Andreea Banica

Utwory wykonawcy:

Acelasi iubit

Ca in poezii sau in melodii Poti sa reaprinzi focul inimii. Dimineti prea reci, Cand pe-aici nu treci, Cred ca intelegi Locul tau e aici. Tot ce-am visat S-a-ntamplat, Intre noi. Refren M-am indragostit De acelasi iubit, Poveste fara sfarsit De cand esti in v...

Could U

Eh eh, eh eh, eh eh eh eh Eh eh, eh eh, eh eh eh eh Could you be my man? Could you be my man? In your life, by your side, I need it day and night, Feelings come through my mind, I'm wonder if you're kind. Make me feel the flow, I wanna go low,...


You've been watching me move When I dance in the lights, Watching me move When i get down tonight. Come on, come on on the floor, Come on, what you're waiting for? Get up, get up, start the party, Get up, get up, let's get naughty. I want your body close to...


As putea sta 9 vieti in preajma ta As putea reinventa iar dragostea Doar sa stiu k nu ma minti atunci Cand iar neatent ma privesti , Ma saruti usor si mi spui ca ma iubesti Pare ca plutim usor Pe o mare albastra Iar cerul ne apasa Stii ca n’am somn Sunt gand...

In Lipsa Ta feat. What's Up

N-am aer, n-am aer, n-am aer... N-am aer, n-am aer, n-am aer... Spui ca maine o sa pleci, Ca nu mai treci niciodata pe la mine. A doua zi incerci sa ma consolezi. Te cunosc cam bine. Mai pozam in fata rea, care nu iubea Stii bine ca n-as rezista in lip...


Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ra Ra Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ra Ra Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ra Ra Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ra Ra Stingher.. pana ieri rataceai Pana ieri ma cautai Sunt aici... Stergeti lacrima, nu vreau pareri de rau Soare va fi pentru noi mereu ``Refren: Am incredere in tine...


Diminetile senine..langa tine le'am trait Atingeri tandre....sarutul tau fierbinte Cocktail'uri noaptea.. Iti mai aduci aminte? Inca-o noapte,si inca-o noapte Printre valuri,printre soapte Nu pot sa uit asa usor.. Amintirea noptilor..ce ne'a unit Ind...

Lei Li Ra

Ce poti sa faci cand visele pier Ce poti sa zici cand nu mai ai cer Ce poti sa faci cand dragoste-i scrum Incerci sa te gandesti la un al drum Lei li ra...... Zi de zi, alergi prin mintea mea Lei li ra...... Elibereaza-mi inima Lei li ra...... Zi de zi, alergi...

Love In Brasil

I'm dreaming of a life with no regrets, I'm dreaming of the sun that never sets. That burns my heart, and takes my feels apart. I'm dreaming of brasil. And then tomorrow found me millies away, With still a million different things to say. A smile c...

Rain in July feat. Geørge

Never say never when we are together. Then sing the rain in July, the raaain in July. Never say never, love can last forever. Then sing the rain in July, the raaain in July. Don't stop dreaming, don't stop dreaming. Cause I'm proud that, can you feel the...


Me and you for a rendez-vous x3 Rendez-vous.. Me and you for a rendez-vous x3 Rendez-vous... Hello, here we are like two lovers in Paris Alone, even though there's people all around Eee-aa-ee-a, c'mon, I've got the day-a Can't wait to get it on Play the music...

Rupem Boxele feat. Shift

Shift : Unii iti spun lady, altii mamasita Si Timberlake a fan, te striga senorita Ce faci iubita? Te-ai incins ca plita Cant te prezinti, tu reprezinti elita Si ne tii mai tot timpul in ton cu moda Vrei viteza, dar nu din gama Skoda Din alte game, aco...


Sexy ladies tonight Put your hands in the sky We will keep the party rocking all night long Sexy boys at the end looking for a one night stand We will keep the party rocking all night long I can not lie I will do to you tonight I’ll give you some drin...