Devilish Impressions

Utwory wykonawcy:

Adventvs Regis

“Chcę niszczyć nie na to, żeby odbudowywać ruiny, ale na to żeby niszczyć. Bo zniszczenie jest moim dogmatem, moją wiarą, mojem ubóstwieniem. Może przecież w tem wszystkiem tkwi myśl o ludzkości, ale to jest mi obojętne. Chcę tylko zniszczenia...” The expect...

Blood Imprinted Stigma

Not one to turn the other cheek nor one to turn a blind eye not one to walk among the Earth's slime flame of passion burning close to heart crucify all doubt to rise above the divine give thanks not unto God for he is unworthy of Thy praise Wars to be...

Cingvlvm Diaboli

Basic senses long renounced, Indoctrination of the lesser kind Force-fed dreams of absolution, Led astray by wicked minds Shed aside feeble endeavours Of all mortal men defiled To quench hunger in its purest form And immaculate desires Mockery of lif...

Crowned To Be Crucified

The Sapiential books will run with blood of prophets And only their thoughts will remain Like a smell of murdered lovers All the rest will fall into oblivion As a merciless time for all fucking temples Which has passed with fall of Babylon Every king in histo...

Czerń i biel

Czytamy świat całą noc i dzień gdzie ty czytasz czerń, ja czytam biel czarne jest białe a białe to czerń Trzecim Okiem – widzę światło, lecz Ciebie, Najdroższa... ...pogrąża cień Zważ, że jest Kościół Prawdziwy którego biel zniszczyć nie może i nie pr...


Naked and cursed They draw new maps of world Created by those who stood for human race's annihilation "Et vidi de mare bestiam ascendentem habentem capita septem et cornua decem et super cornua eius decem diademata et super capita eius nomina blasphemiae" Th...

Dies Irae

Your name is cursed... Why? Yes, you remember now. In frantic wrath you recognize the pictures of time. Monuments of your own crime you bedew with silver tears. There's no reason to grieve, grief becomes vain. Let the sword of Macrocosmos smash the enemies of...

Dracula's Mechanized Universe

We all live in entirely mechanized universe... Being a cog-wheel we just remain a premature dead dream of existence Deprived of all passions Deprived of all visions We are becoming creatures unable to think, unable to feel and experience Intoxicated with devi...


Płynie albatros ranny nad morzem.
 W czerwieniach zmierzchu, jak czarny krzyż -
 Jednym się skrzydłem rwie w gwiezdne głębie, Drugim, omdlały, potrąca wodę. Leci albatros ostatkiem siły,
 Z rany się toczy strumieniem krew -
 Krwią się zapala niebo i mor...


Burden of the flesh and grieving soul a dormant contestant to the throne seek beyond the blood-stained stone and follow not that which is not of flesh and bone Wandering restless through the ages, cast aside for standing proud, contesting the powers tha...

Fear no Gods!

Deep down the earth the river filled with fire consumes the dead with obolus shining in their empty eyes, leaving no trace of what they once used to be... For they were abandoned by those who believed to be gods... „Through me the way is to the city dolent;...

Funeral Of God

That was an unusual, golden autumn... The breath of a wind was gliding Cemetery’s avenues with the ocean Of constantly falling leaves The trees were dying plaintively Crooning their last threnody; They have been whispering the names We all wouldn’t like to rem...


"Et vidi de ore draconis et de ore bestiae et de ore pseudoprophetae spiritus tre immundos in modum renarum" Arise!! Forgotten wounds have now ben opened Gratification for all humiliated lives of those who dared to think immortal power of vendetta cru...

I Am The Son Of God

I am the one who hanged on the fucking cross Putrefaction's opening its gates for me Meant to be dead I still breathe and cry Everlasting pain has become a part of human's lullaby I want to die and save all of the sinners whom I love the most For this was the...


An incarnation of eternal mankind dream Is that what made you worthy to bear your name, oh Icaros? A memorable act of courage or just a deadly sin? You dreamt a dream of having wings so you could fly above all men So you could reach the sun and the moon,...


Sanctimonious, derogative, obsolete Let the unworthy of Thy wisdom Wither out and cease to breathe Give way to new things order Through illuminating fire Smear their blood all over myths Of bastard spawn conceived Elusive state of comfort Irrational...

Ipse Philosophvs, Daemon, Devs et Omnia

Hear, O heavens! Listen, O earth! For the Lord has spoken: I reared children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against me Their worm will not die, nor will their fire be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind. Verses inverted to...

Legion Of Chaos

„How you would please me, Night! without your stars Which speak a foreign dialect, that jars On one who seeks the void, the black, the bare. Yet even your darkest shade a canvas forms Whereon my eye must multiply in swarms Familiar looks of shapes no...


„Is the light vanished from our golden sun, Or is this daedal-fashioned earth less fair, That we are nature's heritors, and one With every pulse of life that beats the air? Rather new suns across the sky shall pass, New splendour come unto the flower, new...

Mass for the Dead

Unknown, Unseen, Unnamed, Unimaginable You draw circles with the closed ritual And a tear hidden in your blood Allows to grasp the order of your world Dead skies' symbols behind you Shining half - consciously among the words of prayer They are like c...


Come, oh Mother Night And spread your wings over their dreams. Let me taste their peaceful yearning For delusive wishes to come true. Let me see your light dance With the shadows of their souls. Born from your womb Meteoron. Cast down from heaven raci...


It's the last gasp... In winsome silence I rested on the house of the passing world to fulfill the tragedy of my own life, among thousands of forgotten existences. It's astounding, how many tears had to be cried out, how many grains of sand penetrated through...

Natas ro Dog On Si Ereht (Of Plagues and Blasphemy)

"Vestitus erat vestem asperam sanguine et vocatur nomen eius Verbum Dei" Verbum Diaboli - may the wisdom be your guide to the Eternity Verbum Diaboli - you shall never left the winds to tear your soul apart even when there is no hope Verbum Diaboli -...

Prince of the East

FAUSTUS: (...) When Mephistophilis shall stand by me, What god can hurt thee, Faustus? Thou art safe Cast no more doubts. Come, Mephistophilis, And bring glad tidings from great Lucifer; Is't not midnight? Come, Mephistophilis, Veni, veni, Mephistophile!...

Rebellion Of Will Manifesto

We – thinking beings We – surrealistic visions We – supernatural ideas We have been materialized To possess the forces of God God who created the world Full of lament of his daughters and sons We have come up with blood on our hands Blood used as ink...

Rex Inferni

"Infernus subter conturbatus est in occursum adventus tui suscitavit tibi gigantas omnes principes terrae surrexerunt de solilis suis omnes principes nationum" Spit on a grave of the whore And lick the heaven's wounds Immortal passion's flowing in your marble...


The dismal hosts of Angels will blow into the horns of war Those, whom Creator oneself has been secretly stealing from their immensity of thoughts Those, whom he had loved more then himself, To soil at last his admiration with shameless seed of jealousy The d...

Smell Of Death

May my prediction never be fulfilled... His body was taken with breath of a wind There was no witness, no soul to remember Fall of an Angel in the arms of November Luminous circles were constantly growing Painting the sky with new constellations Kisses of Dar...


„A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world” * [* Oscar Wilde] 

Spiritual Blackout

Nocturnal passage to worlds beyond the frame of so called reality... A dream that takes you for a journey across the most twisted scenes as far as your imagination is concerned... Neurons lost in the labyrinth with no exit, an astral body unable to come back.....


We are thorns which killed the fucking god... We are stars made of broken mirrors Like fragments of dreams scattered across the sky Mirrors with transparent bottom We are the eyes reflecting the essence of unholy "I" I am the tongue of apocalyptic dusk I am t...

Tales Of Babylon's Whore

"Et in fronte eius nomen scriptum mysterium Babylon magna mater fornicatum et abominationum terrae" With tears in eyes they dream Her lips bather in blood of tyranny Fear - the only thing they Fear - know and respect and that Fear - had always been their Fea...

The Dove and the Serpent

W framudze smukły krzyż z diamentu płonie – na ziemi dymi się trumienny krzyż... W błyskawicowym ścian zaklętych kole cień stoi smukły – pręży głowę wzwyż – w cień, co mu z ramion schyla się do czoła – w cień, co rękami rąk się jego chwyta i w nieme żale...

The Fatal Messiah

Idolatry divine pious words in disguise remedy at hand bestowed upon blind eyes deprived of thought and will trading words of scorn infested, vicious hearts flock as one with martyr son Enlightenment denied banished from the kingdom of the ignorant...

The I

O przyjdź, jesienią – wdziej szatę lekką, białą, zwiewną, 
rzuć na hebanowe swoje włosy 
perły rosy, 
lśniące zimnych barw 
tęczą. Gold-encrusted book of lies and the blessed flock enticed reign of broken will and rites bizarre upon deaf ears f...

The Last Farewell

„There is a Reaper, whose name is Death, And, with his sickle keen, He reaps the bearded grain at a breath, And the flowers that grow between” * Wipe off the tears that run down your face Frozen in time of your most painful dream And transform them all into a...

The Scream Of The Lambs

Farewell, green fields and happy groves, Where flocks have took delight; Where lambs have nibbled, silent moves The feet of angels bright; Unseen they pour blessing, And joy without ceasing, On each bud and blossom, And each sleeping bosom. They look...

The Word Was Made Flesh Turned Into Chaos Again

Whispers of pendulum filling the cage of your mind Painting its walls with pure hatred Freezing the flames of chaos once turned into word Cosmic feeling once turned into dust Together we stand and challenge the crowds of god Annihilation of lies hidden beyond...


Listen... Here it is the majesty of silence. It's a beauty of gardens of divine unconsciousness ...and harp's silver strings pulling by the gasp of the wind. Angel sadness. Angel peace. The shine of the most distant star dried out the ocean of remembrance. No!...

Vi Veri Vniversum Vivus Vici

March on! Conquer and take no slaves! For we are here to get back knowledge That has been taken away from us long time ago, that has been stolen from us by pigs who named themselves prophets “Here, where a hero fell, a column falls! Here, where the mimic eag...

Visions Of Kingdom To Come

Over the mountains there is a thought, Vision of kingdom to come Dream of Angels raped by The One Who Knows... Hear them crying And see their tears falling down with rain The old world is dying And You have to face their eternal pain He who paints the sky in...