Endless Affliction

Utwory wykonawcy:

Ascendant of the Night

Darkness is the ascendant of the night, but amongst the obscurity and morbidness there is always a sign of moonlight. That's preventing the goddess of darkness to appear. The morbid goddess' plans can only be accomplished when there is complete and...

Bloodiest of Massacres

After conquering yet another land, he returns prideful and victorious. Slaughtering all who got in his way, this battle was the bloodiest of massacres. Crossing throught the darkest places of the earth, his eyes fall upon the evil that was lurking....

Catastrophical Vengeance

When a guardian of the underworld was executed, a chance of escape was taken by the dead. Anger took over the ruler of the dark, when his most trusted pet sought vengeance. Disorder of balance would be catastrophical, if the second gate was left und...

Chain of Balance

Thousands of slaves sent by the gods, forced to work without a moments pause. Everything will be in order once the task is complete and will bring balance between the two worlds. A giant chain that connects our world with that of the dead. Crossing throu...

Chaotic Cosmogeny

From the qoalecence of the primeval gods the universe, as we know it, was created. The beggining of a new era replaced the void that dominated 'til then. Chaos played a vital role in the creation along with Gaia, the earth's protector. The master...

Death Never Dies

Falling down, surrounded by shadows. No sign of light, fear controlling my mind. Souls of the damned call my name, no escape from this wretched place. I walk alove hearing screams of tortured souls, blood and fire everywhere, I'm losing my senses. I mus...

Death of a Demigod

The shrine is ready for the first blood to be spilled, as it's accustomed after a great triumph. The leader owes his graditude to the gods, for giving him prowess and fortitude during the war. The offering is ready to commence, the ritual cloak is w...

Dock of Charon

Deep in earths abyss, your journey begins. A oneway trip down to the underworld. A place where fear and darkness rule. Where the arms of Hades tear your soul apart. Millions of souls in line waiting to reach the gates of Hades. And the reaper sharpens hi...

Eviscerate the Living

A threat flies freely above us, waiting for an opportunity to eviscarate the living. Sundown makes our hearts beat faster, at the thought of being disemboweled. Upon returning from the domain of death, the powerful demi-god is summoned once again....


The legend's name is well known amongst mortals and gods, for his labours are beyond belief. He's shed a lot of blood in his days, yet another time he's on a road to glory. Passing through the mountains he comes across the golden garden, he's blinde...

Gorgon's Eye's

The most beautiful priestess of Athena, made the biggest mistake a mortal could ever make. She disrespected the gods and desecrated the temple of wisdom. The maiden fell in love with the god of the seas and she was punished in the most terrible mann...

Into Oblivion

A barbaric war that would determine the future of the world, occured between titans and gods. A conflict that lasted ten years and caused the downfall of the titans. The most powerful and doughty warriors were chosen for each side. Zeus and Cronos...

Lord of the Underworld

An anthropomorphic power ruled the residence of the dead. Awe and fear possessed every soul that goes to the underworld. Pluto was the terrifying form that no one rushed to meet. He was cruel and omniponent in battle and established the dominion of Zeus....

Morbid Hypnosis

In the most isolated place deep in the underworld, where no soul has ever gone. There is a dark and creepy cave that is ruled by a powerful divinity. Thanks to his enormous wings, he can move freely over the skies. When the night falls he must c...

Obscure Creation

An obscure plan created by hatred cause eternal misfortune to the mortals. A maiden of clay was brought into the world to cause destruction and pain. The king of the Gods creation was complete, it contains all the evils of the world. It was given to the...

Personification of Evil

When Pandora's box was opended, despite the plague that was released. Something a lot more evil was revealed, that would be responsible for the violent deaths of mankind. The personification of evil came in the form of many dieties. They had no ab...


From the dephts and beyond of Zargoast, the sodomised Creator lays forgotten in dark. Myths of the Entity and of a swollen sun, raise from the lips of a heretic existence. Inner torment upon the burning desert of mankind. Fractures of light penetrat...

Savage Retribution

A dreadful place for those who are vicious, is the nightmare of every sinner. Obscurity and terror haunt your soul, If you enter the fields of punishment. The malefaction that you commited, will be the cause of your destruction. The injustice deed...


In the vast realm of Poseidon, A grotesque beast terrorizes the seas. Ships are swallowed by the ocean forever. All tremble before the Scylla. A spiteful goddess with six necks and at the end of each neck protrudes a rabid hound. Hundreds of sharp teeth...

Slashed and Decapitated

The sorrowful land is covered in blood, but only a part of the evil is gone. With strenght and wrath it was decimated, but resulted in twice the disaster. The mighty one strikes again and again, the honour he'll earn is a motivation to kill. His p...

The Last Onslaught

As time passes, so does his life slowly fades away, and many afflictive battles have drained him of his power. The lives he's saved and the lives he's taken, have made him known across the land. Deeply hated by all the creatures of the dark, his dea...

Threads of Life

The destiny of all hangs from the threads, created by the fates. Even the Gods and Titans must submit to the three sisters. They create and end all life on the planet. The futute of mankind is left for them to decide. A life is created when Clotho weaves...

Towards Death

Hundreds of innocent souls have perished, while seeking to eliminate the shadows below. Mortal strength proved insufficient, and as time passed the populace diminished. The people saught assistance from someone god-like, where success would provide...

Wrath of Justice

Millions of years ago,a war broke out beetween the titans. Their hate was eternal and the fight lasted for centuries. Three goddesses were spawn from this battle to punish all who commited crimes. Watch out for your next move cause the Erinyes will destr...