
Utwory wykonawcy:


coming home from work at 6.35, switching on the tele, are you alive? you've seen it all before, you'll see it all again, boring sick serials to drive you round the bend, programmes for the kids and programmes for you, making every home like a prison or zoo, ke...

After The Dance

Come out to play, there's so many mistakes to be made. Blood trail leads to their door, as mirrors cast no reflection on the mucous stained floor. Lives to shatter, hearts to bleed, as dreamers walk blindly. Unto man, woman is born but woman cannot conceive. A...

Another Filled Hole

A woman in a graveyard mourning for her son he gave his life to fight in a war he thought was fun. A bunch of yellow roses lay upon his grave but for all the tears she shedded no one can be saved. He traded his freedom for a uniform and gun, he traded in his b...

Anti War

Don't want to die a hero. Don't want to die a fool. Don't want to die in your war. Life is all we got its all that we possess don't waste it all on power its such a fucking mess. Possessions cause greed. Greed causes war. Greed causes poverty. Creates class wa...


A telegram through the post says sorry your son is dead he was only doing his duty when he got a bullet through his head. He was standing in a doorway just sheltering from the rain His death was instantaneous he wouldn't have felt the pain. He was only doing...


don't be a bully, what have I done to you? don't be a bully and you can fuck off too. you don't even know me, why cant we be friends? I'll do anything just to make amends. you think that I'm a coward well I know that ain't true, if I was a coward I'd be just l...

Canvey Island

you're next on the list, so what, who cares? you wont be missed. its a way to keep the population down instead of birth control, wipe out your town. It happened down in Harrisburg USA, but the people there were lucky, they got away, over here you wont have suc...


So this is the crisis they knew had to come, why do they act so surprised? you know they've been warned often enough, we wont take any more lies. And this is the crisis they tried to ignore prevention of chaos they said and this is the crisis that led to a war...

Deaf Dumb and Male

You think because I'm women I'm at your beck and call you try to degrade me humiliate and ridicule.Your cat calls fall on deaf ears, you do not compliment I wont be at your mercy, this body's not for rent. Deaf dumb & male in society. Deaf dumb & male...

Deaf In Reality

Once upon a time, not so long ago, death was a thing on a t.v. show, now it happens to us every day, if life doesn't kill you, you'll be blown away. Soldier on the street, copper on the beat, death is reality today. Nuclear power keeps us in our place, nuclear...

Dolls Of Destruction

Action man is here again. Action man is here. Action man is here again. Action man is here. OK kiddies here's a game to play, strap on a gun kill your friend today. Death or glory fight for your life. Shoot him in the back or stab him with a knife. Drive a tan...

Eyes To See

You don't know what its like to be trapped inside a shell, to be blinded by the darkness and the light as well. You think that you have problems, when with your sight you cannot see, oh why oh god oh please oh god why did you pick me. You don't know what its l...

Guilty As Charged

Caught under the web of authority.This was not supposed to happen to me. Decision proved fatal. Policy decreed. Encaged in a sentence and never be free. Life was too easy. Danger prevailed. A mission of hunger to which I have failed. Freedom of speech but I sp...


Slashing across the storm swept sky the sound of machines wake up the night. A bursting of pride about to begin as the sky opens up and we all fall in. Lured by a promise of a revenge. A circus of death to which there's no end. Adopting a stance of one nation...


It's only a matter of time before it happens here 'cos down in Hiroshima they live in constant fear. Don't let them con you it wont. Don't let them con you it cant 'cos at this very moment they're building a nuclear plant. Inside are all the chemicals that mak...

Just An Error

Walking through the countryside. Did you see the grass so green? did you ever stop and wonder why it was turning so obscene? It makes me wonder what went wrong today was it just an error, or did we let it slip away? The power that a woman can have, over mank...


you labelled me at birth the minute I was born, you labelled me a child another little pawn, you labelled me a kid and sent me off to school, you labelled me a pupil another little fool, you labelled me religious and sent me off to mass, you labelled me a moro...

Land Of The Rising Sun

the sun came up over japan in the land of the rising sun, nothing was left but a hole in the ground in the land of the rising sun. corpses lay scattered like flowers in a field in the town of nagasaki, animals and land was destroyed beyond belief in the town o...

Listen Morons

So this is Great Britain with its wealth and education and two thousand troops permanently stationed in a country so far away that its out of sight. That you don't feel the fear and you don't live the fright of this divided nation you help create and sustain....


beat me till I'm black beat me till I'm blue but I'm not giving in to the likes of you. Living in the sanctity of love. Living in the sanctuary of love. Living with this lunacy called love! Nowhere left to hide. Nowhere left to run. You cant undo things that...


What makes man feel so superior? That he can afford to take & abuse other lives in the search of fun. Do we not already have enough "BIG TOYS" in this world that destroy the world indirectly? That we need to kill & maim for our pleasure too. These sick...

Master Race

watch yourself in this life we lead, if you cut yourself, make sure you bleed, 'cos they're secretly building a master race and this time round they wont leave a trace. they'll contaminate your water, contaminate your food, be real crafty, not too crude, they...

Merry Go Round

Sitting here on a merry go round, just waiting for the world to stop. The night is fading the dawn is nearly here and I feel so tired I could drop. There's a shadow in the distance with a gun in his hand and his mind is on shoot to kill, then a shout comes up...

My Gun

She led a life she didn't want to lead, a life of bondage she couldn't breathe. From a child to a girl she violently grew, without the love she never knew. She was pushed around from an early age, from corner to corner, from cage to cage. She learned the hard...

No Reason

ighting for another cause. Don't know what I'm fighting for. Grand illusions in my head. Surrounded by the colour red. Hate is what they breed in me. Never known my sanity. Please get me out of here. Kill to cover up my fear. Waiting in this shallow grave. Pre...

Object Refuse Reject Abuse

Democracy is a con job they got you fooled, if you step out of line they'll have you pulled. You cant go against them it ain't allowed, so watch yourself, hide in the crowd. Wait for the day 'cos its bound to come. You wont need a fist, you wont need a gun. Th...

Power Greed Glory

Is this your power? is this your greed? is this your glory? we do not need. Yesterday we depended on you, your weakness was that you needed us to. Now we've found we have the strength to cope, we can look to the future of love, care, hope. We have found from y...

Profit And Loss

Give me the money. Give me the money .Give me the money spent on the shit of war give me the money to spend on the poor. People are hungry. people are sick. They need shelter and they need it quick. Nurture and care not torture and lies. They need food to wipe...

Public Execution

back in 1984, stretch his fucking neck and he'll die. what for? crimes against the state and crimes against the law, talking out in public, that's what for. public execution number 131, stretch his fucking neck, an excuse for fun, tell you that its legal, but...


Radiation level rising, death count climbs. An accident they say, well read between the lines. Chemicals for warfare in production every day, but it doesn't really matter what they do or say. It doesn't really matter if the accident is true cause one way or an...

Slaughterhouse Rock

From the slaughterhouse comes a hateful cry,the soul is dead, the carcass to fry, where is your mercy now god? from the flesh that weeps to the blood that stains, meat has no forgiveness, it just feels pain. where is your mercy now god? to live to meet the but...


The smell of sweat the smell of fear. Opened wounds and sees of tears. Bloodstained promises we just don't hear. Battle cries. Battle scars. The sound of death not quite so far. Broken homes and burnt out cars. Shattered memories. Shattered dreams. Life itself...

Tribal Dreams

Indian roamed far from home with squaw and baby on his own. A tribal man so full with pride left alone and cast aside. White man came from far afield to this land to increase his yield. And then the cowboy made his stand and took away the treasured land.He had...


Unemployment is getting to high, don't let them fool you with a lie. They'll find a solution, of that I'm sure they'll drop a bomb start a fucking war. They'll tell you to fight, say the cause is good, instead of a leg a little bit of wood. A plastic arm a bra...

Wooden Gun

A toy is only a play thing to be broken and thrown away but even a kiddies toy may bring a tear or sigh some day. They gave him a gun to play with when he was a little boy. They gave him a gun to play with it was his favourite toy. They bought some brave tin s...