
Utwory wykonawcy:

A Quiet Day

Today newspaper says: on last Saturday Some macabre discovery Was made in a house of the neighborhood A corpse was found in cave Left in an advanced state of decomposition And children's toys everywhere around him Neighbors were alerted by the putrid ste...

Abysses Of Sadness

Falling down, searching for Satan Your hypocrisy comes too far, too fast, stand up the ripper, coming soon You fall into the abysses of sadness bloody curses from the one of the unlight Hidden somewhere in old flames, manipulations of senses destroyed your...

Arcanes Démoniaques

Arcanes démoniaques Sphères de la furie sanguinaire et bestiale Qui nourrit la soif de sang Et des lieux où la flamme de la haine Caressent le dessein d'une maudite inconscience Va ennemi, désert de l'âme, élève-toi, démon macabre ! Le long cortège des...

Asylum Cave

La suie coule sur les sombres verrous Du bois noir transsudant sa colere Vois les parois lisses et glissantes et l'equilibre ephemere L'obscurite luit par les orifices S'evanouit avec la plus grande decadence Encerclant la bete prisonniere Entre peur et...

Aversion Fanatique

Des cris effroyables et des sanglots L'histoire est née. Témoin aveugle du reflet de la nature humaine Des bourreaux barbouilleurs de lois Des vers cadavéreux au spirituel asservis, Nul ne restera pour attendrir l'horreur. Du sang à la cendre... Ceux q...


I nattens svarta helvete Där dödens lie oss skördar Sänk mig ner i intets svalg liv eller död, saknar mening Alla tankar dör, allt hopp försvinner Världar krossas i tanke och öga När smärtan är som svårast, i spegeln du ser Här är döden ingen hemlighet...


Underneath contexes silence Of the puppets of this world hides perverse nature of the mind Underneath bleeding skies, promise of hating fellow being will be Dogma of life. Pray the bloody almighty behind the lie. Here are the ones condamned to eternal...

Benighted Transcendence

Tell me the right end fed by our hate Driven by my fate habits of today Hi-tech machine, just controlled by some hands Forgive the feelings, desire, my end. By a bleeding hand. I fight in silence, I do it in the name of mine Searching for the piece lost...

Bestial Breeding

Hurt my eyes, dear sweet daylight In this sticky and damp cave Where my body lies Unmoving with my ravaged face deep in the mud Feeling the lashes of whip Love conditioned in violence Bestial breeding Squestration, parental molestation Learning by th...

Blind To The World

Doctor, I've read your last diagnosis About my pathology, this chimera which obsesses you Are you serious when you call me psychotic Just because my reality is not yours I would be insane for that, look at your world You live behind a wall of lies Your c...

Blindfolded Centuries

The awakening is brutal and the strange places around me And both quiet and distressing The urge to vomit is back In my inside world I think I've crossed the line Swear and tears run on my skin I feel the same pain again. The ashes of my past life still...


Sensation indéfinie qui fait qu'au fond l'angoisse grandit Que faire quand c'est le corps la prison de l'être Fermé dans les murs de l'être, il se débat de toutes ses forces Situation insupportable de vide Anxiété naissante, haine dirigée contre soi, envah...


He said he is just seven years old Don't understand what he is doing here None of us can enter the secret spheres Mechanisms which brought him to dementia All that he can see looks so strange His hands are different, old and wrinkled They are covered by...


Tout n'est que chaines et pierres Un homme git à terre, les murs ensanglantés pour dernière demeure Mise en silence imprévisible Cellule obscure infestée par les rats Sortant desmurs pour un prochain repas. Longtemps, son âme restera ainsi à chercher Da...

Dementia (The Precocious Symptoms Of Mental Perversion)

he inconscious repression always grows in the head There's no forgiveness inside, it's just a semblance of truth This unacceptable state cuts the mind in two And one of them disappears in the limbs of oblivion Anormal human behaviour by morbid rationalizat...


Something inside of me is watching me and waiting And the thing which scares me the most is when I cannot fight anymore I'm hearing speaking the voice of my father, disturbed by fits of abstraction, Silences of mind. I always do what voices in my head tel...

Feasting On The Disinterred Corpse

Between the tombstones, my body lies, dead Among my remains swarm the maggots Greedily masticate Members dislocate Man feasting on the disinterred corpse Muscles cutted in slices trickle Pus and blood are running from my mouth Greedily masticate Membe...


Forsake Every night happens the same relentless terrifying scenario Alex ten years old has to confront hell to finally find the sleep Closed eyelids do not prevent him to see The hands on the ears and he still listens Afraid that his heart stopped in the...


Es war ein abend im april Im blutroten schein der sonne Ich bin ein kranker teil unserer spezies - ich weiss Ich allein im flimmernden licht mit diesen fluchtigen bildern Das bin nicht ich, das ist nicht mein gesicht Fensterlose welt im nichts Das bin ni...

From Desire To Disgust

Greed becomes wrath, annoyed, hatefull Out of control, no sky above Lust as te life turns to the deepest disgust I hear this voice in my head Ruling all my thoughts now until the lie. From desire to disgust All dimensions are collapsed From desire to...


Till helvetets sal genom dödsdimmans dal Mitt blod rinner till ett brinnande hav I avgrundens dunkel jag höjer mitt skri Och lämnar så livet för dödens grav De mörka korparnas vingar jag bär På min färd till himmelens rike Där jag den svarta pesten skall...


Le frisson d' un traitre vent murmure son nom Ses infames litanies que je connais trop Maais je sais qu il me trompe Je discerne la marche indigne de l' homme furtif L'ombre qui distrait et fait craquer les lames De mon humble et mesprisable chambre sombr...

Human Circles

How easy and comfortable it's to be master in your own world Enter my circle and let be a human instrument of it Betray me and wait for your retribution The mind next to the body patiently waits And takes a look at the ill entity The weak empty body ench...

Infernal Killings

As tears of blood are rainig from the sky Sleeping body of the visitor lies From the depths rise the eternal singings Which orchestrate the march of the ceremony Hosanna Opening his eyes the amazing spectacle Of the torturers enchained at the stake I...

Into the Sea of Nothing

Into the dark, submit to the apathy Emptiness arise, from the black subconsious Hatefully I spit towards mankind All gods and humans numbered I crush the lands, plunge into the sea Where all life drown and the earth burns Oh mankind tell me Why are all...


Here I stand, despair invading me Dragging me in its vertiginous fall Endless echoes of the howling As a sweet requiem of existence Invoke hate, the silence is deafening Invoke hate, erase it and start again His voice and mine confront inside Creating...


(You killed Jesus, we expect to hear your shrieks of pig Macabre realms of your bestiality You don't deserve to live!) Voices told me I killed the Christ I hear them at night and day, whispering For centuries I've supported the weight of my shame Threat...

Last Part Of Humanity

My conscience lies, scruples betray Erase trust, love and kindness. Emotions lead to suffering, forget all compassion. There's no mercy for the weakness Deny all your existence Black eyes empty of any expression gleam in frenzied brightness Intent glance...

Let The Blood Spill Between My Broken Teeth

Let the blood spill, between my broken teeth The desert landscapes stretch on the infinite horizon Monotonous and wild Unchain the wrath, naked skin tries to stay closed Under the atrocious lashing sounds Step by step appear the lugubrious furrows Drawn...

Like Draperies of Night Itself

Like draperies of night itself clad in a veil of unwanted sorrow Thorns ripped through the blankets furled the winds in a magic creation brought back by war against itself Day passings shaded beneath Forgotten weapons re-furnished The night is unwanting...

Lost In Catalepsy

As the eyes open, lying in warm blood Trying to move the body still worn out I don't know how long I stayed unconscious Remains are so far obscurity's gone. I ignore the date and don't feel life flying Days are slaughtering me little by little Icrawl al...


That’s where things end again, under the serpent’s call On this majestic piece of wood Covered with the spilled blood of a lifetime Let me be a martyr Defiled by the lamentations of the unwanted Silent screams keep on breaking the peace inside The echo...

Mourning Affliction

I dreamt I was in the skin of someone else And everybody around me Told me that I was this man Preferred blindness to lucidity Truth is a blinding sun that sight can't stand To fill the emptiness with flight [Chorus:] Mourning affliction makes the lie...


In my den of limbs where I've been sent by the immortal gods I reign and I count your days Do you believe in atrocities of divine punishment Hovering above your head? I judge you die Stones of my edifice will slowly become my throne My venom gnaws your f...


Dans l'obscurité nocturne Et la brume épaisse du lieu où la mort se cultive Les âmes rôdent, impérissables. En ce lieu où je demeure, dégagé d'enveloppe charnelle Pour un repos éternel, Je suis mon corps et ce qui l'entoure. Les yeux ont disparu des orb...


Sentir la solitude, terrible incertitude, Ne pas connaitre le mal qui nous guette. Sentir une froide présence, les regards qu'elle nous lance. Menace omniprésente autour de soi. Dure obscurité, protège-moi du mal extérieur : Accueille-moi dans ta toute-p...

Perpueral Cannibalism

Begetting of disorder nature Perpueral cannibalism The sensation to be devoured And consumed little by little She recognizes him behind his disguise, guessing his features Vile creature She sees his unhealthy and sinister smile As the beginning of her...


Lacerations, running blood as acid burns my veins from inside Searching for the way to escape from this closed labyrinth Exploring each part of organs, corroding it In me there's no limit between dream and life Anguish is so strong, pain so real Deep-seat...

Pledge Of Retaliation

Daddy has told me when he was alive That forgiveness is strength And all That I want is to get rid of this hate which gnaws me Accept my forgiveness and fall ! My bitterness devours my entrails, takes the entire place in me Don't consider me as your enem...


He will be back soon, he always does The wooden stairs crack under his steps Slow and full cruelty The permanent tic-tac, relentless and aggressive I feel so alive under the beats I wait for him patiently My wounds never have time to close Until a new a...

Ransack The Soul

The serpent ransacks the soul Uttered howling in the night She always does the same dream and she awakes in sweat and fear Absolute loss of control, preventive way from suicide Post-traumatic neurosis Forced to live Defenseless, ravaging the inner most...

Satan My Master (Bathory cover)

Satan My Master I slit my wrists to drain me of my blood Satan My Master Up side down I turn the cross of God Satan My Master Recieve this sacrifice this blood of mine Satan My Master I cut into my rotten flesh your signs Satan My Master Remember me...

Saw It All

Saw it all When it happens that you love someone this someone possesses you I refuse to be possessed by anyone on Earth My silentglance is a torture for the mirror of the mind Because people feel like if I was seeing through them instead of seeing them Ju...

Self-Proclaimed God

Hear my cries, white is everywhere There's no way to escape from this strange nightmare In front of me attached on a bed Lies the corpse of a child With a face so pale He turns his head and his glance meets mine His voice resounds in me Hurts and pierce...


There's this strange feeling invading me in all my being It prevents me from all kind of thoughts Without humanity Inaccessible things torture me, gnaw my entrails I am slave to this unknown entity A burning demon watching me in each place I can go An e...

Shadows Descend

Behold the ridiculous marionette Lost in the meanders of his pathetic existence Trapped in medical chains against the decrepit wall of his mental health Mummified by the leather of the belts embracing him He tries to breathe the air of a time he cannot und...


Suddenly a yawning gulf appears under my feet Now I can see the real face of the traitor Paralysed by the unconceivable I'm still petrified I see the fear in your eyes as you realize The vile depth of your treachery You deserve my wrath, deserve to suffe...

Smile Then Bleed

There's this vision of red colour on the stainless snow Painful senses, kindly coldness The shy warmness fleeing little by little Let the place to the emptiness of unknown feelings Smile then bleed You smile? No affection on my face Each heartbeat I ca...

Spit (ft. Niklas Kvarforth)

Behold the black door My sickness rose between us Here you roam, Confined in prison cell The ghost of your voice in a Disgusting taste whispers my name Spit to the face my darkness shall embrace Sexual meat disappeared in a blink Dogs always keep the...

Stay Brutal

Have you ever heard the rattles of agony ? When each minute seems like an eternity When the silence is broken by the screams of anguish Perceptions altered by rage Enclosed in a cage Howling Encircled by morbid visions Which take all the place in me S...

Suffer The Children

Your unflappable conceptions Moralistic views Never open to criticism Your overpowering ruse Promises of sanctuary In eternal bliss With starry eyes and cash in hand Pledge all to the master plan Just face the truth or fund the farce At one with yo...

The Cold Remains

The candle is dead, the cold remains Keep as a memory what you did to me Die for this! The wind makes the flame twist Smile as you see my defeat The scars are closed, the cold remains The cold remains on my cold remains Look me deep in the eyes Around m...

The Diabolical Reign Of The Four Fallen Angels

There's no light, just decay Waiting for the judgement's Day, Lucifer is dying Hell in mourning for it's King Devils gather in council to spill the blood that war appeals Satan and Astharoth bring the war Belzebuth and Cerbere bring madness Devil's requ...

The Dying Age

As the age grow old and the faith turns Within the lands, forged by fire Upon the throne of Oden The gods now silently whispers of the coming of a new age Silent sea mourning Losing its old belief My strength weakens War has taken its toll I draw t...

The Twins

Darkness and nothing else in his eyes And once again he awakes in this closed unknown chamber Explaining parts of childhood coming to him His remembers are woolly, no birth-date Past forgotten Vicious, dangerous, incurable As all the other times he's se...

The Underneath

I often wondered what could be hidden under The sleeping thing that the eyes will never see Lost somewhere in the dark water, silent and quiet I fear the discharge Watching Waiting for your sleep, fear the underneath Crouching Waiting for your sleep, f...

Unborn Infected Children

Honey I'm home! The infection goes on Unable to focus Between all these deafening screams, cries and tinnitus Their tears like falling from the ceiling Run on me and disappear into the mud Babies cry the always do Babies cry they always do And their whi...

Unleash Hell

Dying, crossing the Styx to the other side Entering abysmal world Feeling extreme coldness from winds of hate To endly regret past mortal pain Listening to the howlings Sleeping without dreaming Pictures of murderous scenes where blood and tears mix tog...

Vibration of My Thoughts

The vibration of my thoughts dance within the blade held against my skin to procreate myself cut and release the blood which has boiled for so long only from that sound beneath I vibrate, feel and believe The strengthful throw of a sun within my eye...

Werewolf's Nightmare

Darkness replaces the light, I' a creature of Night I hide my dark side of personnality. I'm as the wolf, bestialy rules my life and my heart My prey tries to flee but it's running in vain Hidden in gloomy wood, I am slavering for meat. My sight has chan...