
Utwory wykonawcy:


Concentration of industrial graves On the line of machines Industrial hands Surgeon of progress - surgeon of disintegration Industrial victims Concentration of machines On the line of industrial graves. 

Miłość ze snu

Opowieści o krainie tej. W której o nic, nie musisz martwić się. Jesteś tu , obok ona wokół tylko szczerość. Lecz nie wszystko w życiu dobrze kończy się. Nie masz siły lecz walczysz tu, o tę miłość, o tę miłość ze snu. Ona tego warta jest , przelewu...

Personal Tragedy

In the artificial fog I noticed the road There stood a man in the middle of it I recognized him, it's my neighbour Simple son of a bitch The primitive grimace is manifest in his face Is shows the wish of emotional gratification I recognized him, it's my...


Vulgar gatherings of everyday life Gatherings of swaying sanity It's progress I'm walking down the streets And I'm looking at all of this shit It's progress Artisism beeing explain by special masochism Which is closed in frames of everyday existance It...

Progress II

Vulgar gatherings of everyday life Gatherings of swaying sanity Artisism beeing explain by special masochism Which is closed in frames of everyday existance. Deformation of worlds picture is parallel With conviction about tragical end This is a sense of...

Seance in Exultation

The power of suffering Seance in exultation Pressure-reaction-pressure-reaction The power of suffering Seance in exultation Dense torches look back Scattered torches roam Pressure-reaction-pressure-reaction Genius in exultation The power of suffering...

Your Vision

Your vision of this world is simple It's easy to estimate it in perspective of wholeness Lost in badly hushed up truth You unconsciously deform the picture of the past Collision of two times perspectives Let's new reality come in to beeing But it's unfor...