John Hill Hewitt

Utwory wykonawcy:

'Tis Home Where'er the Heart Is

1. 'Tis home where'er the heart is. Where'er its living treasures dwell, In cabin, or in princely hall, In forest haunt or hermit's cell. 'Tis bright where'er the heart is. Its fairy spells have pow'r to bring Fresh fountains to the wilderness, And to the dese...

All Quiet Along the Potomac To-night

1. "All quiet along the Potomac to-night," Except here and there a stray picket Is shot as he walks on his beat to and fro, By a rifleman hid in the thicket; 'Tis nothing! a private or two now and then, Will not count in the news of the battle, Not an officer...

Anna Marye

1. The "whippoorwill" sang for mate in the grove, And the night-winds were wafting the strains of his love; The moon kept her watch o'er the lands, o'er the sea. And her beams kissed the sweet face of Anna Marye! [CHORUS] I sat at her feet and I gazed on her...

Annabel Lee

1. It was many a year ago, In the kingdom by the sea, That a maided lived, which you knew By the name of Annabel Lee. And this maiden she lived with no other thought, than to love and be loved by me-- Then to love, then to love, then to love and be loved by me...

Aunt Harriet Becha Stowe

1. I went to New York city a month or two ago, A hunting for dat lady, Aunt Harriet Becha Stowe; I see'd de Abolitions dey said shed gone away, Dey told me in de city it was no use to stay. She take away de dollars, and put 'em in her packet, She laid her han...

Away Then to the Mountains

1. Away then to the mountains, While the morning sun is shining; The mist has left the fountain, And the herds in shade are reclining. Up the rocks we'll climb To the top sublime, And we'll watch the light deer bounding; While the Sun wades through the Sea of...

Battle Song

1. March on, march on! death or victory, Is the only battle cry for him who would be free. March on, march on­­ death or victory, Is the everlasting song of human liberty! Halt not, fear not­­ Glory leads the way; Courage, courage t'ward a brighter day....


1. Hark! the merry chiming bells, Ding, dong, ding, ding-ding, ding dong; On the air their cadence swells­ ­ Ding, dong, ding, ding-dong! Solemn now they call to prayer. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! When the wedding chime is there Ding ding...

Can You Not Read in My Eyes

1. Can you not read in my eyes, as we turn, The thoughts which just now in my bosom burn? Or fear you to look-- lest there you should see The dear little angel so cherish'd by me? Dearest, look up and turn not away The glance of that eye which is brighter than...

Cease Troubled Bosom

[Recit.] My father, if thou hast opened they mouth unto the Lord, do to me according to that which hath proceeded from thy mouth; for as much as the Lord hath taken vengence for thee of thine enemies even of the children of Ammon Let this thing be done for me;...

Clemie Here, Clemie There

1. Clemie here­­ Clemie there, Clemie wanted ev’rywhere. In the kitchen, on the stair­­ Clemie’s floating in the air. Of new shoes she has a pair With her Sunday dress to wear, How she limps, as if she were An aged duck all filled with care For twenty duckling...

Come Dwell With Me

1. Come dwell with me, my sweet Jannet, Down by the spring where first we met; Close by there stands­­ deep in the grove, A cottage made for hearts that love. There have I lived since boy-hood's days; By moth-er's loved­­ by father praised; They both wil...

Come, Take the Gentle Harp of Sorrow

1. Come take the gentle harp of sorrow, I'll lean it on my beating breast; Perhaps my lips may smile tomorrow, And all my fears be lull'd to rest. Where yonder palm its leaft uncloses, And spreads it to the dewy shower, I'll strew for him a bed of roses, Of je...

Darling Jane

When the morn is in her fullness and the river sparkles bright, When the mocking bird sings sweetly to this star of the night, By the magnolia trees I oft meet my dear maiden, The face star of the valley, the flower of the grove. Pretty Jane, dearest Jane, she...

Darling, Tell Me Yes

1. One little moment more, Maud; One little whisper more; I have a word to speak, Maud, I never breathed before. What can it be but love, Maud? One word of nightly guess, 'Tis pleasant to your eyes, Maud? O, darling, tell me yes. CHORUS O, darling, tell me y...

Days of Childhood!

1. Days of childhood! Days of childhood! Where are your pleasures gone? Yon babbling echo answers - where? And I am left alone. My young companions, where are they? They sleep among the dead, Or else are scatter'd o'er the world, To mourn the joy that's fled....

Dear Land of the South

1. Dear land of the South, where the lofty pines grows, And sings its wild song to the violet and rose; I love to recline where the orange trees bloom, And bless, with a proud heart my own Southern home. They tell of the health and the wealth of the North, Of...

Dixie, the Land of King Cotton

1. Oh, Dixie! the Land of King Cotton, The home of the brave and the free; A nation by Freedom begotten, The terror of despots to be. Wherever thy banner is streaming, Base tyranny qualls at thy feet; And Liberty's sunlight is beaming In splendor of majesty sw...

Do I Not Love Thee

1. Do I not love thee? I ask the hours That slowly creeping on, Seem spectres of past blissfulness, When thou, my love, are gone. Bid them give up a just account Of all my hopes and fears, Of woman's weary loneliness, Of woman's bitter tears. 2. Do I not thee...

Down Below

1. [SOLO] O, whar's dat ole grey nigger gone, Who used to work de hoe In massa's fields, and hill de corn, A long time ago? CHORUS You ax us whar dat nigger's went, Dat fine old nigger Joe? He's gone to see de Elephant, Down below, down below. ||: Poor ole Jo...

Dreaming Forever of Thee

1. Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming forever of thee, Morning, eve-ning, whether on land or on sea. Whatever land I may roam, love. Still my heart beats for my home, love. Thee, love, thee, love, still I am dreaming of thee. 2. Starlight, starlight, brings thy dea...

Dreaming of Thee

1. The twilight hath died on the shore. The winds are asleep on the lea; And the lavish night shakes from her prodigal store, A shower of gold o're the sea; Whose deep bosom moves to the moon that she loves. And I, love, am dreaming of thee; Whose deep bosom m...

Ellen Vane

1. 'Tis long ago, when hope was high, And health and wealth were mine; Then happiness seem'd in my grasp, So young I felt, and fine, A little maid possess'd the heart Which I could not retain; The world entire was centred in My own dear Ellen Vane, The world...

Elodie, 'Tis My Last Parting Song

1. 'Tis my last parting song-- my boat's on the shore, I may not behold thy bright eyes any more; Sweet Elodie, list! while I pour forth my lay, And remember its strain when thy bard's far away. My heart will be thine, love, thro' weal and thro' woe, My loadst...

Et Cetera

1. The blacks who lounge about the streets, Or with their pennies dash on, Are always sipping [tinacious?] sweets From off the lips of fashion. They rise at twelve, then pick their teeth, Or puff a mild cigar; They yawn a bit and talk a bit, And swear -- et ce...

Fair Lady, Wake!

1. [Soprano[or Tenor?] 1] Fair lady! wake, the moon is shining, Calmly o'er the ripling sea. [Soprano[or Tenor?] 2] Here gently on our oars reclining Lady bright, lady bright, we sing to thee. [DUET] Fair lady, hear our whispering numbers, Swelling on the mid...

Far O'er the Deep Blue Sea

1. The moon is beaming brightly love, Upon the deep blue sea-- A trusty crew is waiting near, For thee, dear girl, for thee! Then leave thy downy couch, my love, And with thy sailor flee; His gallant bark shall bear thee safe, Far o'er the deep blue sea, Far o...

Farewell, Since We Must Part

1. Farewell, farewell since we must part, But oft a tear I'll shed for thee; Thy name shall cling around my heart, To light the waste of memory, To light the waste of memory. 2. Oh! when amidst the gay you rove, When pleading eyes around you shine; Think of t...

Fatherland! Dear Fatherland!

1. Fatherland! dear fatherland! Home of ev'ry pleasure; Can I cease to cherish thee Mem'ry's dearest treasure! Far away from all I love, wand'ring like the restless dove, Stranger smiles are all I see, Coldly beam such smiles on me. Our native songs to mem'ry...

Few Day's

1. This world is coming to an end, Few day's, few day's! I'll [crack?] my [shins?], my Jacket [wind?] I'm g'wine home. I'm gwine to run clear out o' sight, Few day's - few day's! And leave these naughty diggins quite; I'm gw'ine home! CHORUS For I've got a ho...

Flag of the Sunny South

1. Hail symbol of the Sunny South! Bright Banner of the free! Our Southern hearts swell high with joy, When glory points to thee. Thy Stars are like the _Pleiades_; Undim'd by Tyrant's power; They'll deck thy Heav'n-dyed field of blue Till freedom's latest hou...

Freedom's Muster Drum

1. When Freedom from her dazzling home, Look'd down upon the breathing world, She saw amid the misty gloom, The banner of man's rights unfurl'd. A light flash'd thro' the sombre cloud, The despot's stunning voice was dumb; While sovreign man spoke out aloud An...

Garde' Vous

1. Young maidens, shield your guiless hearts-- Garde a' vous, Garde a' vous, Love scatters round a thousand darts; Garde a' vous, Garde a' vous Men have smiles for every one From flow'r to flow'r they wander on Glittering in life's noonday sun; Garde a' vous,...

Girls Beware

1. |: Girls, beware---shun sly Cupid, In his smiles his arrows lie; Can you be so dull and stupid, As to listen to his sigh? :| Should you press him to your bosom, He will sting you for your pains; So beware---Hope's young blossom, Oft the thorn of Love retain...

Go and Ask My Mother

1. You've told me many a time and oft, That I was fair and comely, My eyes were bright -- my tresses soft, And other girls were homely. "She's quite too young to know her will." The folks say to each other; But if you truly love me still, Why __ go and ask my...

Go, We Must Meet No More

1. Go-- we must meet no more, Fate has ordain’d it so; One look and all is o’er, One last farewell-- then go. But when amidst the gay, Warm smiles are greeting thee; Still hear me trembling say "Wilt thou remember me?" Still hear me trembling say "Wi...

Good Night, Sweetheart

1. Good night my love, when you reprove, 'Tis surely time to go; But, time's swift flight, with love at night, We lovers never know. You say­­ depart, while my poor heart Keeps urging my to stay, 'Till, 'twixt the two, what I must do I find it hard to s...

Hark, Brothers Hark!

1. Hark! brothers, hark! the evening gun, (Pull away steadily all pull cheerily,) Booms from the land at set of sun, (Pull away steadily all pull cheerily,) Bend to your oars, for the night breeze will soon ripple the waves in the silvery moon, So happy are we...

Her Heart's Not There

1. They've dress'd her for the bridal, And wreath'd her snowy brow; They little heed the sorrow That clouds her features now. And there are smiles around her, And glad sounds fill the air, The nuptial hall is lighted, But, O, her heart's not there, [REFRAIN]...

Ho! for a Rovers Life (Song of the Pirate)

Ho! for a rover's life, Battle and stormy strife! Fearless he braves Wild wind and waves, Like a prison'd bird set free! Seeking the stormy deep, Where mountain billows leap, He's the monarch of the sea, The monarch of the sea. Moor'd in the friendly cove, Oft...

How Can I Leave Thee, Land of the Vine

1. [SOPRANO] How can I leave thee, land of the vine, In a strange land to weep and to pine? [TENOR] Come fly with me, love, joy waits for thee In the rich bowers over the sea. [DUETT] [SOPRANO] Oh, how can I leave the land of me birth Where the heart re...

I Am Far from My Native Home

1. I am far from my native home, On the wide and surgy see, While our gallant ship battles the foam, The wind screams its wild melody -- There's a glimmering light on our wake, 'Tis the beacon light on the shore, Like the last flash of Hope, its rays break on...

I Cannot Love Another

1. I cannot love another, For, when in youth we met, The flame I tried to smother, Lives in my bosom yet. Tho' other hands caress thee, And other hearts are thine; No other lips can bless thee, With warmer prayers than mine. 2. My last fond hope has perished,...

I Knew Thou Would'st Return

1. I knew thou would'st return, mine own wave toss'd; I know thou would'st return, again to me; When others said that ev'ry soul was lost, I claim'd thee of the dark and dang'rous sea. I knew thou would'st return, I knew thou would'st return. 2. I whisper'd t...

I Live for Thee

1. Not from thy lips came forth the sigh That bears sweet music to the ear; It beam'd not from thy soul-lit eye, A flower spoke the words so dear, "I live for thee" beam'd from its hue, On wings of fragrance came the spell; It glitter'd in the dip of dew...

I Shouldn't Like to Tell

'Twas early in the spring time When birds begin to mate When first I met young Ed-ward Brown By the garden gate Upon the evening's stillness his voice so sweet-ly fell The morning words he whispers I should'nt like to tell. In many a summer toiling We...

I Will Meet Thee

1. I will meet thee at evening twilight, When balmy zephyrs kiss each flow'r; I will meet thee when the gray night-bird Sings its wild strain withing thy bow'r. When the young stars, in all their beauty, Look down upon the waveless sea; And the pale moon, in q...

I Will Often Think of Thee

1. I will often thing of thee, And pleasant visions raise Of the spells that came o'er me In other happier days, When the hearts were pass'd as if each one Were but a mirror in the sun, Turning back the dazzling light It sheds upon the surface bright. 2. I wi...

I Would Not Die at All

1. I would not die in sprintime When river shed abound; And herring cleave the waters, While flow'rets deck the ground, When 'sparagus sprouting, And radishes are red; When winter, bluster'ring winter, Hides his diminished head. I would not die in springtime W...

I'll Count the Hours

1. I'll count the hours until we meet, For, dearest one, with thee They hurried on like coursers fleet, But now they laggards be. I'll count the hours of every day­­ That holds us thus apart, And shun the light that sheds no ray On my o'ershadow'd head....

I'll Love Thee Then

1. I'll love thee when the spring flow'rs bloom-- For 'twas in spring we met; The blissful scenes which round us shone, Are fresh in mem'ry yet. I know that we were younger then, But hearts as true as ours, Have scarcely felt the chill of time, Or noted passin...

I'm Only Sixteen

1. I'm only sixteen, 'tis a nice little age, I would not be younger or older Already I've round over Love's mystic page, And warm'd when I should have grown colder. I would like to be married, but, wedlock, they say, Has troubles which I've never seen; So, I'd...

I'm Still Thine Ow

1. I'm still thine own, I'm still thine own, Tho' thou hast wrong'd my trusting heart; I see thy coldness every day, And yet confess how dear thou art. The flow'r will court the rising sun, Although he steals its dew away; So I to thee with fondness look...

I'm Thine Alone

1. I'm thine alone, though other hearts may claim My wand'ring thoughts, this heart will turn to thee; At early morn, or evening's quiet time, Its secret beatings thine alone shall be. When pleasures twine bright visions round my way, And Joy illumes my soul's...

I'm Thinking of My Mother

1. On my lonely picket rounds, When the silent stars are blinking, Oft I look towards the south, Of my home and lov’d ones thinking. But of all the cherish’d throng, If one’s dearer than the other, ’Tis that angel of my dreams­­ ’Tis my mother, darling mother....

I'm Thinking of You Now Mary

1. I'm thinking of thee now Mary, Lone in my darken'd tent. The wintry winds without, Mary, With storms of heaven sent. But the storm within my breast, Mary, Is as the storm at sea When the good ship's hope is gone, Mary, For you are lost to me! When t...

If You Love Me, Tell Me So

1. If you love me, tell me so, Wait not till the summer glow Fades in aut-umn's changeful light, Am-ber clouds and purple night. Wait not till the winter hours Heap with snow-drifts all the flow'rs, Till the tide of life runs low, If you love me, tell...

In Smiles We Met

1. In smiles we met, in tears we parted, Joy’s sunshine linger’d but a while, Its cheering ray a moment darted, Then came a tear for ev’ry smile. But we will drink of grief together, The cup hath lost its bitterness; For tho’ the rose in frost may wither, Its...

It Wont Bear Mentioning

1. The times have changed since Christopher Columbus touch'd this rocky shore; What then was quite a wilderness, Is now the exiles lucky shore. Our fathers noble battles fought, Without the hope of pensioning; Now military pride is dress; Alas! it won't bear m...


1. Jannet, Jannet, my meek-eyed pet, The birds are on the wing, The flow'rs spread out their perfumed leaves Upon the lap of Spring. And all around from vale to hill, Is deck'd in garments gay; For every breeze that comes and goes, Sings happy songs of...


1. In a lone quiet spot by the side of a hill, Where the sycamore grows, and the wild willow's weeping There's a requiem steals from a sweet little rill, And chants o’er the mound where my Julia is sleeping. CHORUS Then mourn for my Julia, my joys are al...

Lament of the Swiss Mountaineers

They've left the mountain, left the vale Where once they dwelt in peace; Their last farewell swells on the gale, And now its accents cease. Oh! Alpine home! thou't silent now, Thy notes are heard no more The echo sleeps on mountain brow, Thy song of you is o'e...

Laughing Quartette

While thus in glee together, We sing our social lay In spite of wind and weather We pass our time away Ha, ha, ha laugh while yet ye may, A good laugh drives away dull care, Ha, ha, ha- join our merry lay, And make old moping sorrow stare. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,...

Leap O'er the Waves

Leap o'er the waves, o'er the wave, o'er the waves. Plough, plough, plough, plough thro' the sea, For thou art all my pride, My bonny white-wing'd bride; Thy grace, thy bound, thy speed for me, Thy grace, thy bound, thy speed for me, Thy speed, thy speed for m...

Let Me Kiss My Mother's Picture

1. Let me kiss my mother's picture. See my lips are cold in death; Let me gaze upon her features­­ Bless her with my latest breath. Mother! Oh, how much I love you! Oh how dearly love you now! Do not chide me for my folly; Death's cold hand is on my br...

Let Me Sleep My Last Sleep in the Land of My Birth

1. Let me sleep my last sleep in the land of my birth, Near the spot where my Father lies under the earth; Where the marble slabs tell of the friends that repose 'Neath the green grass that sighs when the wind gently blows. The old chuch still looks on that b...

Let Us Hope for the Best

1. Let us hope for the best, while we've strength to move on; It is folly to pine if we tread on a thorn; There are roses around to be gather'd at will, With their tint and the odor they gently distill. The dews that come down with the moon's mellow light, Ar...

Let's Sit Down and Talk Together

1. Let's sit down and talk together Of the things of olden day, When we, like lambkins loosed from tether, Gaily tripp'd along the way. Time has touch'd us both with lightness, Leaving furrows here and there, And tinging with peculiar brightness Silvery thread...

Lightly We Skim O'er the Sparkling Sea

1. Lightly we skim o’er the sparkling sea, Lady, fair lady to sing of thee; Homely the strain may be, Yet ’tis of love! Whispering soft comes the evening gale Bringing sweet odors from hill and vale; Gently swells out our sail— Gaily we move! CHORUS [sung aft...

Lilly Dale

1. 'Twas a calm, still night, And the moon's pale light, Shone soft o'er hill and vale, When friends mute with grief, Stood around the death bed, Of my poor lost Lilly Dale. CHORUS 1 Oh, Lilly, Sweet Lilly, dear Lilly Dale, Now the wild rose blos-soms...

Linger Not Long!

1. Linger not long! home's sad without theem Its dearest tokens make me mourn. Let mem'ry be a chain about thee, Gently to hasten thy return. Linger not long, tho' woo'd to staying, Oh! can the mirth of friends, tho' dear, Pay for the grief thy long delaying C...

Lizzie Green

1. Down in yonder silent vale, Where softly breathes the summer gale, And cooing ring doves tell their tale, A cottage may be seen; The tinkling of the cattle's bells, Its quiet and its comfort tells; But there's a pretty fairy dwells, Her name is Lizzie Gree....

Look From Thy Lattice Gentle Lady

1. Look from thy lattice gentle lady While we touch the soft guitar. Our barque is on the waters ready To be guided by loves star. Love seeks the moonlight and the billows, When the winds are hushd to sleep. He loves to breathe on downy pillows, Smiling when...

Look From Your Winder

[Solo Tenor] Look from your winder, Sweet Rosa, on me, I come by de moonlight to slamanade de! Look from your winder, Sweet Rosa, on me, I come by de moonlight to slamanade de! [Overlapping voices] [Alto] Ai-e-ho Ai-e-ho Ai-e-ho Ai-e-ho Ai-e-ho Ai-e-o Ai--e-o...

Look Up on That Banner

1. Look up on that banner! oh, see it proudly fly; The foemen are gath'ring the battle strife is nigh. Hark! hark! I hear the bugle; again its warlike blast; One kiss, boy embrace me, perchance 'twill be the last. One kiss, boy embrace me, perchance 'twill be...

Love Strong in Death

1. The brother of two sisters drew painfully his breath, A strange fear had come o'er him, for love was strong in death; The fire of fatal fever burn'd darkly on his cheek, And often to his mother he spoke-- or tried to speak. He said "the quiet moonlight, ben...

Lowland Fanny

1. We have heard thy syren lay, Lowland Fanny, ever smiling. We have mark'd thine eyes' bright ray, Life's cares beguiling. Where the proud magnolia grows, Is thy dwelling hidden treasure? Blooming with the forest rose, All joy and pleasure. Refrain. Oh, Lowl...

Mary Blane

1. Oh once I knew a gentle maid, And took her for my wife; She came from where the orange grows, I loved her as my life. We happy lived no care was ours, She never caus'd me pain But on one dark and dreary night, I lost poor Mary Blane. [REFRAIN] Oh! farewe...

Master and Pupil

[Master, in broken English] Come pretty miss, your lesson rehearse, And mind that each note you read. [Pupil] My cold is so bad, I'm sure it gets worse, I'll murder the music indeed, indeed, I'll murder the music indeed! [Master] Your cold, oh dear! go on, go...

Matrimonial Squabble

1. [Tenor] My love, you are looking so pretty,— To me you’re the belle of the city; The rose on your cheek— Your eyes seem to speak, Your talk is so learn-ed and witty. [Soprano] O, really, dearest, you flatter, I’m sure there is something the matter;...

Memories of Love

1. How oft in the distance, a lone star I see, So pensively gazing upon the red morn; Its fast-fading splendor then brings back to me, Sad mem'ries of days that are faded and gone. [REFRAIN] Sad mem'ries of love! Sweet mem'ries of love, That fall on the heart...

Memories That Cling to the Heart

1. Sing a song of the days that have fled, Shed a tear o’er the grave of the past; Give a sigh for the friends that are dead, Who were loving and true to the last. Through life’s dreary pathway a rover, By sorrows and crosses oppressed. There’s no rest for th...

Minnie Moore – Love Making by the Sea

1. 'Twas a calm and moonlight evening, When we met down on the shore; And the gentle surf kept whisp'ring The name of Minnie Moore. The zephyrs kiss'd her tresses, And fann'd her glowing cheek, While we walk'd the land together, Each trying hard to spea...

Minstrel's Returned from the War

1. The minstrel's return'd from the war, With spirits as body and as air; And then on his tuneful guitar, He sings in the bow'r of his fair, He sings in the bow'r of his fair; The music of the battle is over, The bugle no more calls to arms, A soldier no more,...

Miss Bodkin's Charms

Miss Bodkin’s hair is red. Her nose is pimple hue, And when she goes to bed, From head to foot she’s blue. Her eyes are black and bright. But she is rather green; Her hands are lily white; She says she’s sweet sixteen. 


1. Twilight sheds its glimering ray, On mountain peak afar; In the mist of dying day, Behold the verper star. Silent up the eastern sky, Asray'd in beams of silverywhite; [REFRAIN] Oh! gentle moon, we welcome thee, Fair princess of the night. 2. Woods and...

Mr. & Mrs. Snibbs

1. [She] Oh! Mister Snibbs, you cruel man! Where have you been all day? You know that I'm quite indisposed, Where have you been I pray? [He] My dearest love, now don't be cross. At Miss Smith's I tarried; You know she's such a friend of ours, And three times h...

My Beauteous Child

RECITAVIVO My beauteous child! sweet mountain flow'r! Bright sunbeam in a darksome hour, Why first come forth to greet thy sire, With tuneful song and youthful choir? Know ye, I've made a holy vow To God, if vict'ry crown'd my brow; To slay the first that on m...

My Heart's With Thee

1. My heart’s with thee, my heart’s with thee; Wheree’er my wand’ring foot steps go, My heart’s with thee, my heart’s with thee, O’er many fields or treach’rous sea; When waves dash high and wild winds blow, Still must its deepest pulses glow, My heart’...

My Home Among the Hills

1. My bark has plow’d the stormy sea, And borne me far away; My soul was dark, I thought of thee, My own­­ my dearest May. In foreign lands I heard the song Of birds and rippling rills; They only made my spirit long For my home among the hills, My home among...

My Love She Was a Bonnie Lassie

1. My love she was a bonnie lassie, I loo’d her frae her moither’s knee Oh! she was e’en sae gude an’ kind, I thought that she loo’d me. We twa children were together, An’ our hearts sae fu’ o’ glee; But now minewi’ sorrow sickens, My love’s nae true to me. B...

My Mountain Kate

1. Have you ever seen the high blue mountain, In old Virginia state? There 'mid dark rocks and chrystal fountains, Dwells my lovely Kate. She's the darling of all those that know her, And proud will beat my heart When the good old folks on me bestow her Never...

My Southern Home

1. My southern home, where skies are bright, And balmy winds are blowing, Though exiled, still my heart is thine, And tears for thee are flowing. A friendly refugee alone, Thro’ stranger lands I wander, And sadly beats my patriot heart When o’er thy fat...

O, Have You Seen My Spanish Lady

1. O have you seen my spanish lady, The dark eyed and blushing? Her lips are ever gently smiling, And sweets from them gushing. She strikes the trembling mandolina, And sings the song I love to hear; And when she dances the Getina, Oh, ev'ry step to me is dear...

Oh! Give Me the Mountains

1. Oh give me the mountains Where in childhood I rov'd; The streamlet and fountains, That my young fancy lov'd, The cottage where daily, Joy's smile might be seen, The throng that danced gaily To the sweet mandolin. 2. I've rode the wild billow, When the temp...

Oh! Have I Not Been True to Thee

1. Oh! have I not been true to thee; In joy and sorrow still the same? Has e’en your coldness alter’d me, Or sterness check’d my bosom’s flame? Thou’st bid me hush my plaintive song, And still my lute’s wild melody; Yet, yet its strain will float along,...

Oh! Mount Thy Bright and Gallant Steed

1. Oh! mount thy bright and gallant steed, My warrior boy, the foe is near; Greece calls thee in the time of need; Then why inglorious tarry here? Say, can I love thee half so well, As when oft to the battle cry, How proud I saw thy bosom swell, Or mark’d the...

Oh! Soon Return

1. Oh! soon return, my hours are lonely, When thou't gone from me, My bosom beats fro thee, thee only, Fond and fervently. Can't I e'er forget, love; How in you we met love; When moonbeams bright illumed the night, And sparkled on the sea. 2. Oh! soon return,...

Oh! While Adown Life's Stream We Glide

1. Oh! while adown life's stream we glide, In sunshine’s smiles or wintry weather; Still, let us journey side by side, And sweetly live and love together. Lock’s in each others fond embrace, Though dark and dismal clouds hang o'er us, With hearts united we may...

Oh, Come to Me, Love, in a Beautiful Dream

1. Oh, come to me love, in a beautiful dream, When fairies are kissing the waves of the stream, And laughing 'mid moonbeams that gladden the night. They sport round a dew drop so sparkling and bright. The harp of the winds shall awaken its strain. The hollow s...

Oh, Do Not Chide Me When I Weep

1. Oh, do not chide me when I weep, These tears bring me relief; The smile of joy let others keep, mine be the joy of grief. The sunbeam gilds the drooping flower; And gives it life anew; But brighter shine its tints each hour, When bathed in evening d...

On to the Charge!

1. On to the charge, our bugle rang, ’Twas heard above the battle’s clang; The gallant war-horse paw’d the ground, And neigh’d responsive to the sound; And while the red-mouth’d cannon spoke, Aloft amid the curling smoke, Our conquering banner proudly stream’d...

Our Fireside at Home

1. [1st Voice] When wand'ring far away in cold and distant climes, We hear the merry bells peal out their Christmas chimes; How fondly turns the heart from the Country where we roam, To find a blissful rest by our fireside at home. [2nd Voice] Their smiling li...

Our Flag Is There

1. Where spicy winds kiss eastern shores, And fervid sunbeams glare Where mighty Ganges onward roars, Our flag is there huzza! Our flag is there! Where Hecla belches out its fires Upon the trembling air, And tinges ranks of icy spires, Our flag is there, huzza...

Our Hearts Are With Our Native Land

1. Our hearts are with the native land, Our song is for her glory; Her warrior's wreath is in our hand, Our lips breathe out her story. Her lofty hills and valleys green Are smiling bright before us, And like a rainbow sign is seen, Her proud flag waving o'er...

Our Home's on the Dancing Wave

1. Our home's on the dancing wave That laughs as we cleave it through; We love the wild storm-kings stave And echo his wild haloo! There's a wreck lying on our lee, And perishing souls are aboard; Right bravely we skim o'er the sea, The welcome relief to affor...

Over the Sea

1. Over the sea, the bright sunny sea, Charley my lover is coming to me; Blow gentle gails, fill out his sails; Charley, my sailor boy’s out on the sea. Then the storm raves over the wave, And the wild seagull shrieks loud in the foam; Over the deep I ga...

Rock Me to Sleep, Mother

1. Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight, Make me a child again just for tonight; Mother, come back from the echoless shore, Take me again to your heart as of yore. Kiss from my forehead the furrows of care, Smooth the few silver threads out of my ha...


1. When the moonbeams glance upon the river, When the zephyrs press the dewy flow’rs; When the mocking bird is sadly singing In the foaming all around your bow’rs; Then I’ll rowmy skiff across the waters, And beneath your window sing my lay. While the n...


1. Star of the evening, beautiful star! Shining so brightly in realms afar! Watch o'er the cherish'd one while she sleeps; Gently, gently weep in her dreams. Kiss of the teardrops when she weeps, Star of the evening! Kiss with thy beams. CHORUS [after 1st and...

She Knew Him Not

1. She knew him not-- or seem'd to shun His fix'd and srdent gaze; Her heart and soul seem'd bent upon The dance's giddy maze. Her soul was melting in her eye, While music fill'd the air; She seem'd to have no memory, of blissful days that were. 2. She knew h...

She Wept to Know She Lov'd

1. She wept to know she lov’d, For he was lowly born, While she in wealth and splendour mov'd With Pride's tiara on. At morning dawn, at twilight dim, Her fervent prayers were breath'd for him, The lowly youth who nobly strove To win his lady's love....

Sing and Remember Me

Oh, sing this song-- when thee gather A faithful, chosen few; When thoughs are mingling with each other, And hearts are warm and true. Oh sing it when the pale stars glisten Bright o'er the waveless sea; When Zephyrs seem to stop and listen Sing and remember m...

Sleeping I Dreamed Love

1. Sleeping, I dream'd love--dream'd love, of thee; O'er the bright waves, love, floating were we; Light is thy fair hair play'd the soft wind, Gently thy white arms round me were twined, And as thy song love swell'd o'er the sea, Fondly thy blue eyes beam'd l...

Somebody's Darling

1. Into the ward of the clean whitewash'd halls, Where the dead slept and the dying lay; Wounded by bayonets, sabres and balls, Somebody's darling was borne one day. Somebody's darling so young and so brave, Wearing yet still on his sweet yet pale face,-- Soon...

Song of the Hungarian Exile

1. My father-land! dear father-land!, I'm thinking of thee now; The holy light of other days Is bright'ning on my brow. I'm roaming thro' thy forests old, Where monarch eagles scream, And now my barque goes bounding o'er The Danube's troubled stream. But, ah!...

Sweet Kitty Neal

1. Oh! sweet Kitty Neal, rise up from your wheel; Your neat little foot will be weary with spinning; Come, trip down with me to the Sycamore tree, Half the parish is there, and the dance is beginning. The sun is gone down, but the full harvest moon, Shines sw...

Sweet Mariette

1. Sweet Mariette, the silent stars are beaming, The placid moon is smiling on the sea; While sadly I on thy fair form am dreaming, Oh dost thou, dearest, give one thought to me? Oh dost thou, dearest, give one thought to me? 2. Dear Mariette, the glitterin...

Sweet Rosa's Lips

1. Sweet Rosa’s lips are red. Her nose is crimson too, And when she goes to bed, But head to foot she’s blue. Her hands are lily white, Her cheek’s like snow I ween. Her eyes are black and bright. From head to foot she’s green; Yes, from head to foot she’s gr...

Take Me Home

1. Tale me home to the place where I first saw the light, To the sweet sunny South take me home, Where the mocking bird sung me to rest ev'ry night, Ah! why was I tempted to roam. I think with regret of the dear ones I left, Of the warm hearts that shelter'd m...

The Alpine Horn

1. Hear ye the Alpine horn, Sweetly it sounds While breaks the rosy morn, And the roe bounds. Gaily its music On the air thrills, It speaks in the valley The voice of the hills. Ai ye ho! 2. Up to the mountain brow, Down in the vale, O'er beds of trackless...

The American Boy

1. Father, look up and see that flag, How gracefully it flies; Its pretty stripes they seem to be A rainbow in the skies. "It is your country's flag, my son, And proudly drinks the light, O'er ocean's wave in foreign climes, A symbol of our might." 2. Father...

The Attache

1. Oh! where is my lover? tell me, I pray? Has any one seen him passing this way? He's tall and he's slender, and dresses quite neat, High crown on his head and high heels on his feet. Can no one inform me if such they have seen? With strip'd velvet waistcoat...

The Bard's Last Song

Harp of my youthful days! Forever we part, Long have I swept thy strings -- The cords of my heart; Old age now chills me veins, And snow caps my brow, Gone is the fire of youth, My hand trembles now. Vainly I try to sing The songs of the past; Tears fill my f...

The Betrothed

1. The Baron had a daughter fair But sixteen summers has she seen. Her heart was light, no grief was there, And lov'd by all was she I ween; But Love hath wiles for Beauty's smiles, As Alpine hunter young and bold, Oft sought her bow'r at evening hour, And man...

The Bridesmaid

1. The last -- the last faint sound I hear, Of groom and bride departing, With lady bright and cavalier, And helms in sunlight darting. Along I sit and think of one, The nobliest knight of all, Who left his faithful love alone To bow to honor's call. He said h...

The Bugle Horn

1. What wild sound is filling the narrow glen, And stealing o'er the lawn? 'Tis the shout of Saluda's merry men, With their cheering bugle horn. The bugle horn! The bugle horn! The anxious and keen-scented hound, Now wildly responds to the sound, The moss cove...

The Cavalier Rode on His Coal Black Steed

1. The Cavalier rode on his coal black steed, Nor forests, nor [siredoms?] could his course impede; Three long years had pass'd since the blissful hour, He kiss'd a fair hand in yon lordly bow'r. The war-din was o'er the trumpet was mute, And no sound could he...

The Cot in the Valley

1. Oh, when I shall see again, The proud Juniata, Where bright billows kiss the shore, Where dwells Sally Carter? The Cot where her father liv'd, Deep, deep in the valley, The roses and jasmine That were guarded by Sally. REFRAIN Sweet home of my heart! Dear...

The Dreams of Early Youth Have Fled

1. The dreams of early youth have fled The joy-pulse of my heart is dead; E'en Hope, which once my spirit fed, Now droops and fades away. Or, let me seek the silent dell, And to the lonely brooklet tell My story of our last farewell, My lost, lost Ellen...

The Dying Girl

1. They say I'm falling fast, mother, indeed I feel it [as?]; For all seems overcast, mother, And my cheeks have press'd to glow; Just place your hand near to my heart, How wild it pulses beat! They'll soon be still, I know they will, And thru my sleep how swe...

The Dying Trumpeter

1. The din of the battle was o'er, And the moon shed her silvery ray, When alone on the Bravo's dark shore, A poor wounded trumpeter lay; He gazed on the flag of his pride, As its stars rivall'd those in the skies; "Still waves it in triumph!" he cried, While...

The Fine Old Southern Lady

1. I love that fine old Southern lady, Whose mansion's near the still Pedee; She reigns a queen o'er all around her, And prides her on her ancestry. The poor ne'er leave her door negected, Good cheer she has for those who call; By all admired; by all respected...

The Flag of Cuba

1. See the golden star above us. Printed on the scarlet fold, Wrought by those who always love us, Flag of Cuba! fring'd with gold Come to battle, Southern legions! Come for Freedom's mane, O come! Till your tread shall shake the regions, Where we offer you a...

The Jackdaws

1. As an old jackdaw and a young jackdaw, Were walking out together; As birds will do, you very well knew, That are of the very same feather. Says the young jackdaw to the old jackdaw, "I won't walk another stride, For I see a cow in yonder meadow, So let us g...

The Jenny Lind Song

1. The rage is now for Jenny Lind, And all must hear her warbling clear, No matter how we raise the wind, Her notes are sweet and dear. All Europe says she’s quite au fait At changing notes her own for ours; And when you hear her seraph lay, You think of love...

The Kentucky Gentleman

1. They're sung of English gentlemen, Who liv'd in olden times, When titles [losed?] and made of arms, Had multitudes of crimes, My theme shall be a gentleman, The father of the West ... A man of intellect and soul, With a kind heart in his breast. REFRAIN Th...

The Knight from Palestine

1. Blow warder blow thy brazen horn, The champion of the cross is near; His gallant charger tramps the lawn, And brightly shines his massy spear. He safe returns from Palestine His sword is red, bruis’d is his shield; No more shall he in shackles pine, No mor...

The Knight of the Raven Black Plume

1. A lady sat mute in her bow'r, While her page from the turret on high, Look'd out at the lone midnight hour, To see if her lover was nigh. "Ho! ho!" said the page, as he toss'd His scarf 'mid the moon's mellow light, "A horseman the meadow has cross'd, And h...

The Lake Spirit's Song

1. Come to the lake of the Dismal Swamp, I wait in my light canoe, The pale moonbeams dim my fire-fly lamp, And my drink is the midnight dew. The ghost of the warrior chief I see, And he calls me his maiden bride; And I hear the moan of the cypress tree, Where...

The Light Canoe

1. I’ll come to thee when the moon is full, And floats in ether bright; I’'ll come to thee when the sportive fay Is rev’ling in delight. I’ll come to thee, ere the morning sun, Has quaff’d the maiden dew; I’ll come to thee o’er the silv’ry tide, And in my ligh...

The Loved One

1. Oh I covet not palaces, castles or towers, Nor the wealth, nor the pomp of the lands o’er the sea; Give me only a cot deck’d with clustering flowers, And the bright smiling eyes of my Mary Mary’e. On a green sloping hill, with a stream by it flowing, And a...

The Maid of Monterey

1. The moon was shining brightly, Upon the battle plain; The gentle breeze fann'd lightly The features of the slain; The guns had hush'd their thunder, The drum in silence lay; When came the Senoretta, The maid of Monterey, The guns had hush'd their thunder,...

The Merry Bells Will Ring

1. The merry bells will ring in the brightest month of Spring And the glad birds sing their sweetest song; The flow'rs will look so gay, on the happy first of May When I join the merry, laughing throng. For I will be their queen, and trip along the green...

The Mocking Bird

1. The weight of years is on thy crest, Kennesaw, old Kenne-saw, While glow the sunbeams in the west­­ Kennesaw, old, Kennesaw. The eagle soars high up in air, The panther howls in his dark lair, And slyly crawls the serpent there. Kennesaw, old Kennesaw...

The Moonbeams Are Kissing the Wave

1. The moon beams are kissing the waves of the sea, And the morning's light trembles afar. Then look from thy lattice fair lady on me. And list to my gentle guitar; I'll tell the how fondly I love the mild ray Of thy blue eye when turn'd upon me. I'll tell the...

The Mountain Bugle

1. [First Voice] Cheerily thy bugle sounds, When home returning o’re the lake; Mer-ri-ly my bosom bounds, As each clear swell bids echo wake. [Second Voice] Joyously I wing the note, To tell thee that thy hunter’s near; Merrily I speed my boat Towards the home...

The Mournful Good Night

1. My song 'neath thy lattice, my barque on the wave, I shall soon the rough storms of the cold ocean brave; Ere the morn, each glad scene will have faded from sight, And wilt thou no hear, love, my mournful good night? Good night, love, good night, from the h...

The Old Family Clock

1. Our home has more charms than the courts of the great, ’Tis a palace to us tho’ lowly our state; It is bless’d with a smile of contentment so Sweet, And the merry laugh rings when happy friends meet. Around the gay hearth there are clustering joys, Our ros...

The Origin of Bock Beer

1. Oh, don’t you know Herr Schneider? Dat vas a happy man! Unt he lived in de Rhine counteree Unt his garten vos so fat, Unt his frau she vos so shien, Unt his bock he vos so handsome as never you did see. His baskets dey were full up mit golt wit silver too,...

The Prima Donna Song

Baltimore, MD: MILLER & BEECHAM Successors to F. D. Benteen Plate No. 2552 Engraver: Webb [Source: 561190@LoC] 1. Oh! come to my mountain home, Maid of the mild blue eye; Come where the wild deer loves to roam, And eagle nests hang on high. The lillies of...

The Prisoner and the Swallow

CHORUS Dark wind'd warbler, that's piercing the sky And hailing the bright rising sun, Oh, would thro' the ether like thee, I could fly, And the gloom of this dark prison shun, 1. Gentle songster, I once was as merry as thou, But my poor heart with sorrow is...

The Raven

1. Once upon the midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore; While I nodded, nearly napping, Suddenly there came a tapping, As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. “’Tis som...

The Sea Bird

There's a storm on the blast, and the billows run high While the hissing spray mocks the sea bird's cry, mocks the sea bird's cry There's a storm on the blast, and the lightnings they leap, Like fiery shafts from the clouds to the deep, Like fiery shafts from...

The Single Man

1. The ladies say I'm a handsome man, Tho' I have pass'd my prime; I talk soft nonsense, flirt and fan, And in the dance keep time. Yet I am a very lonely wight, Life seems a weary span; I sit and mope all day and night, For I am a single man; REFRAIN I sit a...

The Soldier's Farewell

1. The bugle sounds upon the plain, Our men are gath'ring fast; You would not have your friend remain, And be among the last. Cheer up, cheer up, my Southern flow'r, There's joy for you and me-- While Right is strong and God has pow'r, The South shall rise up...

The South

1. The bright rose of beauty, unnurtur'd by art, And purity's lily doth thrive in thy heart, While Honor hath crown'd thee with glory's bright ray, And Flora hath deck'd thee with flowers of May Oh, beautiful South! cherish'd home of my birth, Thou fairest, th...

The Stuttering Lover

1. Oh! I have a lover, a diffient man, He starts at the sight of a bon-net or curl; And stammers as badly as any one can, When he tries to converse with a gi-gi-gi-girl. He once took a seat near a rod from my side, And, while twirling his cane and biting...

The Sun Was Slowly Setting

1. The sun was slowly setting Behind the woody hills; And murm'ring sounds were gushing From many joyous rills; When thro' the shadow'd valley An aged soldier came; His stern and hardy features Bore many a mark of fame. 2. He gaz'd upon the Village...

The Sun-Bright Isle

1. I leave your sun-bright isle, To bound a-cross the sea, And dream of eve-ry smile That fond-ly beam'd on me. I care not where I go, O'er snow or burn-ing soil; Still, still my heart shall glow, For yon-der sun-bright isle. CHORUS The sun-bright isle! Th...

The Trooper's Farewell

1. Far, far o’er deserts wild and dreary, love, Where rugged nature bars our way; Where savage foemen crouch in darkness, love, And shun the open light of day; There, with a bold and feerless trooper band, I'll think of those I’ve left behind, And wing...

The Tune the Old Cow Died On

1. I am a poor old widower, My name is Betsy Dow, I once possess’d a fortinin, And a fine old brindle cow. I milk’d her ev’ry noon and night; And sold my cheese and butter­­ But then, poor thing! she died on day, May soon be dead and gone; CHORUS I’m singing...

The Unknown Dead

1. Where the mountain ash nods to the tempest's wild howling, Where the echo shrinks mute in the vale dark and deep; Where the gaunt vulture soars and the grim wolf's prowling, The bones of dead heroes are taking their sleep. No slab there appears, wet with so...

The Very Little Maid

1. There was a little maid Who wore a little bonnet, And she had a little finger With a little ring upon it; She screw'd her little waist To such a little size That it made her little blood Rush to her little eyes. [Refrain] Oh! This charming little, winning...

The Voice of the Waves

1. Rolling, still rolling with lily white crests, And flashing in sunlight, the billows leap on; Screaming, the seabirds, fly up from their nests, And bathe their light wings in the rays of the sun. Sparkling like diamonds, the spray melts in air, And deep sou...

The Whig Rally

CHORUS Rally, whigs-- rally, whigs-- rally, whigs-- rally, whigs, See our gallant banners streaming, Rally, whigs-- rally, whigs-- rally, whigs-- rally, whigs; See the eyes of beauty beaming, Rally, whigs-- rally, whigs-- rally, whigs-- rally, whigs-- Come fro...

The Young Volunteer

1. Our flag is unfurl'd, and our arms flash bright, As the sun wades up the sky; But ere I join the doubtful fight, Lovely maid, I would say "Good bye" I'm a young volunteer, and my heart is true To our flag that woos the wind, Then three cheers for that flag,...

There's Love for You & Me

1. There is dew for the flow'ret, And honey for the bee; And bowers for the wild bird, And love for you and me! There are tears for the many, And pleasure for the few; But let the world pass on, dear, There's love for me and you! 2. There is care that will n...

They Said Thou Wer't Another's

1. They said thou wer’t another's, That on thy finger shone The ring that erst he gave thee, To claim thee as his own. Oh, is it so? I ask thee To utter with thy lips The doom of him who loves thee, Be't sunshine or eclipse. The doom of him who loves thee, Be...

Thou Art Anonther's

1. Nightly I’m dreaming, dreaming of thee; Softly the vision steals over me. Thou art another’s, why should I kneel Low to an idol that can not feel? Breathe love­ I dare not­ wide the abyss That yawns before one! ’twixt me and bliss. Be my harp toneles...

Three Cheers for Our Jack Morgan

1. The snow is in the cloud, And night is gath'ring o'er us, The winds are piping loud, And fan the blaze before us. Then join the jovial band, And tune the vocal organ; And with a will, we'll all join in, Three cheers for our Jack Morgan. CHORUS Gather round...

Veni, Vidi, Vici

1. I am the very pink of beaux, _Au fait_ in form and feature; The ladies cry "ah! there he goes, The dear, delicious creature." At balls and fetes I'm quite the thing, No lady's glance is icy, My motto always has been this," "Veni-- vidi-- vici," My motto alw...

Village Belle

1. Have you seen the pretty Ellen? She was call’d the village belle; Eyes a thou-sand secrets telling, Though her lips had none to tell. Zephyr’s woo’d her silken tresses, Stole the honey from her lips As the bee each flow’r caresses, While in sparkling dew it...

We Speak of Her as One Long Gone

1. We speak of her as on long gone, A bright star lost from Heav'n; A faded flow'r-- the pride of morn, The blasted hope of even. We used to listen to her song, And own its magic spell; But quickly pass'd the spell along-- Lost Rosabel! But quickly pass'd the...

We're Afloat or The Midshipman's Farewell

1. We're afloat, and our pennon streams out, The signal gun booms o'er the deep Our light sails are flaunting about While the land breeze awakes from its sleep But ere the last anchor is weigh'd And our topsails swell out to the wind Let the prayer of the sail...

We're Out Upon the Moonlit Wave

1. We're out upon the moonlit wave, There's none but you and I, my love; And who would not its dangers brave For one look in thine eye, my love? The stars are winking in the sky, The wavelets drink their way; Then gaze and smile and sigh, my love, 'Till night...

When Thou Wer't True

1. When thou wer't true, when thou wer't true, My heart did thy impression take, As do the depths, where skies are blue, Of come wood-girt and quiet take The image of the moon, that gives The calmness in whose light she lives. The image of the moon, that gives...

When Upon the Field of Glory

1. When upon the field of glory, 'Mid the battle cry, And the smoke of cannon curling Round the mountain high; Then sweet mem'ries will come o'er me, Painting home and thee ... Nerving me to deeds of daring, Struggling to be free. CHORUS Weep no longer, deare...

Where Art Thou!

1. I hear the rustling of the leaves, The breeze upon the hill, I hear the thrush's lonely song, The whisper of the rill. And through the trailing willow boughs, The dainty southwinds chime; I hear all voices soft and low-- But listen not to thine. I hear all...

While the Evening Star Was Shining

1. While the evening star was shining Brightly on the sparkling sea, Sat a lovely maid reclining, Who so sad; so lone as she; By her only love forsaken, Dimly did Hope's pale lamp burn; And her heart she felt was breaking, Tho' she thought he would return. 2....

Will You Love Me, Jennie Dear?

1. Will you love me, Jennie dear? Whisper gently in my ear; Tell me will you love me true, Just as I love you. Tell me with a beaming eye, Tell me with a half drawn sigh; Swear it by yon orb above, Jennie will you love? Jennie, will you love me? Jennie, will y...

Yes, We Think of Thee at Home

1. Yes, we think of thee at home, Oh, we often think of thee, In the fullness of our grief, In the moments of our glee, The same pulse beats as when, Thy steps were turned to roam; The same lips breathe thy name, As we think of thee at home. The same lips bre...

You Are Going to the Wars, Willie Boy!

1. You are going to the wars, Willie boy, Willie boy, You are going to the wars far away, To protect our rights and laws, Willie boy, Willie boy, And the banner in the son's golden ray; With your uniform all new, And your shining buttons too, You'll with the h...

You Cannot Doubt My Love

1. You cannot doubt my love for you, Nor can you once upbraid me; When in the grave my form you view, Where your unkindness laid me. Have I not smil’d when you were glad, And joy’d while pleasure lasted! Have I not wept when you were sad, And lov’d the...

You Remember When We Parted

1. You remember when we parted! Far off stood the barge’s crew; Doubting trembling, broken hearted, I dar’d to breathe my soul’s adieu. Gazing on the heaving billow, With your snowy hand in mine; And my bosom for your pillow You gently whisper’d “I am thine!”...