Anal Trump

Utwory wykonawcy:

911 Was Inconvenient For Me, Personally

Thousands were cheering. Arabs tailgating. Yelling and dancing. New Jersey? Sad! 

Alex Jones Is Smart

They run Uber! They run Health care! All I know is what’s on the Internet. Jewish Mafia! 

Blood Coming Out Of Her Wherever

Blood coming out of her wherever! 

Breast Feeding Is Gay

You're disgusting! You're disgusting! I'm outta here! 

Build That Wall

If you ask me very nicely I might just allow you folks to Build my wall and then pay for it. Yeah, I'm just that kinda guy! 

Changing Diapers Is Gay

Acting like the wife! 

Grab Em By The Pussy

Grab Them! By The pussy! Grab Them! See a pussy, grab a pussy! Grab Them! By The pussy! Grab it! Cool! 

Harriet Tubman Is, Like, A 3

Pure PC! Total shit! Do whats white! A disgrace! It's no good! Hide that face! Really? Put Harriet Tubman's face on food stamps! 

I Demand An Apology!

All I've said and All Ive done and You've STILL not given thanks! 

I Like The Soldiers Who DON'T Get Captured

Twenty-Five Thousand Limp wristed pansies. Man up, pussies! I Like The Soldiers Who DON'T Get Captured! 

I'd Date My Daughter

If Ivanka weren't my daughter, I'd be Totally Macking on that Hot piece of Trumpiliciousness! 

I'm In Astonishingly Excellent Health

I feel wonderful! So great! So good! I'm, like, really fantastic. Big league! Just The best. I'm in astonishingly excellent health! 

Journalism Is Gay

Fancy MacBook. Sissy glasses. Decaf Latte. Chiseled asses. He thinks he's cool just cause he can read. Cooper! 

Make America Great Again

Make America great a-fucking-gain! 

Mexican Judges Don't Count

It isn't fair! 

My Daughter Is A Piece Of Ass

Look at that kid! Now, that's why Stern and I say My daughter is a piece of ass. 

Nobody Respects Women More Than Me

I love the ladies! 

Poll Watcher

Patrol the polls! Watch the polls! They're rigged, anyway! Poll watcher. 

Poor People Are Too Stupid To Get A Loan From Their Parents

Just Ask! So Dumb! Poor people are too stupid to get a loan from their parents. Dummies! Poor people are too stupid to just ask mom and dad. 


PTSD Is Gay 

Some Mexicans Aren't Rapists

Roberto Gómez Bolaños as El Chavo. 

Some Things Saddam Hussein Did Well

You know what He did well? Killed terrorists. He did that so good! Didn't read their rights. They didn't talk. They were terrorists. Over! Iraq is Harvard for terrorism. 

Stay In Your Pens

Stay In your pens! Write what I tell you! You're all traitors for the JewSA! 

Take His Coat

Confiscate them! NO COATS! Throw 'em out into the cold! 

There's My African American!

There's my Homeboy! There's my Main Man! YO! Did you see that Latest Madea movie? BOI! Can I touch your hair? Look at my African-American over here! 

Trump Tower Has The Best Taco Bowls

Hey, Hispanics! YO, Hispanics! Love your culture. You know what tho? Trump Tower has the fucking Best taco bowls on this earth! 

You Gotta Treat Em Like Shit

You Gotta Treat Em Like Shit.