George Frederick Root

Utwory wykonawcy:

A Requiem

1. Sad as the music low and dim, That comes from the seashell lone, Swell the parting note of a funeral hymn, For the spirit ever gone. Father! thou a soul hast taken, Left our hearts dark and forsaken; One more earthly course is run; God of love, thy will be...


1. On the bright and beautiful shore Of the silver Juna's stream, In the vine clad cottage all bowered in the trees Lived the gentle and lovely Aleen; Where the morn's first glorious light Woke the praise of bird and flower, In its goldern radiance knelt the l...

Along the River of Time

1. Along the river of time I glide, Along the river, along the river, My little boat rocking from side to side light boat rocking, my light boat rocking, Yes where-so-ever the winds do blow, Still hither, thither I drifting go. REFRAIN Floating, (floating,) f...

Annie Lowe

1. There is a sweet romantic spot Down by the Hudson side, Where here and there a rustic cot Peeps thro’ the trees with pride; Should Cupid pass this scene so dear, Tho’ arm’d with shaft and bow, He’d leave his heart in bondage here, With charming, cha...

Autumn Winds

1. The sad autumn winds! how they wail as they pass O’er trees, bare and leafless, and the dry, withered grass! They mourn for the summer departed and gone, And dread winter, cold and dreary, fast coming on. Sigh, autumn winds, in your flight wild and free, M...

Away O'er the Wave

1. [SOLO BARITONE] Away! away! away! On the foam crusted wave of the blue deep are we, Yes, away! away! away! For our labor is out on the sea. [CHORUS with overlapping voices with SOLO BARITONE] Away o’er the feathery crest of the bright blue sea, of th...

Bird of the North

[SOLO] Lin-ger not, lin-get not, speed thee a-way, Bird of the North, for the chill blast is nigh; Fly to thy green sun-ny bow-ers so gay, Sing while the soft words go mer-ri-ly by. Lin-ger not, lin-ger not, why shouldst thou stay, Na-ture no lon-ger is smil-i...

Blow, Warder, Blow

1. [SATB] Blow, warder, blow thy sounding horn! And thy banner wave on high! For the Christians have fought in the holy land And have won, have won the victory, And have won the victory, [B] Then the warder looked from his tow’r on high, [T] As far as h...

Break, Break, Break

Break, break, break, On thy cold gray shore, O sea! Break, break, break, On thy cold gray shore, O sea! And I would that my tongue could utter The thoughts that arise in me, The thoughts that arise in me. O well for the fisherman's boy, That he shouts with his...

Bright Eyed Little Nell of Naragansett Bay

1. Full well do I remember My boyhoods happy hours, The cottage and the garden Where bloomed the fairest flowers, The bright and sparkling water O'er which we used to sail With hearts so gay, for miles away Before the gentle gale. I had a dear companion But sh...

Brightly Beaming

1. Brightly beaming, softly gleaming, Falls the sunlight on the sea; While o’er fountain, rill and mountain, Breeses whisper lovingly: Whisper blessings, Minnie, darling, Blessings pure and bright for thee. CHORUS [sung with Verse 1, with overlapping voi...

Bye and Bye

1. Now I am old and my locks are gray, The summer of youth bright and fair, Calls me no more with its sunshine gay, And merry hues it used to wear; Still I look back on my childhood hours, When free as a wild bird strayed, Life was a garden of fairest flowers,...

Can the Soldier Forget?

1. Yes, beloved ones at home we remember Ah, how can the soldier forget; All the vows that were said when we parted Are sacred and dear to him yet. When the night throws its mantle around us, We dream neath the heaven's starry dome; Of the dear whose sweet spe...

Chant We Now

1. Chant we now a mournful anthem, Now a parting song we bring; Blend once more our youthful voices, While a dirge-like strain we sing. Tears are from our eyelids falling, Wildly throbs each saddened heart! Sisters, from these scenes we're going; Sisters, we a...

Come to Me Quickly

1. Come to me quickly! lov'd ones dear, In a distant land I'm dying; Sweetly the vision my heart would cheer The heart that for you is sighing. O, how I long to behold once more, Those who have lov'd me in days of yore, Trembling I stand on this mortal shore,-...

Cradle Song

1. Sleep, my child, the shadows fall, Silent darkness reigns o’er all; Bird and bloom are lost to sight In the folded arms of night; Stars will soon from cloud-land peep, While all nature lies asleep. 2. Buds are sleeping, close thine eyes, Waken with a soft...

Dearest Brother We Miss Thee

1. O you dearest brother we miss thee, With joy would we welcome thee home; Thy place here too long has been vacant O say wilt thou never return! We miss thee at morning and evening, And then the calm sabbath day: We listen again for thy coming, But no, thou a...

Dearest Spot of Earth to Me Is Home

1. The dearest spot of earth to me Is home, sweet home, The fairy land I've longed to see Is home, sweet home, There how charm'ed the sense of hearing, There where hearts are so endearing All the world is not so cheering As home, sweet home. CHORUS [sung afte...

Departed Days

1. Sweet voices from the spirit land I hear, Now breathing pure and holy lays With heavenly tones awaking mem'ries dear, Of loved and long desired days, CHORUS They come, beloved from the distant shore, Where joy illumes with golden rays And softly in each so...

Don't You See Me Coming

1. Don't you see me coming, coming, coming right along, Here's the little grassy meadow where I sing my song. I am mister Bob o Link_en, that I s'pose you know, Blitsey Leedle is my wife she's in the grass below, yes, yes, yes, Don't you see me comming, coming...

Down the Line

1. I feel my engine rock and reel, O're ribs of oak and bars of steel, Tho' death be near -- ahead -- below, I may not heed, but on must go. Ah! she is dear almost as life, I love her next the child and wife Whose faces at the window pane, I pass each morning...

Dreaming Ever Dreaming

1. Dreaming ever dreaming Dearest one of thee. O the glorious waking When thy form I see. O the glorious waking When thou greetest me. When thoughts called to wander, Far from home sweet home. Though to all a stranger, Still I'm ne'er lone. For I'm ever dreami...

Each One Has a Mission

1. Each one has a mission, some work to do; O, the last fruition, if we are true, Bright shall be the pathway, hearts full of joy, If working for the Master be our employ. 2. Little deeds of kindness, sweet words of love, Helping on each other to Heaven above...

Early Lost, Early Saved

1. Within her downy cradle, There lay a little child, And a group of hov'ring angels, Unseen upon her smil'd. A strife arose among them, A loving holy strife, Which should shed the richest blessings Over the new born life. 2. One breath'd upon her features, A...

Far, Far Away

1. Friends and old companions dear, Tho’ far, far away, In our dreams you oft appear, Tho’ far, far away. 2. Think not we can e’er forget, Tho’ far, far away, Those sweet hour when first we met, Tho’ far, far away. 3. Time steals on, and you remain Still far...

Fare Thee Well Kitty Dear

1. I saw the smile of evening die In beauty on a southern sky And as I mark'd that fatty scene So mild, so lovely and serene, A strange wild sound forever clear, In tones like these I chanc'd to hear. CHORUS Fare the well Kitty dear! Thou art sleeping in thy...

Farewell Beloved Friends, Farewell

1. 'Mid the scenes so bright and cheerful, One sad strain we bring; Joy is silent, Love is tearful, While our low "Farewell we sing, Farewell, Farewell belov-ed friends, farewell, Farewell, Farewell belov-ed friends, farewell. 2. Coming days will not restore...

Flee As a Bird

1. Flee as a bird to your mountain, Thou who art weary of sin; Go to the clear flowing fountain, Where you may wash an be clean; Fly, for th'avenger is near thee; Call and the Saviour will hear thee, He on his bosom will bear thee, Thou who art weary of sin. O...

Flying Home

1. Flying, flying, O'er the heaving main, O'er the rugged mountain, And the verdant plain, Quickly, quickly To my mother dear Haste to calm her sorrow And her heart to cheer. CHORUS Tell her, tell her, I no more will roam, Tell her, tell her, I am coming home...

Foes and Friends

1. Two soldiers, lying as they fell, Upon the reddened clay, In daytime foes, at night in peace, Breathed there their lives away; Brave hearts had stirr'd each manly breast, Fate, only, made them foes, And lying, dying, side by side, A softened feeling rose....

Gathering Home

1. The sunset fades along the hills; Floods of golden light Dying into night; Soft twilight now the valley fills; Dim the shadows fall Over all: Hark! hark! the song the reapers sing, As they gather home, Blithely gathering home; Hark! how the vales and woodl...

Gently, Gently Wake the Song

(1) Gently, gently wake the song, Startly not her slumbers, May her rest be sweet and long, Unbroken by our numbers, Unbroken by our numbers. (2) Let our music reach her ear, Mingle with her dreaming, Tho' she do not wake to hear, She will dream our meaning,...

Glad to Get Home

1. Oh, how glad to get home! For far I’ve wandered, Joyful joyful I come, Dear home, to thee! Fond ones welcome me here; Loved ones are near me; Voices float on my ear, Sweet, sweet to me. REFRAIN Dear friends that are round me, Haste with looks de...

Have Ye Sharpened Your Swords?

1. Have ye sharpen'd your swords For the war that's begun And the conflict that's breaking? As brave as the sire, So fearless the son For the banquet of death and the victory won, While the nation's foundations are shaking, While the nation's foundations are s...

Hear the Cry That Comes Across the Sea!

1. Hear the cry that comes across the sea, North and South and East and West; Rally Freeland! France is calling thee; 'Tis thy friend distressed. Who gave breath in friendly word, Kindling freedom's spark? Who held out the friendly hand When our days were dark...

Hear the Rough November Blast

1. SOLO BASS Hear the rough November blast, As it roars along, How the hills and valleys ring With the wild old song! ’Mid the treetop’s trembling arms How it hurls its fierce alarms! Ever beck’ning on the storms of the wintertime, Ever beck’ning on the...

Hear! Hear the Shout!

1. Not with trumpet's peal, Nor glitter of steel, With no sound of the martial drum; From the prairies wide, And the green hills side, Today do our legions come; And many a hard won field attests The strength of the sturdy arms, That in [lazzling ?] toil With...

Home Again Returning

1. [Base] We have wandered long from the household throng. From the old familiar places. [Alto] And our hearts are light with our joy, tonight As we greet your smiling faces. [Tenor] From our native shore we will roam no more While the bright skies bend above...

I Had a Gentle Mother

1. I had a gentle mother; how oft in childhood's years, She sooth'd my little troubles, and kiss'd away my tears; With ev'ry wish I hastened, instinctive to her side, Nor dream'd I could lose her, my constant, faithful guide, Nor dream'd I could lose her, my c...

I'se on de Way

CHORUS before each verse Hail! all hail! I'se a gwine to de Union ahmy, Hail! all hail!! I'se on de way. Solo 1. Oh now we've men for de Pres'dent's pen Done made us free in de proclamashun, Guess dey'se right if dey tink we'll fight, Oh I'se on de way. CHOR...

If Maggie Were My Own!

1. If Maggie were my own, now, And I yon shepherd lad, Whose lute is full of sweetness, Whose song is never sad; O, lightly might the winds blow, As lightly they have blown, Yet, lighter would my heart be, If Maggie were my own. CHORUS Oh, if she were my own,...

In Dreams I See My Mother

1. In dreams I see my mother, Her locks are silver'd grey, I see upon her placid brow, The cares of many a day, Her eyes grow dim, her step is slow, Her strength is failing fast, Her voice is tremulous and low, For youth's bright day is past. CHORUS O mother...

In Sleep's Serene

1. In sleep’s serene oblivion laid, I safely passed the silent night; Again, I see the breaking shade, I drink the morning light. 2. O guide me through the various maze My doubtful feet are doomed to tread; And spread the shield’s protecting blaze, When dange...

Just Before the Battle, Mother

1. Just before the battle, Mother, I am thinking most of you. While upon the field we're watching, With the enemy in view. Comrades brave are round me lying, Fill'd with tho'ts of home and God; For well they know, that on the morrow, Some will sleep beneath th...

Kiss Me Mother, Kiss Your Darling!

1. Kiss me Mother, kiss your darling, Lean my head upon your breast, Fold your loving arms around me, I am weary, let me rest. Scenes of life are swiftly fading, Brighter seems the other shore. I am standing by the river, Angels wait to waft me o'er. CHORUS K...

Lay Me Down and Save the Flag

1. They arose, whose name was Legion, As an overwhelming wave, And the battle surged its billows Round a chosen few and grave; And they neared the sacred banner, With their foul and flaunting rag, When the dying hero shouted, "Lay me down and save the Flag."...

Let It Rain

1. What’s the use of so much fretting Over what we can’t restrain, It might save us much regretting If it rains— to let it rain. CHORUS Let it rain, Let it rain, let it rain, Let it rain, Let it rain, Let it rain, let it rain, Let it rain, It will save us mu...

Little Daisy

1. Lit-tle Dai-sy, dar-ling! Where the birds are sing-ing, And the flowers are spring-ing, Qui-et is thy rest; Where the dew-drops glis-ten And the stream is la-ving And the wil-low wa-ving O’er thy peace-ful breast. CHORUS Dai-sy dear! Dai-sy dear!...

Lost and Saved

1. Fairer than the lily, Sweeter than the rose, Was our little darling, at that autumn twilight's close; Sweetly she was sleeping In the angels care, When we joined the footsteps thronging to the house of prayer. CHORUS Strange were the sounds when the servic...

Love in All

1. Name the leaves on all the trees, Name the waves on all the seas, All the flow’rs, by rill that blow, All the mryiad tints that glow; All the meads where on the wing, Bright bees hum and linnets sing, Name all sounds of field and grove, And you name the nam...

Love Wakes and Weeps

Love wakes and weeps While Beauty sleeps! O for the Music's softest numbers, To prompt a theme, For Beauty's dream, Soft as pillow of her slumbers! Through groves of palm, Sigh gales of balm, Fire-flies on the air are wheeling; While through the gloom Comes so...

Low in the Dust of the Valley He Sleeps

1. Low in the dust of the valley he sleeps, With the wand'rings of life he is done. From the sorrows of earth he is free, his is free, And before us is safely at home. CHORUS "Strike the harp gently" mournful be the strain, For his "Gentle words and loving sm...


1. I am weeping over thy grave, Mabel, Where the willow boughs droop low; ’Tis the spot where oft we have met, Mabel, In the years of long ago. ’Twas evil, the day that we met, Mabel, Thy path had been strewn with flowers, But I sowed the seeds of regret, Mabe...

Mary of the Glen

Has any body spoke for you Mary of the Glen? Is there a heart that's broke for you Mary of the Glen? I have lands and I have leases, I have gold and cattle too, I have sheep with finest fleeces, Can I marry you? Nobody sir, has spoke for me Mary of the Glen,...

May of the Valley

1. 'Tis May, sweet May of the valley, Light hearted joyous and free, With blithesome song She bounds along O'er dewy lea, The pearly stream of the woodland, The gentle voice of the gale, The flow'rets gay Seem all to say: May is the darling of the vale. CHORU...

Music Every-where

1. Music in the valley, Music on the hill, Music in the woodland, Music in the rill; Music on the mountain, Music in the air, Music in the true heart, Music everywhere. 2. Music by the fireside, Music in the hall, Music in the school-room, Music for us all; M...

My Prairie Home

1. O my heart is ever longing, Longing for my prairie home, Where bright the sunny hours of gladness Ever on my childhood shone; There amid its glorious beauty Loving mem'ry folds her wing, Resting where the heart's affections Tenderly and fondly cling. CHORU...

My Song

1. At my work I’m always singing, Tho’ the day be cold and long, For my heart’s so full of music That I can not stop my song. CHORUS I am singing, I'm singing, Tho’ the days be cold and long, For my heart’s so full of music That I can not stop my song. 2. I...

My Weary Heart Is All Alone

1. All alone all alone, In the silent silent forest shade, Gloomy night comes apace, And the lengh'ning shadows quickly fade, Hark the wind, hark the wind, Thro' the leafy branches faintly sighs, And my heart full of care To its sadly plaintive note replies....

Never Forget the Dear Ones

1. Never forget the dear ones Around the social hearth, The sunny smiles of gladness, The songs of artless mirth; Though other scenes may woo thee, In other lands to roam, Never forget the dear ones, That cluster round thy home, Never forget never forget Never...

New Year. 5's and 12's

1. Come let us anew Our journey pursue— Roll round with the year. And never stand still till the Master appear. And never stand still till the Master appear. 2. His adorable will Let us gladly fulfil. And ourtaltents improve. By the patience of hope,...


1. Would ye learn the bravest thing That men can ever do? Would ye be an uncrowned king, Absolute and true? Would ye seek to emulate All we learn in story, Of the moral, just, and great, Rich in real glory? Would you lose much bitter care In your lot below? Br...

No Section Lines

1. No Section Lines, no North, no South, No East, my boys, no West; 'Tis one and undivided now, This land to us the best. North, south, east, west, as compass points Are good enough, no doubt, But when they sever hearts and hands, Why, then we cast them out....

Oh! Merry Goes the Time

1. Oh! merry goes the time When the heart is young, There is nought too hard to climb When the heart is young; A spirit of delight Scatters roses in its flight, And there’s magic in the night, When the heart is young. 2. But weary go the feet When the heart i...

Old Josey

[Solo Chorus] Come old Josey strike a tone, Let us have a song! Bring the banjo and the bones, Swell it loud and long; What's the use looking glum, When we're all so gay, Massa's gone and work is done, Now's the time for play. Come old Josey strike a tone, Let...

On Old Potomac's Shore

1. I'm growing old and weary now, But oh how sweet to me, The spot where I so oft have play'd When all was mirth and glee; But when these lips are cold and still, And life for me is o'er, Then let them lay me down to sleep On old Potomac's shore, Then let them...

Passing Through the Fire

1. Flames! Flames! terrible flames! How they rise, how they mount, how the fly. The heavens are spread with a fierce lurid glare, The red heat is filling the earth and the air, While mercy! mercy! We hear the despairing ones cry. CHORUS We are passing thro' t...

Pictures of Memory

[1.] Among the beautiful pictures That hang on memory's wall, Is one of a dim old forest, That seemeth the best of all; Not for the gnarled oaks olden, Dark with mistletoe; Not for the violets golden That sprinkle the vale below; Not for the snow-white lilie...

Poor Robin's Growing Old

1. Poor Robin, once merrily, He toil'd the live-long day, When massa's kind and cheerful smile, Could cheer us on our way; But Robin, now is growing old, He totters down the hill, With the bag of corn upon his back, He's bearing to the mill. CHORUS Oh! the ha...

Poverty Flat

1. Dear Joe, I am here by the fire Just as I ran up from the dance, In a robe even you would admire, It cost a cool thousand in France; I'm bediamonded out of all reason, My hair is done up in a cue, In short sir, "the belle of the season" Is wasting an hour o...

Rock Me to Sleep, Mother

1. Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight, Make me a child again just for tonight; Mother, come back from the echoless shore, Take me again to your heart as of yore. Kiss from my forehead the furrows of care, Smooth the few silver threads out of my ha...

Rosalie the Prairie Flower

1. On the distant prairie, Where the heather wild In its quiet beauty Lived and smiled, Stands a little cottage, And a creeping vine Loves around its porch to twine; In that peaceful dwelling was a lovely child, With her blue eyes beaming soft and wild, And th...


1. List while I sing to thee, fairest and best, Chase thy sweet slumbers, Awake from thy rest; Hear the sweet melodies floating afar, Breathed from the strings of my tuneful Guitar. 2. Steal from thy pillow, Thy casement unclose; Lift the light curtain That v...

Sing Me to Sleep, Father

1. Let me sit at your feet with my head on your knee, For of all 'tis the place that is dearest to me. Oh! how oft in my childhood you've soothed me to rest, With your arm thrown around me my head on your breast, Then you called me your darling, your own littl...

Singing in the Rain

1. In a tree near the porch Sang a little bird, Pit, pit, pat, on the roof Drops of rain I heard, Merry sounded ev're tone, Full of joy seemed he. Sitting singing all alone, And winking down at me; Oh, while the drops on him fell, Cheerful was his strain, On t...

Slowly Comes the Night

1. Slowly comes the night, With shadows dark and deep, While sounds of life, and busy daylight, All are hushed in sleep. 2. Noiseless is his tread. Tho' earth his presence feels Withing his silent arms enfolded, Peace each eyelid seals. 3. Softly, softly sin...

Soft Music Is Falling

1. Soft music is falling All sad on the ear, While dark clouds of sorrow Are hovering near; So mournful its numbers, So dirgelike its strain, Each heart is lamenting Its coming again. ’Tis the sad hour of parting, It whispers of fears, Of gentle hearts bowing...

Softly She Faded

1. Softly she faded, As fades the twilight, Sweetly she murmured, “Dear friends, adieu!” “There is no shadow, All, all is peaceful, Bright o’er the river, Heaven is in view,” So ’twas she faded, As fades the twilight, So ’twas she murmured, “Dear friends,...


1. I am for one, and there's one for me, Somewhere, somewhere, Whisper ye breezes of land and sea, And tell him I love him, where e'er he be, O, tell him, I'm waiting for him alone, Somewhere, somewhere, Waiting and longing my king to own, From over the distan...

Sweet Robin

1. Oh, where are you going sweet Robin, What makes you sae proud and sae shy? I once saw the day, little Robin, My friendship you would not deny. But winter again is returning, And weather both stormy and snell; If you will come back little Robin, I'll feed yo...

Swinging, Swinging All Day Long

1. Angels long have pass'd and gone While I've hung alone upon the wall so strong; Marking still the hours that glide, In the old neglected corner where I hide. ||: Here have joyous words been told, Here have youthful forms grown old; Still I sing my ceaseless...

Take the Harp When All Is Silent

1. Take the harp when all is silent, Save the whisper of the breeze, Sweet its notes are as they linger, Like sad spirits, ’mong the trees. Pleasant are its soft, low breathings, Swept from o’er the golden string; Pleasant are its stronger murmurs— O’er the he...

The Battle Cry of Freedom

1. Yes we'll rally round the flag, boys, we'll rally once again, Shouting the battle cry of Freedom, And we'll rally from the hillside we'll gather from the plain, Shouting the battle cry of Freedom. CHORUS The Union forever, Hurrah boys, hurrah! Down with th...

The Beacon Light

1. We are sailing o’er an ocean, To a far and foreign shore; And the waves are dashing ’round us, And we hear the breakers roar; But we look above the billows, In the darkness of the night; And we see the steady gleaming Of our changeless beacon light. CHORUS...

The Beautiful Summer Is Coming

1. The beautiful summer is comming, comming, Hear her song! The bees in the meadow are humming, humming, All day long. The flowers are laughing her welcome, welcome, When she goes, The brooklet is leaping and shouting and dancing Where'er it flows. CHORUS 2 t...

The Dream-land Tree

1. Fair as the morning, bright as the day, Vision of beauty, fade not away, Over the mountain, over the sea, Come in sweet dreams to me. CHORUS Far and wide the echoes roll along, While the day world sings its busy song; But what are all its labors to m...

The Echo

Have you ever heard the echoes That sleep in yonder hill, Embowered in the greenwood So shady and so still? Oh, yes, we’ve heard the echos That sleep in yonder hill, Embowered in the greenwood So shady and so still. Will they answer to our call, To...

The Farmer and the Seasons

[Hail to the Farmer] Hail to the sturdy farmer! Hail to the son of toil! King of the scythe and ploughshare, And monarch of the soil; Come to his cheery cottage, Partake of his hearty fare, And see how he lives and labors From Spring to the closing year. [SP...

The First Gun Is Fired!

1. The first gun is fired, May God protect the right, Let the freeborn sons of the north arise In power's avenging might; Shall the glorious Union our fathers made, By ruthless hands be sundered, And we of freedom's sacred rights By trait'rous foes be plunder'...

The Flower Dance

1. [Simultaneously, overlapped voices] [Soprano] To the dance, to the flower dance fair... On the green, ... on the green,... All the your and the old will be there,... With a crown for our beautiful queen... [Bass with (Alto & Tenor), overlapped] Come,...

The Frost

1. The Frost looked forth one still clear night, and whis-pered, "Now I shall be out of sight. So thro' the val-ley and o-ver the hight In si-lence I'll take my way; I will not go on like that blus-ter-ing train, The wind and the snow, the hail and the rain, W...

The Greenwood Bell

1. The Greenwood Bell tolls ONE, List to its mournfull swell, A race is early run, ’Tis a lovely infant’s knell; Slow and sad its members stealing To each gentler thought appealing By its plaintive swell. Mortals to the sound attending, List the solem...

The Hazel Dell

1. In the Hazel Dell my Nelly's sleeping, Nelly lov'd so long! And my lonely lonely watch I'm keeping, Nellie lost and gone; Here in moonlight often we have wander'd Thro' the silent shade, Now where leafy branches drooping downward, Little Nelly's laid. CHOR...

The Honeysuckle Glen

1. In the honeysuckle glen, where odors sweet Perfume the breeze that floats along, And the rosy tints of morn with blushes greet The lark, as she trills her song; In the honeysuckle glen how pleasantly The happy summer days would glide, When I wandered by the...

The Kingdom of Song

1. Who will belong to the kingdom of song? Let ev'ry heart in the worshiping throng, Gladly be one in the kingdom of song. 2. Who will belong to the kingdom of song? Ev'ry brave heart who would battle with wrong Let him find strength in the kingdom of song....

The Little River

1. Smiling little river river, From my window seen, Gliding on so gently, Through the meadows green, Cheering and refreshing All upon thy way; Brightly glow thy waters At the close of day. 2. May our lives be like thee, Gentle little stream, Sending all aroun...

The Magic of a Kindly Smile

1. As through this changing world we stray And share alike its hopes and pains How many a bright and gladsome ray Amid its varying scenes appears A cheerful look a gentle tone The darkest moment may beguile Where is the heart that hath not known The magic of a...

The May-Bells and the Flowers

1. Young maybells ring throughout the vale, And sound so sweet and clear; The dance begins, ye flowers all Come with a merry cheer, The flowers red and white and blue Merrily flock around; Forgetmenot, of heavenly hue, And violet, too, abound. CODA 1 Young ma...

The Mist

1. The mist lies on the landscape, The bay, the woods, the fields, And to the list’ning spirit Its silent lesson yields. 2. All things appear enchanted; The land across the bay Is rising into uplands, Unseen in open day. 3. Thus does the mist of feeling Some...

The Old Canoe

1. Where the rocks are gray and the | shore is steep, And the waters below look | dark and deep, Where the lofty plain, in its | lonely pride, Looms gloomily over the | murky tide; Where the reeds and the rushes are | tall and rank, And the weeds grow thick on...

The Old Folks Are Gone

1. Far, far in many lands I've wander'd, Sadly and lone, My heart was ever turning southward, To all the dear ones at home; Here after all my weary roaming, At early down, I've come and find the cot still standing, But oh the Old Folks are gone. CHORUS Here I...

The Old Home Far Away

1. The wild birds sing and streamlet runs, So cheerly by the spot, Where the peaceful shades of the heather hills, Fall on my mother's cot. The panes are small and the thatch is low, And the old stone walls are gray; Oh, I see and love it where'er I go, That o...

The Pacific Railroad

1. Ring out, oh bells! Let cannons roar In loudest tones of thunder, The iron bars, from shore to shore, Are laid, and nations wonder. Thro' deserts vast and forests deep, Thro' mountains grand and hoary, A path is open'd for all time, And we behold the glory....

The Price of a Drink

1. "Five cents a glass!" Does anyone think That that is really the price of a drink? The price of a drink! Let him decide who has lost his courage and lost his pride, His honor and virtue, the wreath of fame -- All high endeavor and noble name -- For these are...

The Rain Drops

1. Ah! now they fall in millions, The raindrops all around, They’re dancing on the housetops, They’re hiding in the ground; They’re fairylike musicians With anything for keys, The roof, the doors, the windows, The fences and the trees. 2. A light and airy tre...

The Reaper on the Plain

1. Bending o'er his sickle, 'Mid the yellow grain, Lo! the sturdy reaper, Reaping on the plain; Singing as the sickle, Gathers to his hand, Rustling in its ripeness, The glory of the land. SOLO CHORUS Mark the grain before him Swaying in the wind, And the eve...

The Roses

1. The roses, the roses, Are blushing bright and gay; The lily bells are bending low Beneath the sungod’s ray; The pansies spread their velvet leaves Beneath the smiling skies; And dewdrops lie like tears within The violet’s meek blue eyes, And dewdrop...

The Ship of State

1. [ALL] Sail on, sail on, O Ship of State! Sail on, O Union, strong and great; Humanity, with all its fears, Is hanging breathless on thy fate. [Bass] We know what Master laid thy keel, [Baritone] What Workman wrought thy ribs of steel, [Tenor] Who made each...

The Silver Chime

1. Ring out, ring out, sweet silver bells, A joyous, joyous chime, Your welcome music ever tells A Saviour’s love divine. With willing hearts and feet we bound To God’s own house of prayer. Thrice blessed is the gladsome sound Now paling on the air. 2. Ring o...

The Sleep in the Dust

1. They sleep in the dust and the grave has close'd o'er them. They repose in the vale where our forefathers lie. The cares of this life never more shall assail them. They bade them adieu when they laid down to die. The church-going bell it yet calls us to wor...

The Time of the Heart

1. [Allegretto] Oh merry goes the time When the heart is young, There is nought too hard to climb When the heart is young. A spirit of delight Scatters roses in its flight, And there's magic in the night When the heart is young. CHORUS 1 Yes merry goes the ti...

The Trumpet Will Sound in the Morning!

1. Oh, we must be ready by night, For the trumpet will sound in the morning, We must work while 'tis call-ed the light, For the trumpet will sound in the morning. CHORUS Oh, the glory shines up there, Ev'ry hill and vale adorning, Then press right on with all...

The Vacant Chair

We shall meet but we shall miss him. There will be one vacant chair. We shall linger to caress him While we breathe our ev'ning prayer. When one year ago we gathered, Joy was in his mild blue eye. Now the golden cord is severed, And our hopes in ruin lie....

The Voice of Love

[CHORUS] Gently Ah gently Gently Ah gently Light breezes blowing Light breezes blowing Waft to the dear ones the voice of love Waft to the dear ones the voice of love The voice of love The voice of love 1. Come robing night thy dark mantle throwing Shield us...

The Whirlwind

1. The whirlwind! the whirlwind! a monarch is he; And he sways a wide region--the land and the sea; And who is so dauntless that bends not in fear When he passes along in his mighty career? When he passes along in his mighty career? 2. The soft winds that nou...

The Whistling Mountaineer

1. He climbs the mountain side With swift and daring feet; Oh, little cares he for wind or tide, For weariness, cold or heat; Where dense the thicket grows, Where strong the torrent flows, ’Tis ever the same, “All right! all right!” He whistles as on he goes....

The World As It Is

1. This world is not so bad a world As some would like to make it, Tho’ whether good or whether bad, Depends on how we take it; For if we scold and fret all day, From dewy morn ’till even’, This world will ne’er afford to man, A foretaste here of heaven...

The've Sold Me Down the River

1. They've sold me down the river, And I must parted be, From all I love most dearly And all who care for me; My heart is fill'd with sorrow, There's naught for me but woe! They've sold me down the river, And I alas must go. CHORUS Farewell my peacefull cabin...

There Was Joy in Heaven

1. There was joy in heaven, There was joy in heaven, When this goodly world to frame, The Lord of might and glory came; Shouts of joy were heard on high, And the stars sang from the sky, Glory to God in heaven, Glory to God in heaven. 2. There was joy...

There's Music in the Air

1. There's music in the air When the infant morn is nigh And faint its blush is seen On the bright and laughing sky. CHORUS Many a harp's extatic sound With its thrill of joy profound While we list enchanted there To the music in the air. 2. There's music in...

There's No Place Like Home

1. When wand'ring o'er the deep, The sailor turns him home, How earnestly he longs For that sweet hour to come, When he again shall see The dearest earthly spot, Where friends and loved ones true, He knows forget him not, Where friends and loved ones true, He...

There's Something to Live For

1. There's something to live for and something to love, Where ever we wander, where ever we rove. There are thousands of sad cares to cheer and sustain Till the hopes that were hidden beam o'er them again. 2. There's something to live for and something to lov...

Touch the Soft Harp Gently

1. Touch the soft harp gently, Sweet let its numbers be; The dewey eve is fading, 'Tis moonlight on the sea. Now, the zephyrs floating by, (Touch the soft harp gently,) To the sleeping flow'rets sigh; (Sweet let its numbers be.) Midnight's silent hour is nigh,...

Tramp, Tramp

1. Tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, Marching on in order firm Till halt is the word; Then tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, Over hill and mountain steep, Our heavy tread is heard; [CHORUS] Now the trumpet’s sounding, Cheerily, cheerilly on, And tramp, tramp, tramp, tram...

When Shall the Voice of Singing

When shall the voice of singing, Flow joyfully along? When hill and valley ring, In one triumphant song, Proclaim to all the contest done, And He who once was slain, Again to earth descended In righteousness to reign. Then from the craggy mountains, T...

Where Home Is

1. Home's not merely four square walls, Tho' with pictures hung and gilded; Home is where affection calls--- Filled with shrines the heart hath builded. Home! go watch the faithful dove, Sailing 'neath the heav'ns above us, Home is where there's one to love, H...