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Mayday Parade Piece Of Your Heart tekst piosenki i tłumaczenie. Posłuchaj MP3 i obejrzyj teledysk z Youtube oraz sprawdź chwyty.

Tekst piosenki

Give me your misery, all of it give it to me

I can hold onto it for you, it’s not a problem

I just want your energy, a piece of that fractured mountain

I’ll take whatever comes with it as long as it’s yours

All I know is that I want it more than yesterday

If I was waiting, I was waiting for just one little spark

You are the brightest I’ve seen

You are the best side of me

And just for when we’re apart

I’ve got a piece of your heart

But I want the whole damn thing

I feel it inside of me, I feel it inside of you too

Seeing forever this downcast blade from the sky

Could never sever through, not what we have me and you

Burning together and burning forever

I don’t know, I just can feel it in the atmosphere

If I’m wandering, I’ve wandered into just the right spot

You are the fire in my sleep

You are the reason I dream

And just for when we’re apart

I’ve got a piece of your heart

I’ve got a piece of your heart

Say hello to all my problems for me

Tell them sorry, I can’t be around anymore

The years will go on, we’ll get older and then we’ll die

But we’ll get by

And it goes on forever just like this

If I could go back, I would do it all over with you again 

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