn, that art ful hy on lofte Thus singen smale foules for thy sake Now welcom sumer, with thy sonne softe That hast this wint...

Omnes gentes plaudite (The Drinking Song)

E saw miny briddes seten on a tree He token her flight and flowen away With ego dixi, have a good day Many white fedres hath the pye I may noon more singen, my lippes arn so dry! Manye white federes hath the swan The mor that I drinke, the lesse good I can! Le...


Orientis partibus Adventavit asinus Pulcher et fortissimus Sarcinis aptissimus Hez, sire asne, hez Saltu vincit hinnulos Damas et capreolos Super dromedarios Velox madianeos Hic in collibus sychen Iam nutritus sub ruben Transiit per jordanem Saliit in bethl...


Aller êrst lebe ich mir werde Sît mîn sündic ouge siht Daz reine lant und ouch die erde Der man sô vil êren giht Mirst geschehen des ich ie bat Ich bin komen an die stat Da got mennischlichen trat Schæniu lant rîch unde hêre Waz ich der noch han gesehen Sô bi...

Passing Thus Alone

Passing thus alone, through the silent forest Many a grievous groan sounded in her ear Where she heard a man to lament the sorest Chance that ever came, forc'd by deadly strife Farewell, me dear, quoth he Whom I shall never see For why my life is at an...


The dubberment dere of down and dales Of wode and water and wlonk plaines Bilde in me bliss, abated my bales Forbidden my stress, destroyed my paines Down after a strem that drightly hales I bowed in bliss, bredful my branes The firre I folwed those floty vale...


Omne genus demoniorum, cecorum claudorum, sive confusorum, attendite iussum meorum et vocationem verborum. Omnis creatura phantasmatum, que corroboratis principatum serpentis tortuosi, venenosi, qui traxit per superbiam stellarum partem tertiam... 

Quan Vey La Lauzeta

Quan vey la lauzeta mover De joy sas alas contral rai, Que s'oblida es laissa cazer Per la doussor qual cor li vai: Ai! tan grans enveya m'en ve De cui qu'eu veya jauzion! Meravilh as I quar des se Lo cor de dezirier nom fon. Ai, las! Tan cuidava saber D'amor,...

Queen and Huntress

Queen and huntress, chaste and fair, Now the sun is laid to sleep, Seated, in thy silver chair, State in wonted manner keep: Hesperus, entreats thy light, Goddess excellently bright. Earth, let not thy envious shade Dare itself to interpose; Cynthia’s shining...


Разрешь меня словно фрукт В натюрморге твойч покоев Я рад бы ть твойм слугод Пока ты меня не прогонйшь (Как дблоко персйк Й грушу Разрешь меня на две частй Сьешь по утру За завтаком И вы плюнй мелкйе костй) И я проросту сквозь пол деревом Й буду с тобой кажд...

Remember me

Когато теб те няма, лятото е хладно. Милувките ти топли отлитат като есен, Като стара песен е нашата любов, мили мой. Когато теб те няма, лятото е хладно. Милувките ти топли отлитат като есен, Като стара рана е нашата любов, мили мой. О, сън, ела! О,...

Return of the Birds

Laetabundus rediit Avium concentus Ver iocundum prodiit Gaudeat iuventus Nova ferens gaudia Modo vernant omnia Phoebus serenatur Redolens temperiem Novo flore faciem Flora renovatur Aestivant nunc Dryades Colle sub umbroso Prodeunt Oreades Coetu glorioso Saty...

Salva nos

Salva nos, stella maris Et regina celorum Salva nos, stella maris Et regina celorum Que pura deum paris Salva nos, stella maris Et per rubum signaris Nesciens viri thorum Salva nos, stella maris Et regina celorum O virgo specialis Salva nos, stella maris Sis...

Salve virgo virginum

Salve Virgo virginum Salve sancta Parens Concepisti Dominum Virgo labe carens Salve Virgo virginum Salve sancta Parens Tu salus fidelium Salve sancta Parens In Christo credentium Virgo labe carens Salve Virgo virginum Salve sancta Parens Sis in a...

San'c fuy belha ni prezada

San'c fuy belha ni prezada Ar sui d'aut en bas tornada Qu'a un vilan sui donanad Tot per sa gran manentia E murria, S'ieu fin amic non avia Cuy disses mo marrimen E guaita plazen, Qui mi fesson d'alba Bem platz longa nuech oscura E mais el temps que plus dura...

Scarborough Fayre

Are you going to Scarborough Fayre? Parsley Sage Rosemary and Thyme Remember me to one who lives there He was once a true love of mine Have him find me an acre of land Parsley Sage Rosemary and Thyme Between the sea and oe'r the sand Then he'll be a true love...

Secreit nicht

In secreit place, this hindir nicht I hard ane beirne say till ane bricht "My huny, my hart, my heill I have bene lang your luifar leill This hindir nicht Ye brek my hart, my bony ane" 

She Moved Through the Fayre

My young love said to me, My mother won't mind And me father won't slight you For your lack of kine. Then she laid her hand on me And this she did say: It will not be long, Love ‘Til our wedding day She moved away from me And she moved through the Fayre And f...

She Walks in Beauty

She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies, And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. One shade the more, one ray the less, Had ha...

Slay Me Suddenly

your yen two woll sle me sodenly i may the beute of them not sustene so wondeth is throrowout my herte kene and but your word woll helen hastely my hertes wound while that it is grene your yen two woll sle me sodenly i may the beute of them not sustene upon m...

So Spricht das Leben

So sayeth life, the world is mine The flowers that bloom and the song of the birds I am the daylight and the sunshine So spricht das Leben, die Welt ist mein So sayeth death, the world is mine Your daylight is but vein display Stars and moon sink in ete...


Oh, maladeto an dia mo via di qua Giacche specdo I mici da na ri Io mi vo glio divertir 

Star Of The Sea

Of on that is so fair and bright, Velud maris stella, Brighter than the dayes light, Parens et puella: Ic crye to thee – thou se to me- Levedy, preye thy sone for me, Tam pia, That ic mote come to thee, Maria Levedy, flowr of alle thing, Rosa sine spina, Thu b...

Summerisle (The Maypole Song)

In the woods there grew a tree A fine, fine tree was he On that tree there was a limb And on that limb there was a branch On that branch there was a nest And in that nest there was an egg In that egg there was a bird And from that bird a feather came...


sing all ye joyful now sing ye together the doubt of future foes will come now not ever the merry are dancing the children play in heather the river is flowing with love and joy forever we will not be parted never broken hearted this is the melody of victory...

Suscipe flos florem

Suscipe flos florem Quia flos designat amorem Illo de flore Nimio sum captus amore Hunc florem flora Dulcissima semper odora Nam velut aurora Fiet tua forma decora Florem flora vide Quem dum videas mihi ride Florem flora tene Tua vox cantus philomene Oscula...

Swete Jhesu, King of Blisse

jhesu my god jhesu my kyng jhesu my lyf jhesu my lyht swete jhesu king of blysse min herte love min herte lisse thou art swete mid y-wisse wo is him that thee shal misse swete jhesu my souke bote in min herte thou sette a rote of thy love that is so swote an...

Swete Sone

Swete sone, reu on me And breste out of thy bondes For me thinket that I see Thoru Bothen thin bondes Nailes driven into the tree So reufuliche thu honges Now is betre that I flee And lett alle these londes Swete sone, thy faire face Droppet all on blode And...

Tam Lin

What gar’s ye pu’ the rose Janet What gars ye break the tree I’ll come and go by carter haugh And ask me leave of thee. He’s ta’en her by the milk white hand And by the grass green sleeve He’s ta’en her by the milk white hand And by the grass green sleeve He’s...


Bith ho ma nath, en tha gan prees go thes re bys hanow man sees agan tas-ny us yn nef benygys re bo dha hanow redheffo dha wlascor dha voth re bo gwres y'n nor kepar hag y'n nef ro dhyn-ny hedhyuus ow camwul er agan py-ny ha na wra agan gorra yn temptasyon m...

The Blacksmiths

Swart smeked smithes, smatered with smoke, Drive me to deth with din of here dintes. Swich nois on nightes ne herd men never, What knavene cry and clatering of knockes. The cammede kongons cryen after "Cole, cole!" Blowen here bellewes that al here brain bres...

The Circle of the Lustful

Noi leggiavamo un giorno diletto Di Lancialotto come amor lo strinse Soli eravamo e sanza alcun sospetto Per più fiate li occhi ci sospinse Quella lettura, e scolorocci il viso Ma soso un punto fu quel che ci vinse Quando leggemmo il disïato riso Esser...

The Holly & The Ivy

The holly and the ivy, When they are both full grown Of all the trees that are in the wood The holly bears the crown O the rising of the sun And the running of the deer The playing of the merry harp Sweet singing in the choir The holly bears a blossom As whi...

The Lament

O thou pale orb that silent shines While care-untroubled mortals sleep Thou seest a wretch who inly pines And wanders here to wail and weep With woe I nightly vigils keep Beneath thy wan, unwarming beam And mourn, in lamentation deep How life and love are all...

The Rose

All night by the rose (rose All night by) the rose I lay Darf ich nought the rose stele And yet ich bar the flour away 

The Rose-Bud

Queen of Fragrance, Lovely Rose, The Beauties of thy Leaves disclose! The Winter's past, the Tempests fly, Soft Gales breathe gently thro' the Sky; The Lark, sweet warbling on the Wing, Salutes the gay Return of Spring: The silver Dews, the vernal Show'rs, Ca...

The Shepherd's Song

Come live with me and be my love And we will all the pleasures prove That hills and valleys, dale and field And all the craggy mountain yields The shepherd swains shall dance and sing For thy delight each May-morning There will we sit upon the rocks And see...

The Snake

Era un ortolano byen siempre e syn mal En el mes de enero con fuerte tenporal Andando por su huerta, vido so un peral Una culebra chica, medio muerta atal Con la nieve e con el viento e con la elada fria Estava la culebra medio amodorrida El omne piados...

The Sour Grove

Sawden awdl, sidan ydiw Sêm fach, len ar gont wen wiw Lleiniau mewn man ymannerch Y llwyn sur, llawn yw o serch Fforest falch iawn, ddawn ddifrog Ffris ffraill, ffwrwr dwygaill deg Breisglwyn merch, drud annerch dro Berth addwyn, Duw'n borth iddo 

The Undivided

From Me shineth the gathered glory of the sun Which lightens all the world. From Me the moon draws silvery beams and fire fierce loveliness. For all things that live Are “the Divided.” and that which sits apart, is “The Undivided.” I penetrate the clay, a...

The Virgin Queen

My care is like my shadow Laid bare beneath the sun It follows me at all times And flies when I pursue it I freeze and yet am always burned Since from myself again I turn I love and yet am forced to hate I seem stark mute; inside I prate Some gentler...

The Woods and the Rivers Are Silent

Tacciono i boschi e i fiumi E 'l mare senza onda giace Ne le spelonche i venti han tregua e pace E ne la notte bruna Alto silenzio (fa la) bianca luna E noi tegnamo ascose Le dolcezze amorose Amor non parli o spire Sien muti i baci (e muti i) miei so...

The World Fareth as a Fantasye

The sunnes cours, we may well kenne Ariseth est and goth down west The rivers into the see they renne And it is never the more almest Windes rosheth here and henne In snow and rain is non arrest Whon this woll stunte who wot, or whenne But only god on grounde...

There Is No Rose of Swych Vertu

There is no rose of swych vertu As is the rose that bar Ihesu Alleluya For in this rose conteyned was Heuen and erthe in lytyl space Res miranda Be that rose we my weel see That he is God in personys thre Pari forma The aungelys sungyn the sheperdes...

This Ay Nicht

This ay nicht, this ay nicht Every nicht and all Fire and sleet and candleleigt And Christ receive thy soul If ever thou gavest hosen or schon Every nicht and all The winnes shall prick thee to the bare bane And Christ receive thy soul If ever thou g...

Till a' the Seas Gang Dry

my luve is like a red red rose that's newly sprung in june my luve is like the melodie that's sweetly played in tune till a' the seas gang dry my dear and rocks melt wi' the sun and i will luve thee still my dear while sands o' life shall run as fair art tho...

Timor mortis conturbat me

I that in heill was and gladnèss Am trublit now with great sickness And feblit with infirmitie: Timor Mortis conturbat me. Our plesance here is all vain glory, This fals world is but transitory, The flesh is bruckle, the Feynd is slee: Timor Mortis conturbat...

To the One

a celuy que pluys eyme en monde of alle tho that i have found carissima saluz od treye amour with grace and joye and alle honour dulcissima sachez bien pleysant et beele that i am right in good heele laus christo et mon amour doné vous ay and also thine owene...

Trovommi amor

Tempo non mi parea da far riparo contra colpi d'Amor: però m'andai secur, senza sospetto; onde i miei guai nel commune dolor s'incominciaro. Era il giorno ch'al sol si scoloraro per la pietà del suo factore i rai, quando i' fui preso, et non me ne guardai, ch...

Under the Willow Tree

Here upon my true love's grave, Shall the barren flowers be laid; Not one holy saint to save, All the celness of a maid: Black his hair as winter’s night, White he rode as the summer snow, Red his face as the morning light; Cold he lies in the grave below. M...


Befell so in the comessing of May, When mirry and hot is the day Oway beth winter shours And every feld is full of flours And blosme breme on evry bough Overall wexeth mirry anough, This ich quene Dame Heurodis Took two maidens of pris And went in an undrentid...

Veni coronaberis

The most worthye she is in towne He that seith other do amiss (And) worthy to ber the crowne Veni, coronaberis Ivy is soft and mek of spech Ageinst all bale she is blysse Well is he that (may) her rech Veni, coronaberis Ivy is green with colour bright Of all...

Veni Veni

Veni, veni, Emmanuel Captivum solve Israel Quit gemit in exilio Privatus Dei Filio Gaude, gaude, Emmanuel Nascetur pro te Israel Veni, veni, O Jesse Virgula Ex hostis tuos ungula De specu tuos tartari Educ et antro barathri Gaude, gaude, Emmanuel Nascetur pro...

Veni veni bella

Veni, Veni Bella Cum gaudio Veni, domicello Iam Pereo. Veni, veni floreo, Iam amore virginali, Veni, veni bella, Novus novus amor Est, quo pereo. Sile, Philumena, Totus floreo Surge cantilena Totus ardeo Tua me confortat Promissio, Tua me deportat Negatio...

Verbum caro

Verbum caro factum est de virgine Verbum caro factum est de virgine Maria In hac anni circulo Vita datur seculo Nato nobis parvulo de virgine Nato nobis parvulo de virgine Maria Quos vetustas suffocat Et ad vitam revocat Natus se deus collocat in vir...


Yfele yer hert me to-teneth It doeth me rye Waylaway, waylaway, waylaway But it ne shall him underfunde Thus to be shent Waylaway, waylaway, waylaway It in wode by fleme Evere, evere, evere 

When Thy Turuf Is Thy Tour

When the turuf is thy tour And thy put is thy bour Thy wel and thy white throte Shulen wormes to note What helpet thee thenne All the worilde wenne? 

Wynter Wakeneth

Wynter wakeneth al me care, Nou this leves waxeth bare; Ofte I sike and mourne sare When hit cometh in my thoht Of this wourldes joie, hou hit geth al to noht. Nou hit is and nou hit nys, Also hit ner nere ywis; That moni mon saith, soth hit ys: Al gothe bote...

Yonder Lea

o wert thou in the cauld blast on yonder lea on yonder lea o wert thou in the cauld blast way down on yonder lea or did misfortune's bitter storms around thee blaw around thee blaw or did misfortune's bitter storms around thee all would blaw or were i in the...