
Utwory wykonawcy:


I'm feel almost God with my AK-47... Blessed be my finger when I pull the fuckin' trigger! Never act against the will of Deity... Kill!!! I will show all my scorn... When I pull the trigger! Blessed be your dead... Blessed be your cripples! Kill him!!! Burn...

All Will Be Fine (If We All Are Dead!)

All will be fine if we all are dead! The madman down on his knees And resigns his reasons for God.. The cross is burning in his chest. Drugged, his suffering is better!!! Trapped in a bed of a madhouse, If you have faith, just insane, ...I don't!!! It retard...

Armies of Dead Men

The morbid march trembles the world. We can hear the steps of death. We feel the bones banging in the flesh. The earth scared by the wings of evil. Dead men don't feel pain. The armies of dead men! The march goes on terrifying even tyrants. The human life me...

Back From Hell

The armies follow the trail of death. Stench corpses are rotting in battlefield. The mutilated ones wait the time to die! The future is black - death is a certainty! I'm back from hell! The troops of dead men march to vengeance. To kill is their business - War...

Bestial Devastation

A legion of demons was born from boundaries of death, like an onslaught of evil, to destroy the earth. Covering the morbid skies, like a mist of Sulphur. I can see Satanas, the cursed of death. Terminate masses and reigns, with bloody axes of hate. The beasts...


We were just born infected. We are led to cease -- early -- our lives. What would be the right choice? Is it eternal life or existence without pain? The never-ending stage of struggle Is always renewing unfixed actors. Life infects and leads to death, blindin...

Butchery Age Has Come

Bodies and puddles of blood are making the boundaries of hell. The river of blood flows down. Stamming hill is after the rain of fire! Butchery age has come! Innocents have no voice... No more innocents... Accomplices of death... I am the assassin, but I ha...

Come And Taste The Victory

The men what adventure on his lands and don't be afraid of the dragons and curses. They leave mark in the history of the world and they make a way of light in the dark of the night... Weak aside... We are the best! Come and taste the victory!! Kill your enemie...

Cry Your Dead Way

Do not ask despair your disgrace. You see the trees of anger. so you must harvest it. You are so eminent, but in fact so fragile. Maybe you take care next time when provoking. Do not ask me think about dilacerated bodies. Time's up to bury the ones that wander...

Dead Sunshine For A Better World

What are we doing for our own benefit? What is the planet we want to stand over the years? These and more questions maybe won't have answers if we can do nothing to stop the ruin in progress. The trigger was set in motion. The bullet already goes on to hit th...

Demonic Cross

Christ is the black cloud that darkens the earth. Chaos! Death! It's all his goodness meaning! The word of a good man is a word of a weak man. Demonic cross. Christians are perfect betrayers!!! Christians and their demonic crosses: 


Days of death and nights of terror, prayers can not save you!!! My vengeance is cold and brutal... Close your eyes and await your end, I have an endless greed for your pain!!! I won't forgive one more time! I am destruction, I'm frustration, and I'm all that y...

Drown The Revolution

World has changed and we live new times. Mankind has a social vocation and the new model is fragmented in bits, up and downloads. Maybe men will lose the essence... We're living an upgrade from the old enslavement. The future is a new version of early human t...

Evil Darkness Inside

Welcome to my destroyed world, constructed by blood. Destroy the boundaries of morality. We are global; let us trade the pain! Evil darkness inside! You try whores, money and evolution. I try disease, hunger and oppression. We need the same: to put an end in l...

Eyes Bent For Own Navel

We are educated just to think about ourselves, just to feel and treat our own difficulties. The world is a little part of this, nothing else is important. Even a great evolution has its second meaning. Walls covered of mirrors, comforting the eyes. Your image...

Genesis Of Chaos

This is the special skill of humanity to raise and fall; to construct and to destroy; to love after hate. since the beginning, men are born to die: there's nothing else than that eternal contradiction. ... The human legend had found the path. The race has gro...

Godless Field

Nothing seems to be right. Chaos has its perfect delight. There's no light beyond the line. Curse reigned... This is the time! No future for the human race. No god can change the fate. We hear the sound of the seven trumpets. The hands of death play with the...

Hate is a Greater Thing to Feel

Hate is the light that clears my sigt. It makes me strong to fight! I live my life blessed by hate. With the mind free. I choose my fate! I reject your showing of love. This means nothing to me. I'm very proud nowadays, 'cause my heart is full of hate... and...

Hell Made with Certain Measure

You don't need being dead to suffer in hell. To perish alive is worst than dead. The pain is real. You live like a winner a whole life of defeat! Your faith is a hoax! To die in a cross will never be a victory. Wake up and don't fall into this trap! Hell mad...

Heroes Dies First

Kill the heroes. They are so useless. No Empire lives with all of them. Some must be killed to dignify the cowards ones we've kept alive. Always remember. Heroes die first! Who survives at last, bloody wins! All is a rush. Turn your fate to the King of a dyi...

Hypnosis Against The Tribes

This is a song about freedom, this is about Brazil. We are still accepting mirrors from the colonizers, but hope is not lost! Hail, brave Brazilian people!!! We dedicate this song to all people who died to make this country better. The mirrors are still worki...

Kill The Lambs

The worms crawl in circles, consuming the rot flesh of God. The serpent speaks the tong of miserable. The serpent greed's the flesh of hog. We won't be lambs of Jesus' flock. Kill the lambs!!! They just want to kill the lambs!!! We won't downcast and march....

Learn To Obey

Your children will learn to obey and will replace your in this life of slavery. Interrogations and equations, they will never teach the formulas. Shut up and hear this lesson, learn to obey!!! Your time is now! Open your eyes! Don't lose the chance of changing...


I lay here silent How do I tell her How far away I feel With every breath she tries to hold tighter But far away is all I feel You needed a hand and I tried to be that hand But life is yours to hold Strap down tight it's going to be a long ride It's t...

Massacre is Justice

Life is unjust; death is my trust, our ending, and our rust... I have one odeal, the one to kill, and make them all kneel! My fate feeds, the pleasant needs, every dead can spread. We have always needed the chance to make the world vanishes... in the haze. M...

Men Who Break Bones

As tractor crushing all in their way, we are killing, destroying and triturating anyway. I'm one of them and who will try to face me? Join me! Join us! The men who break bones! I am the bone grinder! I am the worst assassin! I'll arrest your soul, burn your fl...

Natural Born Killers

We must each other! We must kill or die! Do it now! It cleans your way! Death is the main thing that we'll know someday. No boundaries... To kill is easy and fast. Natural born killers... Once a killer, always a killer... Natural born killers... We don't need...

New Rome Arises

Rome was an empire that smashed enemies and controlled ancient civilizations. Every age has its roman empire, don't you think? The hands of a new Rome are trying to do the same at this time... The cultural oppression sews the mouth of colony. The best culture...

No God For Apes

We've born in the cradle of the human hatred. Welcome to the jungle of society impaled. The civilization has failed... has failed!!! We are not wise enough to receive the blessings... The cross is the symbol of hope on horror!!! All in the world worships the...

Only A Business!!!

Divine capitalist wheel goes around, Smashing all who lives on the unholy ground. Their golden flames burn souls of paupers And boneless flesh dances in mouth of masters. God is only a business!!! And Lunatics sale places in other dimensions. Fools buy hope...

People Born To Hate People

We are a death machine. we just think about destroying ourselves. Despite our needs to live in community, we fight all the time, in an eternal route of collision. You can kill and be human for one time. Maybe you feel better... maybe you smile. Or make someth...

Poke Your Wounds

You're spiting in your own face The blood of your disgrace. Poke your wounds with a knife And make them bleed again. Suffering won't safe your life, But pain is all that remains. Masochist! Salt drains in your wounds!!! Pessimist! Drink the blood of Christ's...

Praying For The One Who's Left

Now I can see the time going back slowly... Unprogressive... Plagues and medieval terror are evidences in my sight. Prophets of philosophers... It's evolution that everybody has searched for. It's led us to a could and colorless past... Hear the dead... You ha...

Reign of Slaughters

This is the world ruled by the Christian conduct. Years of suffering and extreme violence... They forge demons and devils to justify the decadence of their ideology. Christian kids are sleeping in a cradle of wickdness. Dawn on kness and learn to accept the C...

Spiritual Force To Kill

They say to you love the next one. If they attack you, offer you other face to them. Torture and torment... Your life is a nightmare... Assassins are out there and you became a prisoner. Now it's time to follow the spiritual force to kill! Now it's the chance...

The Beginning End

We were born to fight. Don't deny that holy fate. We have an ancient taste... The taste to see some dying. We are naturally evil, pretending to be godly. If you hate, others will. If you kill them... others die! World needs a new order. so let's end the human...

The Curse

The curse is launched beware. The Lord of Death declared the war. Satanas is invoked to destroy and to command the bestial devastation. 

The Fossil Target

Somewhere in the planet, men will drop their bombs; Spill blood just to save the oil... This is a song about greed, gas, pain and profits... This is about our world, about America, about Iraq... Every time you start to run, many men will fall again. All the v...

The Friendly Oppressor

Do you really think in international efforts or nations worried about you? The great hands of "good men" can support or smash... Mainly smash when you are in the third world. The human life has a new meaning. time will embrace our fate. As a coin put in a mac...

The Hell March

The hell march goes on... It takes direction over the bodies and souls. I see no future, we'll die for sure. Last is our breath leaving the race in scorn. Came to us the most painful fate That inspired men to war and hate. Divine is this world set on fire Tha...

The Laws Of Scourge

Vices, madness, passion, hate: Thirst for power and being. Diversion through oppression, it starts an intense reaction. Trying to say something, you can burn yourself. This game has no rules, no mercy, not compassion. There's only school to enter and only a la...

The Most Destructive Art

Devastation! The bombs don't choose their victims. The rain of fire destroys all on the ground... Desolation! Parts of bodies spread in piles! The cruelty is the supply to this terror. To exist is to destroy! To survive is to construct! This is the most destr...

The Peace Comes to Destroy

Their culture is a dictatorship of material slavery. Lovers of the stench carcass of society... Keep the peace in the ruins. The peace comes to destroy. Bring them to rot... to rot in peace! Prepare the weapons. The peacemakers come back. Get out of this wa...

The Son Will Not Return

Still burning heretics by the grace of fanatics... Hate is just the grace...Just hate we create... 666... The Nazarene is gone... He burns seated in his throne. Still burning all mankind - The inferno you will find. Moralized by hate... Hate forged by grace....

Third Master

Excepting me, who else can make God or Satan fear of? War is my name and I become disgusted for little things. If you pass my way, you can be sure, you will last with your mouth full of ants!!! My bullets don't demand a minimum age to finish someone. All gods...

When to Kill is a Worthy Job

Oh, Death, face to mewhen I talk to you. You had the chance to kill me but you've failed! I've tasted the pain pulsing under my skin. I've returned to make justice with my own hands! One by one... I've drowned your souls through the tears of your widows. When...

Where Dark And Light Divide

In the dark of night fall the masks of morality, denied sensations in the light of day. It's the testimony of a suffered nocturnal humanity. Where the angels fall in the abyss of the hell? Waiting for the sunset, awaiting to be free, now the blood and flesh fe...

Who Is The King?

If God or Devil come here, it's better they come armed. Prayers and worships are foolish. To Kill and demolish are the only power in this world. Here is worst than hell! Kill the king! And be your own king! Cold is the blood to make justice with your own hands...

Wisdom Without Direction

Everyone's betrayed greed, forced to choose between surrender and death... We can choose between to be good or bad. Everyone's imposed to live the same truth but it doesn't make dreams come true. These are the differences what humanity didn't learn to respect....

Words From The Pit

Sharp words to knife the reason and the truth. A serpent squirts hate. The jealousy burns their eyes. The poison of their words is to dilute in your blood. Don't put the words in the mouth of another. They are calling, I can hear their screams and their lies....

XIII Chapter (Nothing Stops The Killing)

Burn the symbol of all trust. There's no more time for anything we believe. The nails are corrupted by the rust. The center of the universe stinks oil and bleeds. The main light that shines Is the open fire against you. Oceans boiling and turn to black. Scre...