
Utwory wykonawcy:

A fine day to die

Orgy of silence Conspiracy of peace Only the sound Of the cold northern breeze Twinsun sink fading Behind the black lake Asleep is the mountains Yet the night is awake Strange is the night Now black stars rise And many moons circle Through silent the night...

Aerie Descent

By the Moon's haze and Northern Moonlight. Upon the Earth he rode. He seeks that which never was and never (is) to become. The Moon rose, it was crimson in color, as if the night saw the coming fall that once crushed your domain. It ever comes again. A...

Al Svartr (the Oath)

Hark, O'Nightspirit Father of my dark self From within this realm, wherein Thou dwelleth By this lake of blood, from which we feed to breed I call silently for Thy presence, as I lay this oath May this night carry my will And may these old mountains forever r...

An Elegy Of Icaros

Icaros, I dare you. For I possess the wings of faith. Though, heavy on my shoulders. No measurement can prove their weight. Still, a burden are they not to me. I am the challenger of gravity. The fear is not the fate I seek. My destiny will build upon, the mig...

Beyond The Great Vast Forest

Beyond the great vast forest, surrounded by majestic mountains, dark rivers float like tears of sorrow. Frost submerge the holy ring of fire. They shall rise again, for they are of Him... The Dark Lord of eternity's. These are the Devils of Darkness. They can...

Burning Shadows of Silence

Benighted darker and darker as I walk through the woods, into the silent shadows. As the sky goes from dark to black ice cold whispers burns my skin. From nowhere to the deepest of my soul they speak unto me... grievance of sadness, like the gift of sorrow. A...

Cosmic Keys To My Creations And Times

The heaves are lit by the stars where years of secrets of universal forces lay hid. They shine so bright, but yet they have seen more evil than time itself. Reflected in the deepless lakes they are drowning in black elements. They are the planetary keys to unl...


(cover Darkthorne) Into the abyss I fall and Dark is the reich of the dead. A portal to reach to the side where bodies fall from the sky. Solitude and Peace of Mind. Entombed in Cromlech. Yes, flee over the River Styx and join the dead with joy. An...

Curse you all men

Curse you all men. Who's coil is strong. I recognise the sparrows heart, beneath the theatre of misery. Disbelivers shalt by dawn, be forced to forever mourn. Curse you all men. That resent my empire. Cause I have risen again, at war this time. The truth I spe...

Decrystallizing Reason

Reason. This demigod, unto which you cluster. Sacrilege. You sacrifive the purity of the air beneath your wings. A slow and painful ritual to burn the youth you lost. Demigod. Blasphemers walk among your flock. Despite your blindfold, proudly you carry the sto...


... he looked upon the world and saw that it was still depraved as him though not like him for him, as all but closed like them not him unaware he was already caught within their cycle with them outside depraved instinctive rebellion possessed by bestial d...


he is an empty shell - shell-shocked luciferian soul he is an empty shell - drained and sealed he is an empty shell - penetrating cold he is an empty shell - empty luciferian soul how furiously and bombastic he proclaimed his destruction of a mortal coil in...

Ensorcelled By Khaos

In an endless maze begotten To dead ends led by fools I sought a plague For those who smiled at walls In humble fear Yet, belligerent ways came to an end No war could ease my hunger By craving death I was To darkness reborn No sacrifice too great C...

Funeral fog

(cover Mayhem`u) Every time this year this dark fog will appear up from the tombs it comes to take one more life that can be near In the middle of Transylvania All natural life has for a long time ago gone, it is thin and so beautiful but also so dark and...


when all is dark there are no points of reference and we no longer navigate by the stars we just end up somewhere ...nowhere... where lights are dim and shades of black are grey time appears like a golden calf while the moments slip away a search for the fre...


This magic winter night I see a light. Again I hear that tune, some sort of croon. Oh no, no, no, oh, my brain. I see them gypsy waggons left in the snow. Oh, I must see that lady, I have to know. Gypsy woman, let me inside. [Guitar solo] They...

He Who Sought the Fire

and again he came to cherish the comfort of mysteries inspiring and far away timeless in the moment they painted immortality forever drawn towards the centre of this ensorcelling flame yet, still in fear of the sacrifice it would take to know its name "Do no...

I Am The Black Wizards

Mightiest am I, But I am not alone in this cosmos of mine.  For the black hills consists of black souls,  Souls that already dies one thousand deaths.  Behind the stone walls (of centuries) they breed their black art. Boiling their spells in cauldrons of...

In longign spirit

Landscapes Entrance my mind with thoughts of ancient times I wonder... Did they walk this path... Open seas An endless horizon they seem I wonder... where did they go... Nightsky Source of light an dark I wonder... Did they comprehend... Seasons running thro...

In the Wordless Chamber

in the wordless chamber they feared death desperately thus they clustered to the fruits of the earth craving dispersion as if to avoid knowing why in the wordless chamber they feared life desperately thus they proclaimed any given truth and swallowed as if to...

Inno a Satana

O' mighty Lord of the Night. Master of beasts. Bringer of pain and derision. Thou whose spirit lieth upon every act of oppression, hatred and strife. Thou whose presence dwelleth in every shadow. Thou who strengthen the power of every quietus. Thou who sway ev...

Into The Infinity Of Thoughts

As the Darkness creeps over the Northern mountains of Norway And the silence reach the woods, I awake and rise... Into the night I wander, like many nights before, and like in my dreams, but centuries ago. Under the Moon, under the trees. Into the Infini...

Lord of the storms

Earthquakes are breaking the silence, a vision of hate. A wicked, foul spell of evil. Dark winds command the throne. Cleansed by the evil hand, a crusade of the burning land. A servant in the shape of a snake blackens the bodies red. Then it appears,...

Majesty of the Nightsky

Like the tide, shadows flow towards the shore of light. The night comes whirling like a maelstrom. Warring waves of crackling clouds embrace this nightside landscape. The heavens bleed, through open wounds, the dim light of the moon. The winds are crying m...

Moon Over Kara-Shehr

Our time is upon us. Master! Appear! Over the nocturnal sky from the mountains of black we ride. Fly! All thy servants fly though the serpent's darkened sky. Hears the opponent cry, ravaged by his terror. Master! We ride with the storm in his name,...

My Empire's Doom

Once our lord has come again, all black hearts will celebrate the darksome fiend in the kingdom of sorrow. Nocturnal fiends, the beings of the night and shadows calling forth the pure spirit of the night. Our reign may come secretly. Your Lord's cas...

Night Of The Graveless Souls

When night comes creeping in, dark restless shades arise. Graveless souls are gathering. Seem to ignite the flame. Creeping shadows roam the night, as a merciless rain is closing upon. Demons coming to sever the Sun. Empty eyes come to life. Darkness...

Nonus Aequilibrium

Hark. For I speak of purity. I am unconquerable. In my worship. I am invincible on my crusade. However hard the strikes may be. However deep the wounds. This blood immortal, bleeds for thee. In every breath I hear the silent whisper of your name. In every harm...

Of Blindness And Subsequent Seers

Ever behind me. Rise a shadow taller than I. Yet, with a certain resemblance. How many times do I have to contemplate my own reflection. And say: I have been blind? I have been blind. Yet, I saw the search and dreams of my rejection. Walking behind me. Every t...

Sworn (Ulver remix)

Four eyes as two in one. The forward circular view that never ends. An orbital voyage throughout this endless sphere of all where time is lost and everything transcends. A graceful presence at stolen time. As ghosts to the world. Four eyes as two in o...

The Acclamation Of Bonds

Vide Ravens caw in reverence Anthems to the Welkin at dusk In celebration of the few The kin Beyond flesh Beyond words Those of the core Beyond gods As gods received I float among them On wings once broken Now gleaming black I share their song Of words unspoke...

the ancient queen

The Ancient Queen. Deadly hate, deadly love. Dark under the shadow. Death has been resisted. The Ancient Queen, ruler of the domain. Keeper of the fury, the Queen dwells in shadow. Dark rivers run though me. Darkness follows everwhere. Kingdoms falli...

The Burning Shadows Of Silenc

Benighted darker and darker as I walk through the woods, into the silent shadows. As the sky goes from dark to black ice cold whispers burns my skin. From nowhere to the deepest of my soul they speak unto me... grievance of sadness, like the gift of sorrow.A m...

The Eruption

... and after years in dark tunnels he came to silence there was nothing... he realised that the cheering cries of worship were but echoes of his harsh outspoken word reflecting back at him from cold and naked walls in hollow circles fled illusions of wisdom...

The Loss And Curse Of Reverance

Memories of torment strikes me Attempts were made to suffocate me at birth Fools I was already ancient Thou can not kill what breeds within Thee Alas, this agony The emptiness of earthborn pride Hath stirred my faithful heart Which guided me to darker paths Fa...

The Majesty Of The Night Sky

Like the tide, shadows flow towards the shore of light. The night comes whirling like a maelstrom. Warring waves of crackling clouds embrace this nightside landscape. The heavens bleed, through open wounds, the dim light of the moon. The winds are crying mourn...

the prophet

... and as if awaken from eternal sleep he sought a mentor for he no longer knew his position "It is time after miracles and I am its prophet I have not come to cure but to bear witness decease" "It is the place where blood and soil lie beyond the boundarie...

The Source Of Icon E

The land was created In the name of the chosen And the waves thrown For men to see The one who made men To be Prevailed from the source Of Icon E The waves of fury Prevailed from the source Of Icon E Were mine to be Ordered to destroy and bury No...

The Warriors Of Modern Death

All raised To be men Given image and path Supreme Idolised warriors Bright steel Burning rage Never too late to try Stand tall Never plead Live and let die I see the spirit Of those ancestors And reconsider the faith A primitive sword Can not w...

Thorns on My Grave

"I Hereby Commit My Body To The Ground Sterilised And Wrapped In Plastic Foil Being An Object Of This Space And Time This Body Should Remain Concealed For It Holds Every Disease It Holds All The Pain And Death Ever Exposed I Could Never Unleash Beneath Decei...

Thus Spake The Nightspirit

Close your eyes And gaze into this realm That I reveal See where eternities are born Close your eyes Behold the powers of the broken seal See the liars bound in thorns Fear And you shall fall Weakness suffocates you Dare Yet never fail Wisdom guide the one The...

Tongue of Fire

teach me the tongue of fire so that I may set the world ablaze for it is cold and this blindness can no longer give me shelter teach me the tongue of fire so that I may cry out loud my wrath and my passion or else my coil will blister and decay the sou...

Towards The Pantheon

May the wolves start to howl again. May the age of darkness arise. We will travel for eternitys into the unknown to reach what we seek. Fight the ways through the barriers of light, through the wastelands where nothing but grief have become the eternal memory....

Witches' Sabbath

Shifting shadows guide my way in the autumn. From this fell alliance eternal night shall arise. Hear the scream of the wolves calling again. Legions are wreaking destruction upon the fortress. They must beware his rage. Once again he is risen. Towns are...

With Strenght I Burn

Deep Green Dark Chaos Blinded I run down these paths By heart I know them They lead to the soaring cliffs Stout they stand above the waters edge Lifeless And this is my foundation Cold stone Formed only by winds and time How invulnerable Lifeless...

Wrath Of The Tyrant

The wolves bark with wind in summertime. As the moon passes the shadows. It was a grim tale. The wolves pry the limbs from the conquered ones. Carnage consumes the emptiness. Wait till my spirits come forth. Violate all his chosen ones. Drink the fires o...

Ye Entrancemperium

Drawn towards these lands again Seeking death and sacred soil I ride the longing winds of my blackened soul Growing stronger once I enter my empire beyond Emperium Behold my coming The full moon rise above me Enlightening my realm in a silvery glow Y...