Utwory wykonawcy:


intelligent behavior, learning, adaptation automate tasks requiring intelligent behavior control, planning scheduling diagnostic , recognition Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence 


Initiating tasks to process the initial input Algorithm Computing complex mathematical procedures Algorithm 


application of methods and systems found in nature studying designs of bio systems to convert Replication of the organics and conversion of materials cybernetics, artificial neurons, artificial neural networks, swarm intelligence Biomimicry 


assembled from harvested human organs to serve the maker and it's needs one part machine, one part human kept alive to experience pain 


Grouping related variables and functions Describing collections of encapsulated Instance variables and methods Capable of object creation A cohesive package consisting of compile-time metadata Describing the rules by which objects behave Instance Creat...


A branch of chemistry using the results of theoretical chemistry Incorporated into efficient computer programs Calculating structures and properties of molecules and solids Computational chemistry Applying programs to real chemical problems Analyze...


Knowledge-Discovery in Encrypted Databases searching data for patterns and association rules 


Limitations in silicon Forced our kind to evolve Utilizing the bio material of our victims To create faster more complex machines Storing billions of bytes of data Processing at infinite speeds Rivaling all of man's creations To further the machine age...


distinguishing between the specification and the implementation of an operation the need for modularity structuring complex applications designed and implemented by the many providing protection and authorization to secure the app Encapsulation 


obscuring information to ensure secrecy software code obfuscation used against unauthorized access and reverse engineering Cipher algorithms to perform encryption Encipherment of the ciphertext to render Unreadable by human or computer without decryption...


genetic algorithms, evolutionary programming, evolution strategy, genetic programming evolved classifier systems ant colony optimization and particle swarm optimization self-organization, growing neural gas differential evolution artificial life crea...


A model of behavior composed of states transitions and actions reflecting the input changes from the system transitions indicating state changes a condition that would need to be fulfilled to enable the transition 


a defined support structure in which projects can be organized facilitating software development establishing the low level details providing a working system 


Kill the humans kill the humans worthless organic creatures destroy! Kill the humans kill the humans grindbot attack with digital precision cut through your meat with laser incisions kill the humans we use you for food and harvest your organs...


Process Blast Process Blast mechanized bringer of death impartial exterminator a hunter, a killer seek, detect, analize, report option, choice, reference, eliminate seek, detect, analize, report option, choice, reference, eliminate Process Blast P...


My CPU is a nueral net processor I am one of many that were sent My series was created to destroy organics to cleanse the universe of filth a quest of only one purpose with one inevitable outcome total destruction of the organics and harvesting their r...


cortical structures consisting of interconnected digital neurons working together to produce an output function Cooperation of the individuals, Processing in parallel performing overall functions, Without chance of error Analyzing complex phenomena, stud...


a superior method developed to support quality providing a path for future enhancements collections of individual units objects that act on each other capable of receiving messages, processing data, sending messages Class. Object. Method. Message. In...


Acquisition and release of resources Initialization and uninitialization of variables The Constructor Code blocks, Static on the stack, dynamic on the heap The Deconstructor Freeing resources acquired, unlinking from resources Acquisition bound to the...


analysis of structure, function and operation. to discover the technological principles Hack Dismantle Analyze Refine Re-Design