
Utwory wykonawcy:

A madness tongue devouring juices of livid hope

to win means to lose everything: to pour through fingers ashes of yesterday, with dead hope in hands to dance to the rhythm of raped tommorow's yelling, with knife blade to cut umbilical cord, to cut feeding breast and arteries of faith, to care the...

A Paranoid Fuse

There's no difference between my fury and cold neurotic inhuman calculation Silence congealed within my ventricles and scream of fire that I speak through Scream of fire I teach by Because I am So I destroy temple, you've been building with your brother...

Another Holocaust Rises

Four mighty swords risen to the air Another holocaust haunting the earth We are the prophets of eugenics supremacy Raising chalices filled with blood Beheading millions of empty shells Thousands of mortals screaming out for god We raise new temples of majest...

Assault the Nature...

let the stars tremble and let the earth in convulsions toss let the decay-eaten foundation of the world open wide its thighs for the seas, the forests, the mountains and the human dreams crash into heart of the earth which not by lava but with hatred of on...

Betrayers of the Land

Сколько бы ни было вражеских полчищ Сколько бы ни было препятствий возделанных Сколько бы ни было братьев усопших Сколько бы ни было могил их возделанных Сколько придёт на бой гадких отшельников Сколько уйдёт домой струсивших пленников Сколько нас есть...

Colour Of Misantropy

Few days in one it takes me to express the same So many nights I try to think the other way Every single day is enriching this creed again Nothing more I can't say I loathe you I won't bestow my hatred On numbers that don't mean anything Today I attack your w...

Dance Of Red Nails

Pure hatred flows down from my fingers Red as fountains of blood I see Hard as bones upon which I walk with charm Intensive as your desire of giving life Alike from unseen source flowing Today I straighten my arms, tense my muscles Close my eyelids and...

Dancing with the Dead

This world has changed, from beautiful colors into rust and dust. Whatever happens... I know that death is always near. Dance! Dance with me.. Dance beside me.. Dance with the dead.. Dance with no fear. I go to the place of nothingness Wher...

Deadly Essence

Streams of bright light cut between my fingers breath of emptiness flowing through my hair Waiting on the other side of timelessness Waiting on the other side of cosmic winds Waiting on the other side of nothingness Come to me my fallen soul, heal...

Dux Nobis - Vincere e Vinceremo

Манит нас в ночи Могучий крик Злостного лица Чьих не видно ни начала ни конца Вражеская месть Ханжеская лесть Разьедают плоть Созидают боль Как только где-нибудь Вместо слова "Здравствуйте" Произнесут "Heil!" В чей-то персональный адрес Знайте т...

Eerie I Shall Become [And I Shall]

i've seen the signs, and nine times i have been rejecting the leprosy of rationality and the stench of the truth to see ruin in every picture and ruin of myself within in every sound i hear the mistune of human hands and in every human deed a purulent wou...

Eerie we have to be!

Niech wasze ciała gniją tam w półmroku Na drzewach i szubienicach W piwnicach, celach, burdelach I kościołach Nieś złość twą Tak by nikt nie pamiętał Że byłem skłony do tworzenia Pragnę zniszczyć to wszystko Zniszczyć wasze ziemie jak najbardziej się...

Even If the Fate is About to Change...

after taking away everything from myself i have lived through half of my life never abandoned and never forlorn yet within this hermitage i feel that this fate isn't my property and this place belonging to on-one just pretends hosting me is this the ve...

Glimmer Of Despair

And I saw, that path filthy with your dream reaches the end where I gaze today And skies propped up by gallows and stakes by lightnings of blood crack bones and trees I teach by despair and unfinished life burning with anger with no tomorrow I'm timing...

God of No Hope

The Light of eternal stars Burning my eyes and torturing my soul I'm entering into eternity Curse the God of no hope Damn you! Burn your wings of slavery! Dissolving into the cosmic chaos return to the nothing Red vines of ruptured veins Will...

Heirs of the Great Empire

Вырожденцы белой расы Сколько можно жить в запасе Сколько можно жить в загонах и плевать на все законы Сколько знать, дышать и слушать Сколько лет терзать нам души Сколько рушить, сколько строить Что нарушить, что устроить нам? 

Horrify Through Self-Destruction

and laughing at the chains i’m the first one who voluntarily submits to her will because this love blooms in humiliation and in self-mutilation i cannot express because her filthy womb demands a greater sacrifice then a handful of silver coins then a han...

Into the Grave

Rain drops on the earths soil Messengers of grief hiding in their nest I cannot hear any sound Only the noise of rain drops See you all in hell! Beyond the grave I'll see you all in grey realm of silence The shadows of those who no longer exist Wander...

Koron Pieśń

Nieskończenie idealny układ jak niebo rozlany wichrem żyjący, deszczem płynący mogiła wspomnień żałoby krzykiem stoi Tarcza już krucha i miecz wyszczerbiony skazana na zgubę, lecz potęga nie zginęła! bo nie może umrzeć ten co sam śmierć rozdaje i nie za...

Let The World End In Fire

To force you to believe, to make you a follower To degrade yourself, to eat your own shit Create the end that shall lead us further Than blood and bones could ever make Behold, a murderer so deep Never posing question how much pain you can give Not pure...


Yes wide open, watching the cold skies throwing hand in hand, merging with the plasma flow There was nothing, except the lifeless within darkness Time ran like sand and centuries flowed like water Black wings of cold eternity hovering over the sleeping w...

Man's Death In My Eyes

I've rejected every posed question that was just a hitch to learn myself For every sin was just a context everything a statistic, life was an absurd What difference shall it make if I throw shit on god or you? So emptiness I am Your sorrow in my hand t...

Masshealing Masskilling

Masshealing Masskilling When you stare at me I see you hanging flesh I see thousands of you torn asunder every time Everything what you built I see as target to attack Cause I'm in love with you my beloved human race Your beautiful faces expressing how it hur...

Obscura Symphonia

Demonic forces gather in the darkside; I'm swallowed in the realm of treachery... In a vast nocturnal silence A glow of new light is born out into the night... Dark obsessions breed my dementia As I enter the gates of mysteries: A cursed world of m...

Overcuming The Whore Of Hate

beneath me an abyss stinking of darkness full of days extorted from memory full of days that can't be born for me at least alive i behold i deceive myself maybe it's not inside (maybe) anger of mine or at least my mediocrity restrained thick air with...

Praise the Whoredom

let the envy and breath-taking anger before the madness throw a scarlet carpet of blood and let the scream quench every candle it is i who's coming the one who raped the death opening the graves burning the names, thoughts and the need of being remember...


Adorating beauty of face congealed in pain Pain of being torn within Delighting young skin humiliated brutally Fucked in an act of carnal love Blood shed upon thighs Harmonic to tears moistening ground Deformed submissivness figure Hardly conformable to...

Rape the Presence [For to]

i’m shattering the hours of belief 'cause not through but by death i want to breathe and by glowing metal upon my skin i'm drawing the only true path i'm yearning i hear the voice of mine, but i will roar the voice down when in deepest devotion my flesh...

Red Scum

Кто-то здесь воскликнет снова Я и есть всего основа Кто-то скажет что я знаю кто найдёт кто потеряет Кто возвысится на веки кто сомкнёт досрочно веки Когда-то придёт человек который пределит: где ваша земля, где наша земля, кто вы нам, кто мы вам,...

Sieg Heil

Возродим же наши земли через тернии к звёздам. Расплодились пидорасы просят крови белой расы. Жаждут личностной наживы, но уста и лица лживы их. 

Śmierć ludzkości

Czerń niema powiedziała już wszystko Zło nie może być prostsze Nie masz innej przyszłości Niż kościołów płomienie I krew autodestrukcji Stójcie zatem tam Bo łatwiej jest przeklinać wasze cienie Nic dla was nie znaczą Ci, których już nie ma i śmierci p...

Swordless Beheader

Glorious and triumphant, ineffable in strenght Defying the power hold in a flesh Eternally denslaved though not by death Bruises decorates scars, reopened constantly Raising new icons in this temple of agony Paralysed by pain deafening thoughts Copulating with...


Natrzeć krwią ściany trzasku. Ich umysłu i ciała oddychać męką Niewinność za włosy uchwycić, Niech płyną pomiędzy palcami. By żyło umarłe niech wezmą w dłoń Okruch świadomości wyrwać I pragnieniem go zastąpić Rozkoszy zgonu ostatnim tchem. Zgasłe już...

War To Come

Torments of the earth always seemed to little for me Human scream far to silent The sea of blood I sailed through honourly Became a one single sip WarToCome And blade still too clean, my delight inherently miserable Hatred towards mankind displayed impotently...

White Pride and Black Heart

Да придёт рассвет во имя белой расы Да придёт война во имя нашего свободного духа Да сбудутся все наши тайные и явные желания Да придёт смелость в наши души Да падёт враг от нашей руки И ни что нашу волю не задушит И слова от действий не будут так далеки...