
Utwory wykonawcy:

Abaddon the Destroyer

Dark angel of death with clawed wings High up in the hierarchy of demons Holding a key to the wells of depths A fallen angel who rules the underworld Abaddon - the king of perdition Abaddon - who sows destruction Abaddon - the lord the of locusts Abadd...


He stands in the conjured fire Pays homage the flames Pentagram is his power Leads him to the victory Born to the darkness Conducts black horde He leaves only Crossed drown in the blood 


He stands in the conjured fire Pays homage the flames Pentagram is his power Leads him to the victory Born to the darkness Conducts black horde He leaves only Crossed drown in the blood 


Nastał już sądny dzień Legiony ochrzczonych krwią Wykuły prawdy miecz W dłoni mistrza zapłoną Zabrzmiał ryk siedmiu trąb Sztandarów siedem w niebo Czarnych jak władcy tron Do rzezi dało znak I widziałem oto siwy koń A temu który na nim siedział było...

Ave Master Lucifer

On the glade between the trees Full moon shines in the darkness I hear louder and louder sing I scream laudatory sing AVE MASTER LUCIFER Fire is burning with shadows around Mad dance has begun This night is magic I still hear laudatory scream AVE MAST...


Baphomet His left hand Shows above White moon Hessed Baphomet His right hand Shows below Black moon Geburaha Baphomet On his brow drew Light symbol Might sign Pentagram Baphomet Between horns Beaming flames Magic light Intelligence We ar...


Wind carries the stench of fear Frayed banners flutter lazy Fighting horses instinctly feel Anxiety and aura of death Sparks from sharpened swords Fall slowly on sweat soaked ground The dawn has came and overcame darkness The stench of smoke from exti...

Black Banner

Glare of black candles Lights - up great pentagram Purple sticky liquid Shines in gold chalice Echo carries prey's whispers It smells incense around Hooded man strikes in the gong The priest began his duty Time of revenge comes We'll stride proud U...

Black Mass

Under cover of darkness Born to the wickedness They are marching on Toward the gathering zone Fascination and devotion in their eyes Celebrating Darkness Tranquillity and calmness on each face Before joining the mass Under cover of darkness Advocates of Luci...

Blood of My Enemies

Time of fucking chaos Antichrist raised his sword Mercy and frailty disdained For they offend the strong Peace is unattainable Let's celebrate out triumph Let's build a pyramid of skulls To see the farthest Our conquest os everlasting We will not re...

Bogini demonów

Przed wiekami Kobieta Adama Nim jeszcze stworzono Ewę Powstała z prochu Jak samiec Bunt był jej naznaczony Jednym zaklęciem Wzniosła się By uciec do czeluści Trzej aniołowie Znaleźli ją Żyjącą z demonami Lilith bogini zła Żona Samaela Lilith c...

Born In Flames (Asmodeus)

Lilith’s first-born son Samael was his father Born in flames With a crown on human head He mounts his dragon Spitting fire Three mighty heads Of a bull, sheep and man Holding in his hands Infernal banner and spear 72 Legions Furious ghosts of hel...

Born To Revenge

Like a river Unceasingly From the source Reaches destination Like a (burning) flame Restlessly From a spark Devours all In the recesses of my soul Vengeance is born Like a wind Rapidly From a breeze Tears everything out Like a storm Slowly Fr...

Brings the Light

Listening to the old devil Who speaks Slowly About details of life Seeing his signs Gaze Desapir Carved by furrows of time Feeling his ardor Pride Empathy Which comes from far Being so close to him I devour I drink I absorb the ancient wisdom...

Błędny Dekalog

Żyjesz wśród boskich prawd Złudnych zakazów Miłości słów Bogacąc czarne kruki Otwórz swe oczy ramy umysłu otwórz Błędny dekalog odrzuć go prawdę chłoń Otwórz swe oczy ramy umysłu otwórz Choć z nami lewą stroną ścieżki cieni By oglądać Okuty całunem Z...

Chalice Of Truth

The master of all evil That hey call him The throne in colour of night Insignia of skulls at the foot of throne So open gates of the hell The land of bestial lust I cross threshold of madness I am comind my master Death hugs me I cast away her cold h...

Created Of Lightning

Signs on the sky and earth announce Disorder, blood and fire Fury of hurricanes destroy all Carry the devil's seeds There's a war around And disease kills men Like a bridge between life and death Lighting flash the mighty night Thunder end winds stun...

Czarne Zastępy

Imię króla królestwa zła Brzmi ciepło - Szatan Szatan To znak diabelnej mocy Piekielnych ksiąg To jad To jad i wąż To wieczny zew Zew prawdy To noc To pierwszy bunt i proch Czarne zastępy dusz Kpią z marności ciał Kapłanie króla królestwa zła D...

Deadly Psalm

In the seat of free people Who believe in various gods The blood and fire The altars in black blood Sacrificed in the time of fullmoon It's burning now The sky is black The sky went into mourning There is fullmoon Knights ride their horses With bann...

Decalogue Will Perish

The ancient runes Engraved centuries ago Ten simple principles To enslave the belivers Hypocrisy full of victims Religious indoctrination Spread for millenia Human instincts put to death Decalogue is chains Put by the popes Decalogue is a covenant...

Demon of Destruction (Agares)

In Times, when Sun was a young son of galaxy White haired angel from second circle of virtues choir He was obtained by missions and knowledge about future events And was teaching a magic, knowledge and wisdom from around the world For that he was exiled a...

Demoniacal Possession

A prophetic dream Awakens evil My thoughts All around you I feel power Blood imprint I will give vent To my hatred The symbols of cross go up in flames Christian churches collapse Infernal truth Always loyal To the pentagram I follow you My Lo...

Devil's Eyes

Under the black banner I lead my life I'm looking from above on disease Christian world I'm enlighten between sick people They pass on their constrain By generation In present empty, dirty world I'm watching by devil's eyes On unsuccessful prophecy D...

Discreated But Reborn

Black Lion, demon of the Sun Unchained from this causal world Hear my song of murderer And keep my course along The vale of death Formless Chaos gave birth To Archangel over all the hosts Men speak Your name with fear You are darkness in the eyes of t...

Dla chwały Szatana

Błysk przeszył niebo gdy w górę piąłem się Gdzie przeznaczenie niosło mnie U szczytu wędrówki obrośnięty mchem głaz Odsłonił tajemnicę wyryty znak Symbol czarnego ojca odwrócony krzyż Teraz wiem jestem z nim Mądrość siła i czerń symbole władzy twej Do k...

Eighth Sin: Blasphemy

Lash in my hand whips sharply It pulls a raw meat I crown the usurper with thorns Blood flows like tears This is the last martyr's path And I am your dark shepherd We stagger to the towards Golgotha Where the culprits die I am the blasphemer, I am the...

Engraved Face

You can't comprehend my unruly words You don't want to understand of message I throw away the paranoia form my mind Which has to extreme visions Two faces is too much for me Pentagram and anticross are engraved in my body I can't cheat myself Kneel by...


I saw a wonder in heaven Pregnant woman came With wreath of stars There appeared another wonder Seven-head dragon The fiery red one And woman brought forth a man child who was cought up unto God And she fled into the wilderness from the tyranny There was gre...

Fallen Angel

Empty cemetery sepulchral fog Known smell of decay soaks through my body Aged tombstones destroyed by time Sinful souls moans I hear in my imagination I go forward into the abbeys Instinct pushes me The torches brightness lights up the way Around the...

Fifth Sin: Vengeance

Burning crosses give pleasure Broken dogmas give relief The stench of human meat The crash of broken bones Derisive laugh of inquisitor Carry echoes of the past Sweet vengeance, there will be blood again Righteous vengeance, it's time to send the mess...

Final War

When the infantry is marching on the earth begins to quake Above the army black standards with pentagrammatic shapes The beasts from Hell need to satisfy their lust for blood It is the time of Armageddon, no mercy for votaries of god The sky is flooded wi...

First Sin: Sorcery

When the day fades, starts the time of black ravens of the night Pale shine of the moon wakes demons from their daily sleep Shine of black candles heralds succeeding ritual of holy blood Figures in hoods are focused in prayer, they whisper silent following...

For Glory Of Satan

Flash cut the sky When I climb up When destiny leads me At my wander peak Stone covered by moss Shows written mystic sign Black father symbol Turned cross Now I know I'm with him Wisdom power and black Symbols your power Till to the end I will ad...

Fourth Sin: Apostasy

My mind was born in dark abysses From destructive rebellion inside of me I see the world in colours of traitorous death I can feel a brotherly hand of the devil I've thrown off the shackles, shackles rounded by the thorn I've killed the weakness, weaknes...

Funeral Wind

I'm dead Wretched body breaks dawn In the darkness I feel pain and death Graveland's silence Breaks damned's groan Human blood again flows dawn On the death throne I'm dead Like a bad dreams remain From the thick fog I show my pale face From the...

Gates Of Hell

Lucifer I cut away torturing rope Of lies and hypocrisy So that I may look at your throne Open the gates Lucifer Take my soul Satan master Lucifer Let me climb over the schemes To understand The pentagram's Mystic power I pass my path for long t...

Gloria Causa Satani

Introibo ad altare dei nostri Satani! Ad deum, qui nune oppressus resurget et triumphabit! Laudetur Nomen Tuum Domine, et Triangulum signam Tuum, conterfectus que capitis Capri sancti Et tu Satano, Superiol Ignotum, Maximum Omnipotensque, Nomen, Satanus,...

Gniew demona

Potężny bóg zajął swój tron Odwieczny tron demonów zła Tajemną grą zajmował się Gdyż cierpieniem chciał zbawić świat Mroczny czas ogarnia cię Miażdży mózg diabli gniew Spisany pakt rozlana krew Potężny wrzask kultowy śpiew Z bagien z bagien zamglonych...

Hail Lucifer

I gall my mind Thinking about the Nazarene I bless to someone Who put on the thorn The nails drove into the palm Let burns like a fire Due pain and suffering The blood drips slowly From wounds dealt a blow right Head fell down In deadly paralysis M...

Heading for Salvation

Satan - in the south sits on a throne of human heads Lucifer - in the east gives a speech on eternal verities Belial - in the north commands an army of demons Leviathan - in the west mediates revenge in the abyss Fire - the flames of delight which caress...

Hellish Circles

Magic sybols burned in bronze The ancient fire of the devils Brass hinges decorated with gold Fussed with a lithium rock Serpentine latches finally lock The way without return Nine gates by nine rings Closed and hollow Nasty spells protect the abyss...

Hellish Whispers

Imminent vision of death The end at once beginning Existence is die Gate of gloom has opened The lack of bodily touch The deeper spiritual's eufory The pain of existence in abyss I'm just waiting to go in Come I hear All life alone I had seen the...


Hellish bell thunders To announce war - time Take up your sword And look proudly at death's face For pain of our exist For stake flowed by blood For years of falsehood and lies Today earth will burn by fire It's coming time of Armageddon It's coming t...

Holding the Seal (Forneus)

Between the sphere of throne choirs and sphere of angel choirs In clouds of reverie and windy, mad existence From all of pains and suffers made from fear in abyss of damned The magic Seal of Formeus, weaved in merciless time He keeps it with him Gives a...

In My Veins, In My Heart

I was born at dark cursed night I was born from will of destiny I was born surrounded hellish fire I was born with sound of thunder My heart is black and beats in rythm of hell's bell In my veins flows the bane of tortured souls My eyes still watch the...


Nos prenpotens Lucifer, juvante Satan, Belzebub, Leviathan, Elimi, atque Astaroth, allisque, hodie habemus acceptum pactum, foederis Urbani Granadieri qui nobis est. Et huic pollicemur amorem mulierum, florem virginium, decus monacharum, honores, volupat...

Kielich prawd

Pan zła wszelkiego tak go zwą Tron o barwie nocy U stóp insygnia trupie łby Otwórz bramy piekieł Krainy zwierzęcych żądz Przekraczam szaleństwa próg Już idę mój władco Śmierć tuli mnie odczuwam jej chłodną dłoń Panowania nadszedł czas teraz jestem z...

King of Demons

Unchallenged ruler of all demons and fallen angels Your name evokes fear and terror among the mob You are an inspiration for a number of poets and sages Your countenance outshines everything with its majesty Hell - your kingdom covered with burning lava...

Mad Minds

I am mad As madly are my visions When I see jesus In the puddle of the blood I am mad As madly are my minds When I feel hate To the god I am mad As madly are my deeds When I spit disdainful Into the crucifix Am I mad? And maybe whole world Is...

Master of Ceremonies (Mephistopheles)

Guide of dead souls and magic Moving into other worlds Separates the soul from flesh Leading for a sleepy celebration Guide of astral Sabbath Initiator of dark rituals Master of nocturnal ceremonies And a mentor for his disciples He leads a magus in...

My Religion

In the south SATAN on the throne, surrounded the fire from everywhere In the east LUCIFER proud, his power is the air In the north great BELIAL, will rule over the world In the west LEVIATAN, displaces a water abysses I am standing alone like a exile, con...

My Sacrum

Silent sleeps gently In blissfull stagnation Stack like a statue Of bored devil Under the glass dome of shining stars Flickering of thousand sparks You took my jewel, a gift from god Born from storms and mists A mark of suffers, night games Mutilated...

My Truth

I am the created by god To thanks him on my knees What is so tricky lies They killed my instincts They told me their truth But I still feel like an animal What is godlike prohibitions? Pronounced by heretics It is funny bullshit I am black buck In...

Night Voice

When night calls me I go out as a wolf goes hunting I sink my fangs deeply I suck the blood and watching on Sacred and astonished eyes I come back to the castle on rock There are gloomy darkness My Relief!! 

Ninth Sin: Idolatry

No, I will not rise my hands up No, I will not fall on my knees No, you will not find a humility in me No, I will not bow my eyes before you I look on your face with scorn And body full of furrows and wounds inflicted by sin This pity image in golden ic...

Opętany Bluźnierca

Gdy zamykam oczy widzę krew Jezusa który leży martwy u mych stóp W moich mrocznych wizjach widzę Las krzyży Na których wiszą jak niegdyś Wyznawcy boga Niechaj cierpią jak ich Odkupiciel z Nazaretu Powolne męki zbliżają Godzinę śmierci Jestem opętany...

Ostatnia łza

Po licu spływa łza goryczy Lecz w sercu tli się nienawiść Stary dąb na nim sznur oplata kark Jeden krok bezwład ciała-odchodzę! 


Zamknięte od wielu wieków Wrota zakazane obcym Otwieram z rozkoszą By wejść Przekraczam niewidzialną granicę Wchodzę w inny świat Gdzie nie istnieje kłamstwo I obłuda Chodzę starymi ścieżkami Które są mym spełnieniem Ścieżki nie do zdobycia Dla b...


Ciemność! Horda wilków na wzgórzu na wzgórzu osaczyła wierzących krzyż U podnóża golgoty zapomniana dolina piekielnych zjaw Pośród chmur w pełni księżyc magiczny nagle wyłonił się W pełni wilki zawyły zawyły skowyt demonów znak Magiczny znak Nagle zawył...


Jak grom powstałem z niczego Jak wiatr uderzam w twą twarz Jak mgła przesłaniam słońce i niebo Jak zegar odliczam twój czas Jestem prorokiem nad proroki Wśród wichrów burz śmierci i zła Jestem Prorokiem nad Proroki Wśród wichrów burz śmierci i zła Pr...

Prorok (Czarci Majestat - 1996)

Jak grom powstałem z niczego Jak wiatr uderzam w twą twarz Jak mgła przesłaniam słońce i niebo Jak zegar odliczam twój czas Jestem prorokiem nad proroki Wśród wichrów burz śmierci i zła Jestem Prorokiem nad Proroki Wśród wichrów burz śmierci i zła Pr...

Queen Babylon

From the sands of dessert I saw mirage Woman sitting on the wild beast The beast had seven great heads And ten sharp, twisted horns Woman was dressed in purple She shined with gold and pearls Woman holded a golden cup in hand Cup full of her harlotry Her name...

Regnum Satanas

The aura of dead and gloomy purple Golden insignia of all the power The throne made from human flesh Incantations written in runic order Kneel down Regnum Satanas Pray aloud Regnum Satanas The pentagram is your symbol The anticross is your destiny...


When the great sky Black coat puts on I felt the power Which calls me Instinctive like an animal I am running forward When deepness of forest Draws me in Old mighty boughs Under cover of the night It swing ominous With the wind Whine of the wolf...

Rotten World

Walking the mist by old overgrown graveyard Seeing moudly gravestones eaten by time I absorb the energy of rotten deathly ancestors Being in nowhere I caress the image of night Created naked land Without sanctities Gates of abyss are opened The nest of...

Ruthless Warrior (Moloch)

A mighty nostrils can feel the blood as a fresh breeze A black eyes can easy penetrate the darkness of night Master from land of tears Member of hellish board Demon of holy fire Ruthless, hard-boiled warrior Sharp tusks are biting a meat of burned, vic...


Zapada zmierzch wonią kadzideł przesycony las Na szczycie góry ogień zapłoną już Na czarnym tle wiele półnagich ciał Oczekuje grzechu w narkotycznym tańcu Z zaklętej mgły wyłania się postać I umilkł las to on Lucyfer Na ołtarzu w hipnotycznym śnie Dz...

Seals Of Hate

The first seal is opened Lion with crest full of fire say Come and see! There was a white horse! Its rider had a bow and a wreath To conquer The second seal is opened An ox mighty like old like trees say Come and see! Horse came out, like fiery It...

Second Sin: Homicide

I know, I can kill slowly You know, you may be the next one Now I see, do not expect forgiveness You can feel it, you will not find mercy Homicide It gives bliss, but not relief Homicide The sweet fruit of my revenge There is no way back You know, y...

Seven Great Plagues

They knell by the sea of glass And play on the harp of God Hosts of opponents of the beast 666 is its name And when the sun rised, there was a mark in heaven The temple of tabernacle and certificate has opened Seven angels with plagues came from the gate They...

Seventh Sin: Hatred

Wherever I gaze, I see christian crosses I still hear truisms about mercy and forgiveness I'm surrounded by plenty of blind sheeps I can feel their fear of my hell Hate is all I feel I fuck it all Let it burn Poor figures Let it rot Old wooden cross...

Sixth Sin: Wrath

The old crosses on the crossroads Decayed and bitten by the time Symbols of eternal ignorance Which is blind to the free world Lie the relics of the past Written in different dimension Spit with venom of hypocrisy And cast a dark shadow Let's stand at...

Son Of Pure Viking Blood

In the times of moral fall Times of mayhem, filth and false Your life was a battle-field A ship at the high seas Your words were not forgotten They still echo in my mind With the wave and hum of the sea With the lightning in the sky You were the son...

Spiritual Explosion

The Satan overfill my soul I'm feeling the transforming I'm changing I'm feeling spiritual explosion I feel the hell behind the wall What should I tell people I'm so close Still hearing nothing Open the wisdom's gates To understand who I'm I want t...

Suicidal Ritual

I lie on the cemetary Sacrificial blond, Unholy water For my funeral Body- alive yet But skon to be dead Soul remains alive But stall be sacrificed Final hour, Final night Take me Father Bless my ceremony of migot I hail my funeral I satisfied...

Święte ognie

Zeszli pod zeszli w głąb Piachem chłodnym otuleni Śpią w swych grobach mordercy, dzieci Śpią w tej chłodnej ziemi Milczenie zjednoczyło ich Dziś tylko proch a niegdyś jak my Już nadchodzi ten czas Czarna łódź na rzece Styks Anioł śmierci widzę go Odp...

Słudzy Szatana

Zły deszcz omył twą twarz Wiatr podsunął piekielną myśl Ogień wypalił dobroć i żal Zostałeś wybrany by wskrzeszać zło Na wzgórzu z ludzkich prochów Gruby mur odkrył swą twarz Gęsta mgła spowiła fosy Lud zabił w przeklęty dzwon Zjechali na czarnych rydw...

Taste Of The Nightly Prayers

In the night in moonlight By overgrown wayside There is fotgotten cave And shadows of hooded shapes Holy fire burns And wakes grimand dread In the close ring Monks in black frocks Clasped their hands Closed their eyes In the close ring Monks in bla...

The Circle Of Disdain

We are the sword of hatred In the hands of great demon We are the sons of darkness Giving honor to the devil We are the blade in the heart of Jesus hanging on the cross We are the thorn an the head To make the pain harder We are the evil We are ma...

The Devil's Baptism

Demon from the dusk, demon from the darkness My spirit is connected by The fire pact I feel an evil, I feel power of hell My body is torn Between worlds Where death hushs bells of life It sounds sings SATAN!! I can see the light, I can see an im My...

The Devils Baptism

Demon from the dusk, demon from the darkness My spirit is connected by The fire pact I feel an evil, I feel power of hell My body is torn Between worlds Where death hushs bells of life It sounds sings SATAN!! I can see the light, I can see an im My...

The Final Battle

And after a thousand years Satan freed himself from the abyss Nations from all over the world Were united under pentagram Demons Hungry for revenge Demons Thirsty of God's blood As many as grains of sand They came to surround their enemy In city loved by the...

The Kingdom Of Hatred

Nights and days You build hellish kingdom Night and days You look for gloomy souls Fire and sword That's what your enemies feel Fire and sword In gloomy hands The bloody moon is rising In the destination's nights The rides are coming On the black...

The Leader of Fallens (Azazel)

Once a cherub and the leader of angels in the seventh circle Created in abyss from smokeless fire in the beyond As son of fire he refused to kneel before son of the earth, Adam For doing this he was cast out of heaven into the depths Rider mounting a snak...

The Ninth Spirit (Paimon)

Make a magic seal of pure gold Invoke him from the West and make an offering Wearing a crown adorned with precious jewels He will appear accompanied by two Kings Paimon The Ninth Spirit of Goetia Paimon A servant of the Lucifer A host of spirits marc...

The Prophecy

Heaven was opened widely A white horse rider His robes drowns in blood And eyes like flame of fire Behind him On white horses Army of heaven Dressed in silk Sword in archangels hand Hits all nations By his iron rod he forces Obedience to God And I saw anoth...

The Time Of The Wolf

Rotted trunks in the infinity Trunks are moss-grown Branch plaited in embrace Dance of icy wind Among sleeping woods Covers up lonely wolf's track Wild and lonely wolf's track I sweep animal's cold eyes Over deadly scenery of wood Under shiny grey fu...


Thick ichor flows from the walls Choking vapor makes misty dusk Freezing moisture every stone You're standing at the gates with the golden pentagram Blood and ashes Fire and evil Come in!!! In the middle an altar spattered with fresh blood In the distance a...

Third Sin: Aggression

Give your hand to the Devil He will clean up your concerns Dump the bonds of pain and fear Give a vent to your wild desires And taste the blood of enemies It's a nectar for your soul Don't block unconsciously The craving of sin Inside of my soul I ca...

Time For Gathering

The night's colour are calling me They are tempting my senses Without borders The world is rotating in fiery pentagram Full of false and hypocrisy I'm rejecting it Mirror of my condemned soul is breaking makes free Demons of evil In candle-lights d...

Toast Of Victory

I'm going alone the way of darkness I throw glows in sand It's my challenge to heavens For enemy year of slanders For burning piles of rebels For night Sabbath's in hiding places My black banner above My weapon ready to kill So proud of the eye of fi...

Towards The Abyss

Dark clouds Have flooded the skies Thunderstorm makes me Open my eyes I follow my instincts Into the night The forest invites me With branches spread wide Sometimes a lightning far away Illuminates my blackened way Through the gate of nature I pass...

Trumpets Of Desecration

When the seventh seal was opened There was silence in heaven and on the earth I saw a seven angels with seven trumpets Standing by the throne of rainbow The eight angel came holding a golden censer Sweet stench of incenses scent around The eight one filled a p...

War Gathering

The first leader came For great Satan's call To the dark hall thrones Where decision was made Three-head Asmodeus Gives his beasts Seventy two legions Of furious ghost of hell Demonical scout Agares With his sparrow hawk thirty one legions Bringing the death!...

Warden of Hell (Beelzebub)

Like every day, when sky accusesa black sheet of night Lost souls are slowly wandering the path To the gates of hell Warden of gates An impressive growth demon Belzebub sits on his throne Waits for recreants The great speaker, who seduces with kindnes...

Witch Night

When the moon is full And the night is so bright The glade gets crowded On the top of a nearby hill Beams of fire - cast long shadows Harp and flute - make gloomy sounds Music plays - hypnotic dance goes on Subtle chants - made of many whispers Rege S...

Zbuntowany anioł

Pośród złudnego piękna armia niebiańskich zjaw Prowadzi buntownika na ostateczny sąd Wyrokiem z boskich ust strącony wyklęty Zaczął tworzyć swój realniejszy raj Zbuntowany anioł W mądrości swej odkrył moc Zbuntowany anioł W obliczu swym zawarł strach...