
Utwory wykonawcy:

Am Wasserfall

Wo silbern Wasser rauschen, Zeit lange schon verbannt - da sitzt er auf altem Steine, die Fidel in der Hand. Lässt wundersam sie klingen, nun lausche ihm gebannt..... 

Am Wolkenstieg

Lautlos, dunstig schweben, Hinaus, hinaus sich sehnen! Wo gipfel dämmern dunkel, schwer, am Wolkenstieg auf blassem Meer. In fahlem, bleichem Nachen, naht es nächtlich, mir zu wachen! Und schwebt dahin, wie einst ich trieb, auf blassem Meer am Wolkenstieg 

Autumn Grey Views

Lifeless they fall apart Golden as our precious art My love sinks into a thick grey veil of mist Trees, leafless trees, the epitaph of the sun What once was green presents now grey and trist A gloomy grave, a foreseen death, a symbol for our pain Drowned in a...

Das blau-kristallne Kämmerlein

Wo schmerzlich Zeit musst heftig wogen, da thronet ein erforner Bogen. Stille bereitet sich endlich an, müden Wandrern zart zu nahn. Kein Lichtstrahl trifft die Schatten hier hinein, ins blau-kristallne Kämmerlein. 

Dead Winter Ways

Winter, winter... Can you tell with your silver breath? River, river... Stays asleep in his frozen bed Yonder, yonder... Lies the moor dressed in a shroud in white Shelter, shelter... Rescue me from desolations sight 

Der Weiher

Wie Todeshauch die Nebel fließen, durch krumm erstarrte Kiefern Wehen, wo Schatten sich in Silber gießen und flehend sacht die Winde gehen. Da liegt erblasst im Winterlicht, der Weiher still, und atmet nicht! 

Die Schwäne im Schilf

Still, still war die Nacht, nur reget sich sacht - von Dunste bedeckt, ein See tief im Walde, im Schilfe, die Schwäne, ihr Wehklagen hallte.... Die Maid indes irrte nächtens umher, ihr Schmerz ungeborchen - kein Trost nimmermehr. Als ob man sie jage, über Sto...

Dying Brokenhearted

A bed of moss was granted, she laid down with a sigh, Embraced by the green blankets she kissed the world goodbye 


Welch gramvoll Pein verwies mich meinen Pfaden, als morgendunstge Schwaden, noch ruhten im verschneiten Hain. In weit erstarrter Heide, lang schwand die alte Leite, wohin noch schweifet der Blick, führt kein Umkehr zurück. Überwunden ist nun Dunkelheit, nach...


Karges, dunkles Land. Gänzlich still, weit, unbekannt. Sollst so manch Legende schüren, doch heut mir nur die Kutsche führen. Durch wilde, kahle Klüfte - hinein ins Ödeland. (still, weit, unbekannt) Dort herrschen eisge Lüfte, wie nie zuvor gekannt. (tief dri...

In the Gutter of This Spring

Outside the rain keeps falling On foul soil, dying snow Melting and transforming to waters made of woe Grey clouds brewing idle the trees can not withstand What is dead and gone by is mixing with the sand... ...In the gutter of this spring Inside t...

Kapitel I: Heidestimmung

[Kein Hirtenfeuer glimmt mehr] Kein Hirtenfeuer glimmt mehrbringt Licht ins Heidemoor.Ganz oben, einsam singt er - des Winters Totenchor. [Heimwärts] Karges, dunkles Land…Gänzlich still, weit, unbekannt.Sollst so manch Legende schürzen,doch heut mir nur d...

Kapitel III: Wassergeister

[Die Schwäne im Schilf] Still, still war die Nacht,nur reget sich sacht - von Dunste bedeckt,ein See tief im Walde,im Schilfe, dis Schwäne,ihr Wehklagen hallte… Die Maid indes irrtenachtens umher,ihr Schmerz ungebrochen - kein Trost nimmermehr.Als ob man...

Kein Hirtenfeuer glimmt mehr

Kein Hirtenfeuer glimmt mehr, bringt Licht ins Heidemoor. Ganz oben, einsam singt er - des Winters Totenchor. 

Lover's Grief

O gothic moon thy shine encharmest me tonight Bereavest me of sleep, makest me wander under thy light. Thou letst abloom my heart until the very last of thy ray, Shine! Bereaver of sleep, ere black clouds hide thee away.... I know this can't be eternal! No lo...

Many Moons Ago...

A night of december so dark and cold, I walked a path ages old The moon amongst the clouds revealed lightning valleys, forest and field Embraced by silence I wandered the moor an endless landscape by my side when in the mist I saw a light dancing through the...


Meagre trees in the shrouds, as olde as the stones.... Mourners of abandonĺd love, fornever their woes shall grow silent. O how many times may the moon has shone - reflected in these black lakes? Should it be that we can hear, the woes of those who ceased the...

My Nocturnal Queen

I turned the treating into the night, I slowly closed my eyes, I felt into a dream that's weak, Dreaming of my nocturnal queen. I walk the path of grief and solace, Through the lands of the everlasting winter, White landscapes of my dreams, Holding bea...


Schön ist der Wald, wenn der Tag sich neigt, Wenn feiner Nebel hoch vom moosgen Boden steigt Und Vöglein singen sacht zum Ruhgeleit - Dann mirs die Brust vor arger Schwere feit Doch in der Höh des Walds kann ich schon sehen, Geliebte Dämmerzeit - musst gehn M...

Ode To Melancholy

Melancholy - still my desire for thy precious tragedian wine... Sweep me away, into the vale of thine! Where sorrow's strong and so is joy. Melancholy - still my desire, O let my heart by thee inspire... O fill the air with thy sweet scent, Let thy light, thy...

Ordain'd To Thee

Could not even [_?_] That [_?_] my eyes and see That there was blood through there long times ago Oh my love now bring the day with [_?_] Even if it's lavender and I am violet by thy shame Never more like the silver hands of the moon With its shield of screams...


Drifting through a void without a voice Grey and dark - through starless nights that leave no choice A lifeless mind, a soul astrayed in autumn's maze In shade and light, my days portrayed A spark of grace Floating to the farthest still unto the wint...

The Blue Mists Of Night

..and many a moon shall rise... ..and lead me into the cold embrace of the night Here we drown in our grief, drown in an absence of light. Here is no shelter; no escape from our heart, Entwined in this tragic embrace I fear and bemourn to depart. When the sha...

The Days Before The Fall

Bright were the days and fiery the sun The nights were soft and cloudless the silent welkin hung And winds did laze in forests and all was filled with airy sweetness - In days before the fall Light were our hearts and notions were young The times were fu...

The Ensemble Of Silence

And again the moon is on the wave, gliding gently into me, on silent wings the night comes from there, as my heart longs to thee... ..for in my hand I still hold the rose that froze long times ago, its leafs have withered, it ceased to grow - left in me is wo...

The Fraconian Woods In Winter's Silence

Wrapped in morning silence of December's trees Lonesome am I as I hear the ravens cry Grieving art the morning songs Above the forest's tranquillity Just ice cold winds whisper to me As if a velvet robe would wrap My bleeding heart A gentle breeze of these win...

The Mill

Tall it stands With twisting wings on high Built on stones From the olden mine The winds forevermore Will drive its wheel Draw the circle And make it squeal The wheel keeps turning - merciless We try and burn We hope and break The mill grinds on...

The Sad Song Of The Wind

Bes till, O wand'rer! Dost thou not hear the sad song of night? How the wind does beckon thee to the rest of a while and to lend him thine ear? What woeful tale does it tell tonight? What tragedy of old? 

The Shepherd And The Maiden Ghost

It was an eve in late summer, autumn was nigh still a warm sun did colour the sky The meadows did shine in a strange golden light and vales did forth the soft haze of night When through the air a voice did resound beckoning the shepherd to rise from the groun...

The Turn of the Tides

Deep red skies falling into blue With every turn of the tides I am closer to you I an a wave in an ocean Floating, gliding infinity I shall not break at the rocks Nor shall I decay before my time At last I reach endless white sands 

The Yearning

I ride through day and night Listen wind, they art my fellows Eternally I am looking for the eye Inside my heart The yearning grows I rode through the forest of images Over mountains have I But it seems they touch the sky Run through meadows so lonely Wrestled...

Under Dreamskies

Storm skies from the nights Shadows of the forest lie inside And gleaming emeralds in decorative tones Brushed by the ice under circles Her timeless beauty started to wither A green voice in her heart She touched the red leaves in sorrow A farewell was found i...


Air and wind diffuse The sence of things in move Sands distort Grain by grain None can stem the tide Not one grain denied In the air Disappear Try to save just one last grain And mix the water with the sand With my bare hands formed into clay Th...


Schön ist der Wald, wenn der Tag sich neigt, wenn feiner Nebel hoch vom moosigen Boden steigt. Und Vöglein singen sacht zum Ruhgeleit - dann mirs die Brust vor arger Schwere feit. Doch in der Höh des Walds kann ich schon sehen, geliebte Dämmerzeit - musst geh...

We Are Alone

Winter leaves Autumn weaves Spring has come Summer's gone 

When Shadows Grow Longer

When shadows grow longer and the sun sets for the forthcoming night; our sorrow is stronger as darkness and death are now near by our side. Many a sun will set and tears of grief will be shed...  

Where At Night The Wood Grouse Plays

When through the starry night the mists of autumn glide the air is filled with tragedies of olden times Where with a dreadful tone a nightbird plays its song in forest dark at moors they come to life...