
Utwory wykonawcy:


Roar and whistling rolls through the forests, It's Blizzard's laugh, roar and grin. She's looking for those who risked and went to the woods planning an evil deed. She's laughing about those who got lost in the wilderness, and died from cold and claws. Bli...


Falling like a stone, Flying like a songbird Crawling like a fox, Everything's entwined With Yenisei’s dawns. Everything and none Fright and happiness The circle of the sun Is spinning the spindle of fates Like a whirlpool. Wind in the hair, And Y...

Howl at Night

Let the thunder's roar be the Master's wish, Let his will be lightning and storm. Those who lived in the woods know of his strength, They know that the storm comes with hardships. In pitch black forest, deep and cold, Prayers be howled about you, watch-fi...


Getting off the trail, I heard an unknown sound Sliding on the surface of the water. What is it, a wild swarm, Or a beast's grin? No, it's a horrendous scream, Chilling you to the bone, Which none of the forest animals Could ever produce. And the an...

Never Get Off the Trail

The trail leads into deep darkness, Meandering among the trees, Hiding from a man’s sight. I hear a cry, which then disappears. It belongs to the forest and death, Whose shadows stretch from the roots to the sky. A frightening emptiness lures me into tha...

Open the Gates Will Return the Only Cold

Близится буря. Они открыли врата, Льды и снега стерегли их веками. Великая сила проснулась, И волки завоют в тревоге! Они почуяли что то, Ветер принес им весть, Они знают, что Грима покровительствует лишь тем, кто живет в лесах. Теперь еще холоднее, че...


I've seen a forest in my dream, it was burning with an autumn fire Alhough, it was empty, and no birds Were singining in its trees. In its high mountains the caves were gaping like mouths There were burning pot in the depths of those caves and smell of s...

Siberian Sorrow

Where the black footprint is left, Raven stomps the white snow, Trees surround me like a ring. There's no hope the light will break on through The cold and snowy cover. Threads of light won't break through. I'm freezing! Help me out! There is only moss...

The Beginning

Черна земля, тьмою пропитаны леса. Хозяин зовет. Мне холодно. Я вижу лик, падающей тени. Хозяин зовет в леса. 

The Grief

It is said that eternity is a myth Everybody has his time of life. The time will come, and the lights will disappear, When she crossed your threshold. At this winter day, I saw How the cold eyes of the Grief Were burning and looking at me From my reflec...

The Moon and Its Shadows

The master will make you recall the days when people were afraid of the darkness. Here, the cross has neither the power nor the wisdom of the ancestors, We have forgotten that it’s better to hide during the night. The shadows flickering under the moonlig...

The Shepherds of the Mountains and Plains

The beginning awaits for its end, The black stone lies where it should. And we hanging on the edge of the void Waiting for the last leaf to fall. Oh, my red forest, my cradle and grave, Where the shadows have their nest, And a black haze lurks. I won’t...

The Shrouded in Darkness

The red forest is wraped in darkness, like a dead man in a shroud. It's poisoned forever by a broken oath. It's doomed to fade in the cold embraces of the fallen. Deceit and strife are guarding its lands Красный лес окутан тьмою, буд-то покойник саваном....